BRISTOL Flashcards
Importance of Bristol
- 2 universities
- largest concentration of silicon chip manufacture outside California
- mix of religion
- Culture and entertainment
- Tourism, 7th most popular city
Why is Bristol an important international city
- Good transport links, M4 corridor, easy access to London
- airport links to Europe and USA
- change from traditional industry to global industries (tobacco –> finance)
- Bristol uni attracts worldwide producing many grads who go into knowledge-based jobs
What impacts have migrants had in Bristol
- Enriching culture into the city
- Part of a hard working and motivated workforce
- Improving level of skill
- Contribution to economy
- Pressures on housing and employment
- The need to provide education to kids whose first language is not english
- Mainly young migrants balance ageing population
Example of Bristol culture
St Pauls Carnival attracting around 40,000 each year
–> aims to improve relations between the European, African, Caribbean and asian communities
What social opportunities does Bristol have to offer
- Very culturally mixed city
- Recreational activities
- Entertainment
Examples of Bristols cultural mix
- Banksy
- Graffiti workshops
- Reflect the cultural changes in the city
- Bristol Harbour Festival
Food and music:
- diversity of food outlets
- vibrant underground music scene, jazz, folk, rock
Examples of Bristols recreational activities
- River Avon, provides opportunities for fishing, walking, boating
Examples of Bristols entertainment
- ranges from musical theatre to sports and shopping
- City and Rovers football teams
- Bristol bears, rugby team
- Cribbs Causeway, shopping centre
- Cabot circus, shopping in the city centre
How has urban Change created economic opportunities in Bristol
- Highly skilled youthful entrepreneurs from Uk and abroad come to the city
- Research and development is carried out in local universities
- Improved infrastructure has been installed to support super fast broadband
How has employment in Bristol changed
- Bristols traditional industries were based on its function as a port, e.g. tobacco from Caribbean
- The closure of the city centre port left empty warehouse
- Now major development have been in the tertiary and quaternary sector
- many high tech industries have been developed
What global companies have their home in Bristol
Aardman animations
What environmental opportunities has Bristol created
- Bristols integrated transport system (ITS)
- Urban greening
What is Bristols integrated transport system (ITS)
- Involves creating a plan that links the various transport systems into one single integrated network
- It aims to improve accessibility in and around Bristol, reduce congestion and transport costs
So far, what developments have taken place due to Bristols integrated transport system
- New cycle routeways link with the Temple Quarter Enterprise zone
- Metrobus rapid transit system, aims to provide a fast and reliable integrated transport system connecting suburban housing areas with retail parks, motorway junctions, unis
How is urban greening an environmental opportunity
- involves planting tees, public parks, creating green areas
- it helps to reduce pollution, absorbs water to reduce flood risk, creates wildlife habitats, improves people mental health and wellbeing
- also helps combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide
What actions has Bristol taken for Urban Greening
- Queen square, once a dual carriageway is now an open green space with cycle routes
- more than 1/3 of Bristol is open space
- 400 parks and gardens
- Council provides free vegetable plants for community groups
What social and economic challenges has urban change caused for Bristol
- Urban deprivation
- Inequalities in housing
- Education
- Health
- Employment
How has urban change caused the challenge of urban deprivation
- Deprived communities may have high population densities, congested roads, few shops or parks and suffer from high crime rates and unemployment
- Filwood is a very deprived area of Bristol
How has urban change caused the challenge of housing inequality
- A huge surge in demand has seen house prices in Bristol rise dramatically
- there is a shortage in housing, particularly in low income groups
- there is shortage in affordable housing to rent
- Bristol has a high % of people who are homeless or living in temp accommodation
How has urban change caused the challenge of education
- Significant inequalities in education attainment
- Kids in the areas of highest urban deprivation have the lowest level of education attainment
- Filwood, very deprived also has the highest entitlement to free school meals
How has urban change caused the challenge of health
- Challenge of healthcare is due to the wealth inequality
- Deprived wards, Filwood have a lower levels of good health and life expectancy
- Deprived areas have higher levels of obesity, smoking and premature mortality
How has urban change caused the challenge of employment
- Employment rate is one of the highest in UK cities
- Highest level of unemployment come from the deprived areas, where children achieve low levels of education and lack the necessay skills for employment prospects
What environmental challenges has Urban change created in Bristol
- Dereliction
- Waste disposal
How has the challenge of dereliction been caused by urban change
- Decline in industries associated with the port, increase in post-industrial economy with high-tech jobs
- Former industrial areas may be polluted with dangerous substances which are expensive to clean up and make safe again
Where are the main areas of dereliction in Bristol
- The inner city centre holds the concentration of redundant industrial buildings
- STOKES CROFT - filled with many empty buildings from local industries and workers abandoned houses, these houses are being renovated and the area has become an artistic hub
What is a brownfield site
Land which has already been developed
What is a green field site
Land that has never been built on, often on the edge of urban areas
Disadvantages of building on brownfield sites
- Costly challenges, clearing waste, decontaminating polluted land, constructing modern infrastructure
How is the challenge of waste disposal caused by urban change
- Bristol population has grown massively and disposing of all waste is a challenge
- Landfill sites are in short supply and alternatives emit greenhouse gas
- Actions on waste reduction (waste recycling) have reduced domestic waste amount
- Waste that can not be recycled is used to generate electricity
How has Bristols urban change led to Urban sprawl
- Rapidly growing population fuelled mainly by migration from UK and abroad
- Shortage of affordable housing in the city centre
- Competition for land in city centre on brownfield sites causing land prices to rise steeply
- Improvements in transport infrastructure enabling people to commute
- many people wish to live in less polluted, rural areas
What is the impact of urban sprawl on the rural-urban fringe
- concerns about loss of countryside and the impacts on wildlife biodiversity and habitats
- levels of traffic congestion
- noise and air pollution
- BRISTOL GREEN BELT land is protected from new developments such as housing, counters the urban sprawl
What is urban regeneration
Aims to reverse the decay of an urban area, can involve demolishing areas of slum housing or derelict buildings to create brownfield sites for new developments
What area of Bristol has been regenerated
Areas around the ports and docks became derelict
It was regenerated including the area around the railway station and is known as TEMPLE QUARTER
What did the regeneration of Temple Quarter bring to Bristol
- it created new economic opportunities for small business
- it built an attractive and clean environment and supported the local community
Main features of the Temple Quarter regeneration scheme
- Temple meads station to receive an upgrade
- Workplaces and residential areas
- Area for high-tech and creative businesses
What is the temple gate scheme
- it provides tourists and commuters with their first impression of the city
- it aims to revive the run-down nature of the area, improving the environment and creating an efficient integrated transport hub
The main features of the temple gate scheme
- Segregated pedestrian and cycle routes
- new pedestrian and cycle crossings
- better public transport facilities
- creation of bus priority lanes to improve bus journey times and reliability
How successful is the Temple Quarter regeneration
-More than 4000 jobs have been created
- Many firms from different industries have moved into the area
- The area has been transformed to create an attractive and accessible environment