brain and neuropsychology Flashcards
function of nervous system
collects and responds to info
coordinates organs like brain
subdivisions of nervous system
ANS - sympathetic and parasympathetic
central nervous system
right hemisphere controls left
peripheral nervous system
info from outside world to CNS
info from CNS to muscles
autonomic nervous system
breathing heart rate digestion
has two divisions to it
somatic nervous system
voluntary movement of muscles
takes in info from sensory organs
maintains balanced internal state eg temp at 37 degrees
monitors activity of body organs
automatic system
no conscious control because functions are vital to life
sympathetic nervous system
physiological arousal
triggered when stressed
fight or flight
parasympathetic nervous system
opposite to sympathetic
produces rest and digest body response to return body to normal state
fight or flight
hypothalamus detects threat sympathetic of ans triggered
ans changes from
parasympathetic to aroused sympathetic
adrenaline released into bloodstream
physiological changes eg increases heart rate and decreased digestion
gets body to confront threat or energy to run
parasympathetic division of ans takes over after threat has passed
james lange theory of emotion
physiological arousal first then emotion
hypothalamus arouses sympathetic
adrenaline released
brain interprets physiological activity
causes emotion
example of james lange theory of emotion
meet bear in forest
hypothalamus arouses sympathetic in ans
triggers adrenaline
physiological arousal eg muscle tense, heart rate increase
interpreted as fear
strength of james lange theory
real live examples
emotional states seem to follow physiological arousal
eg person trips in public
emotion reaction eg embarrassment
leads to them avoiding public situations due to association between situation and emotion
emotion and avoidance occur as a result of physiological reaction
weakness of james lange
challenged by canon bard theory
experience emotions and physiological arousal simultaneously
eg embarrassment and blushing together at same time
draws attention to emotional situations that lange would struggle to explain
weakness of james lange
too simple
emotion more complex
two factor theory (singer et al 62)
social cues needed to correctly label emotion we are feeling
eg heart racing in dark valley - fear
heart racing when kissing - excitement
can be interpreted very differently depending on social cues
types of neuron
sensory neuron
pns to cns
long dendrite short axon
relay neuron
connect sensory to motor
short dendrite short axon
motor neuron
cns to muscles
short dendrite long axon
cell body
nucleus containing dna
carries signals
covered in myelin sheath which helps and protects
myelin sheath
fatty covering of axon with nodes of ranvier
insulation and speeds signals
terminal button
end of axon
part of synapse
electrical transmission
how neurons fire
resting state= negative
when firing charge inside cell changes which created action potentials
where neurons communicate with each other
made up of synaptic cleft, presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron
release of neurotransmitters
electrical signal causes vesicles in presynaptic terminal button to release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft
reuptake of neurotransmitters
neurotransmitters in synaptic cleft attaches to post synaptic receptor sites
chemical message turns to electrical impulse
remaining neurotransmitters absorbed
excitation and inhibition
excitatory neurotransmitter increases postsynaptic neurons charge more likely to fire
inhibitory neurotransmitter increases negative charge less likely to fire
more excitatory than inhibitory means neuron fires creating electrical impulse
hebbs theory
brain is plastic
synaptic connection become stronger more they are used
brain can change and develop
hebbs theory
brain adapting
brain changes in response to new experiences