what is the purpose of bumedinst 6220.9b
to provide policies and guidelines to navy MTF, DTF, branch medical clinics ships and field medical units to establish infection prevention and control.
What will reduce the occurrence of HAI, improve the quality of medical/dental care, and reduce the costs of operating hospital and clinics
bumedinst 6220.9b Healthcare associated infection prevention and control
What is an essential part of the HAIPC program
Infection surveillance
What is critical in identifying outbreaks, emerging infectious dieseases, antibiotic-resistant organisms and bioterrorist events so that infectionpreventions can be instituted
Infection surveillance
Who ensures that all staff personnel receive HAIPC training
What is the goal of HAIPC
Zero tolerance
Commands must ensure that all personnel, including direct and indirect care providers, administrators, ancillary services, volunteers, students, and others who come within 3 feet of patients, receive and maintain appropriate vaccination against seasonal influenza per reference (b).
Commands must ensure that all staff personnel, including new personnel, volunteers, and students, are educated in the principles and procedures for preventing HAIs. Training must occur during their initial indoctrination and at least annually thereafter plus additionally on an as-needed basis.
HAIPC program covers all aspects of health care operations. Implementation requires the cooperation of the entire staff; including medical, dental, nursing, administration, and all department heads. The goal of the proactive HAIPC Program is to have zero tolerance for HAIs, taking action to prevent or minimize effects of such adverse events.
Senior administration and Executive Committee of the Medical Staff (ECOMS) and Executive Committee of the Dental Staff (ECODS) commitment and support, evidenced through appropriation of sufficient resources to manage HAIPC activities.
Senior administration and Executive Committee of the Medical Staff (ECOMS) and Executive Committee of the Dental Staff (ECODS) commitment and support, evidenced through appropriation of sufficient resources to manage HAIPC activities.
Educating every member of the organization to practice and promote HAIPC activities
Who monitors implementation and coordination of medical and dental HAIPC programs in fixed MTF/DTF by the MIG and NAVMED regions via assistance visits as requested or required.
BUMED infection Control Consultant (BUMED - M3/5)
Who maintains HAIPC database
BUMED infection control consultant (BUMED-M3/5)
All cases in MTF/DTF involving serious injury, disability, death secondary to HAIPC problem, regardless of whether the patients is in active duty or civilian status, need to be reported to who
Patient Safety and BUMED
What Instruction is Bumedinst. 6220.9b?
Healthcare-associated infection prevention and control
all eligible MTF/DTF shall report HAI via what
Infections Control records are considered what other kind of records
Quality Assurance records
infection control states begin each day with a hand wash minimum of how long?
15 second
DTR and Dental Lab uses what kind of treatment standard
Standard precautions
After each patient in DTR flush water and air for how long
20-30 sec
Even with anti-retraction valves, which are commonly found in some dental units, flushing devices for a minimum of 20-30 seconds after each patient is still recommended.
When possible dental laboratory should have 3 separate work areas