Bulletin 25: Diversity Management Flashcards
From the Bulletin Book:
The name of the DC FEMS Diversity/EEO Program Manager is?
Joshua Henline Esq.
From the Bulletin Book:
What is the phone number to the DC FEMS Diversity/EEO Program Manager?
From the Bulletin Book:
____________ is defined as the differance in race, sex, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, sexual identification or religion among various groups within community, organization, or nation.
From the Bulletin Book:
The DC FIre and EMS Department has adopted a policy of ___________ _____________(2 words) for discrimination.
Zero Tolerance
From the Bulletin Book:
The Zero Tolerance for discrimination was articulated by which Fire Chief in a statement?
Chief Adrian Thompson
From the Bulletin Book:
____________is defined as that information or posting which casts any ethnic or religious group, race, sex, lifestyle or belief in a negative light or which perpetuates negative sterrotypes of any person or group.
From the Bulletin Book:
Which Mayor’s order set the policy for agencies diversity management programs?
Mayor’s Order 2002-175, Dated October 23, 2002
From the Bulletin Book:
_________ ____________(2 words) is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited.
Sexual Harasment