Brain Plasticity and Brain Injury (Chapter 5) Flashcards
what are the two types of neuroplasticity
development plasticity and adaptive plasticity
adaptive plasticity
the brains ability to restore adequate neural functioning after sustaining an injury
what is development plasticity in response to
development plasticity is in response to ageing and learning
a neurons ability to develop new branches on the dendrites or axons
a neurons ability to form new connections with another undamaged neuron
acquired brain injury
all types of brain injury’s that occur after birth
examples of traumatic brain injurys
falling and hitting head
car accident
head assault
sporting injuries
examples of non-traumatic brain injurys
substance abuse
neurological disorder
any disease characterised by any damage to or malfunctioning of the nervous system.
machine learning
a type of artificial intelligence that can mimic the way humans learn therefore become more accurate of predicting outcomes
gut-brain axis
the bi-directional connection between the gut and the brain through multiple parts of the nervous system
what does contemporary research allow for
contemporary research allow for the discovery of understanding new treatments
exibhitory effect and example
it will stimulate or activate the post synaptic neurons to perform their function
inhibitory effect and example
it will stop or prevent post synaptic neurons from firing
may mimic neurotransmitters and bind to its receptor site to produce the effect of the neurotransmitter
formation of new synapses
synaptic pruning
elimination of underused synapse
the development of myelin around the axon of a neuron
what are 4 ways to maximise brain function
mental stimulation
physical activity
social support
block a receptor site and inhibit the effect of the neurotransmitter or agonist
neurodegenerative disease
a disease characterised by the progressive loss of neurons in the brain.
gut microbiota
all of the organisms that live in the gut