BUMEDINST 4010.3 Flashcards
In Addition, the PMRP also saves money by reducing he amount of what?
Disposed hazardous waste
What command coordinates the PMRP for the Navy?
The Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM)
What command is designated as the PMRP for BUMED?
The Naval Medical Logistics Command (NAVMEDLOGCOM) , Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD
What is the purpose of this instruction?
This program saves the DoD money by recycling precious metals and using those funds to offset the cost of supplies for DoD activities.
Since the recovery program is for precious metals, what weight system is used?
The TROY weight system
What agency has overall management responsibility for this program?
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Who is the DLA coordinator for all programs associated with the collection, recovery, and processing of precious metals?
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS-OCP)
What precious metals are included in this program?
Silver, gold, platinum, and the platinum family (palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium).
What are the responsibilities of DRMS?
Procurement, major maintenance, and repair of recovery equipment.
What is the number one environmental goal for the DON?
“Promote an environmental protection and natural resources stewardship ethic within the Navy work force.”
How often are Recovery of Precious Metals Reports submitted?
Quarterly by the last day of the month following the end of each fiscal quarter.
What command receives the quarterly report?
At what interval must the PMRP audit board review internal control procedures for recoverable precious metals from point of origin to DRMO?
What information is included on the disposal turn-in document pertaining to precious metal content (PMC)?
Metal type, quantity, and location within the item of the scarp metal turned in.
Precious metals and scarps must be packaged in what king of containers?
Polyethylene bags (heat sealed, if possible.)
What control symbol is assigned to the quarterly Recovery and Utilization of Precious Metals Report?
MED 4010-4