Brief Therapy/Cognitive Therapies Flashcards
Brief Therapy
Seeing the history of the problem as less important and the present as the primary focus, the brief therapist is interested in focusing on specific problems and taking a much more involved role.
Brief Therapy Treatment
Goads the client to examine behaviors that work while concentrating on successes rather than failures.
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Maladaptive behavior is associated with patterns of thinking and response that do not result in mentally healthy outcomes.
Consequences that accelerate behavior.
Consequences that decelerate behavior.
SORKC Model of Behavior
Stimulus, Organism, Response, Nature, Contingency of consequences
Automatic Thoughts
Based on faulty logic or errors in reasoning that cause painful emotional reactions.
Cognitive structures thought to be templates, or basic rules, for interpreting info from the environment. Core beliefs.
How is cognitive behavior therapy conducted?
Short-term (10-20 treatments.)
Collaborative Empiricism
Therapeutic relationship between client and clinician in cognitive therapy because they work together to examine the validity of cognitions, the effectiveness of behavior patterns.
Beck believed a client’s difficulties are the result of a distorted construction of reality on what three levels?
- View of self
- View of Experiences
- View of the future
Examine automatic illogical thoughts with the intent of changing the underlying assumptions responsible for beliefs and therefore for actions.
Stress-inoculation Training
Practice of making positive self-statements.
Behavior Exchange Theory
Explanation of behavior in relationships as maintained by a ratio of costs to beliefs
Premack Principle
Using high-probability behavior to reinforce low-probability behavior
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Ellis, form of CBT. Therapist aims to help the client desire rather than demand, positively changing those aspects the client wants to change and working toward acceptance of what cannot be changed. Individuals have potential for rational thinking.
Counselor/Client Relationship in REBT
Not required to be warm, counselor may criticize negative behaviors.
REBT ABCDE framework
Activating event, belief, consequent effect, disputing irrational belief, effect
Rational Beliefs
Lead to self-helping behaviors and emotions
Irrational beliefs
Lead to self-defeating behaviors and emotions.
Positive Preferential Evaluation
I prefer for people to like me, but they do not have to.
Positive Musturbatory Evaluation
I must have my peers approve of me.