Brainstem Flashcards
Nucleus Ambiguus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Medulla
CN : IX, X
Type: Special Visceral Efferent, Branchial Motor
Serves: IX- stylopharyngeus (BM)
X - muscles of the palate, pharynx, larynx (4th arch) BM
Abducens Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Pons
Type: General Somatic Efferent
Serves: Lateral Rectus Muscle
Hypoglossal Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Medulla
Type: General Somatic Efferent (somatic Motor)
Serves: Genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Trigeminal Motor Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Pons
Type: Special Visceral Efferent , Branchial Motor
Serves: Muscles of mastication (BM)
anterior digastric, mylohyoid, tensor typmani, tensor veli palatini muscles (Visceral Motor)
Inferior Salivary Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Medulla
Type: General Visceral Efferent (Visceral Moto)
Serves: Parotid Gland
Occulomotor Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Midbrain
Type: General Somatic Efferent (somatic motor)
Serves: SR, IR, MR, IO, levator palpebrae superioris
Dorsal Motor Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Medulla
CN : X
Type: General Visceral Efferent (Parasympathetic)
Serves: Thorasic and abdominal viscera
Superior Salivatory Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Pons CN : VII Type: General Visceral Efferent (Visceral Motor - Parasympathetic) Serves: lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual glands
Edinger Westphal Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Midbrain
CN : General Visceral Efferent (Visceral Motor)
Type: III - Occulomotor
Serves: Pupillary Constrictors and Ciliary Muscles
Trochlear Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Midbrain
Type: General Somatic Efferent
Serves: Superior Oblique Muscle
Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin:Pons (Middle Cerebellar peduncle)
CN : V
Type: General Sensory Afferent (V1,2,3)
Serves: Sensory to the Head and Face
Facial Nucleus Origin in Brainstem? Cranial Nerve? Type of Nucleus Serves what?
Origin: Pons
Type: Branchial Motor Nucleus
Serves: Muscles of facial expression
Gag reflex
sensory component? - nerve
motor component? - nerve and nucleus
sensory - CN IX - tough back of throat
Motor- CN X via Nucleus Ambiguus - pharyngeal and palatal muscles contract
What cranial nerves in Midbrain
What cranial nerves in Medulla
What cranial nerves in Pons
how do you test the trochlear nerve?
What muscle does this test?
look medial and down to test the superior oblique
What occurs if you damage the Edinger Westphal Nucleus?
Mydriasis - due to unopposed action of the dilator pupillae muscle - sympathetic - pupuls expand
where does the eye go if the occulomotor neuron is dammaged?
lateral and inferior
Motor nuclei are located lateral or medial to the sulcus limitans?
motor= medial to sulcus limitans
where do we find the red nucleus?
only in the rostral midbrain
where do we find branchial motor neurons?
only in the pons and medulla
where are the hearing and balance nuclei found?
pons and medulla
sensory nuclei are located lateral or medial to the sulcus limitals ?
sensory = lateral to sulcus limitans
Corneal Reflex - touch the cornea
What occurs?
Sensory: CN V-1 to Spinal trigeminal nucleus
Motor: Facial Nucleus to temporal branch of CN VII.
-blink orbicularis occuli muscle
Shine a light in left eye, which pupils contract and why?
What nerves are input and output?
What level of the brain does this test?
- Both pupils contract.
- CN II Optic Nerve provides the afferent senory input and CN III Oculomotor Nerve provides the efferent visceral motor via the Edinger Westphal Nucleus
- Tests the Midbrain
How to test the inferior rectus muscle?
What CN is this?
-To test - look lateral then down