Buddhism Terminology Flashcards
What are the 3 Jewels?
The Buddha, The Darhma, and The Sangha
What is Sangha?
The Buddhist community.
What is Darmha?
The Buddhist Bible
Who is the Buddha?
Prince Saddharta
What is Samsara?
The cycle of human life and rebirth.
What are the 3 marks of existence?
Annica, Anatta, and Dukkha.
What is Annica?
Impermanence of existence.
What is Anatta?
Impermanence of your self and soul.
What is Dukkha?
Suffering and unhappiness.
What are the 5 Skhandas?
Rupa, Vendana, Sankhara, Vinanna, and Sanna.
What is Rupa?
Changing of the physical body.
What is Vendana?
Sensations and feelings.
What is Sankhara?
Character traits (likes and dislikes)
What is Vinanna?
What is Sanna?
Cognitions (thinking and processing)
What is Tanha?
Desire and greed.
What is Nibbana?
The release from the cycle of rebirth.