Bowen- Training/Communication Flashcards
Diamond-shaped placards are applied to trailers and tankers to warn anyone who might approach or handle the materials of the hazard they represent. According to DOT 49CFR, an orange placard indicates the material is what.
Red placards: flammable;
Green placards: non-flammable;
Yellow placards: oxidizer;
Blue placards: dangerous when wet;
White placards: inhalation hazard and/or poison;
Black and white placards: corrosive;
Red and white placards: flammable solid or spontaneously combustible (it depends on the color pattern);
White and yellow placards: radioactive;
Orange placards: explosive;
White placards with black stripes: miscellaneous hazardous materials.
Training for respirators is required prior to initial use. Retraining is required annually if a different respirator is used, if working conditions change, or in which other situation?
A. Prior to initial use only – no retraining is required.
B. After the respirator has been used for three years.
C. If the user exhibits a lack of knowledge.
D. As a substitute for disciplinary action.
C- user displays a lack of knowledge
A visual system used to convey information at a distance using hand-held flags is known as?
A. Morse Code
B. Telegraphy
C. Light House Directions
D. Semaphore
According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, the verbs “classify,” “confirm,” and “contrast” are associated with which level of learning?
A. Remember
B. Understand
C. Apply
D. Analyze
What is the goal of the ISD/SAT (Instructional System Design/Structured Approach to Training) model?
A. Optimize training ROI by increasing the effectiveness of training.
B. Optimize training ROI by increasing the efficiency of training.
C. Optimize training ROI through cost-cutting
D. Ensure that training is completed without regard to ROI.
A. Optimize training ROI by increasing the effectiveness of training
Which communication style best describes the phrase: “It’s all your fault”?
A. Passive-Aggressive
B. Assertive
C. Passive
D. Aggressive
Aggressive communicators typically speak in a loud and demanding voice and try to intimidate others by threatening, criticizing, or blaming.
The correct solution is D.
Which is considered the least effective training method?
A. Participating in role-play exercises
B. Listening to lectures
C. Observing demonstrations
D. Interactive training
Listening to lectures
What is proprioception?
A. Sense of direction
B. Sense of motion
C. Sense of balance
D. Sense of location and movement of parts of the body
Sometimes referred to as the “sixth” sense, proprioception is the ability to perceive the location and movement of body parts. This includes perception of joint movement, muscle force, and effort. One example would be the ability to walk without looking at our feet.
The correct solution is D
There are three domains of learning: Cognitive Objectives, Psychomotor Objectives, and what is the third?
A. Affective Objectives
B. Exam Objectives
C. Feedback Objectives
D. Evaluation Objectives
Cognitive objectives teach the skills and knowledge required to accomplish a task.
Psychomotor objectives teach the actual physical motor or hands-on skills needed to accomplish a task.
Affective objectives teach attitudes, feelings, beliefs, values, and/or emotions.
The correct solution is A.
Andragogy is a theory based on what type of assumption about the learner?
A. The learner is dependent on the teacher.
B. The learner only needs to know what it takes to pass the class, not how to apply it to their own lives.
C. The learner’s experience doesn’t matter.
D. The learner is self-directed and learns more when they have some control over their learning.
Andragogy is often referred to as the adult theory of learning. The learner has more control over their learning process, while the teacher functions more as a facilitator.
The correct solution is D.
Sally is the Safety Officer at a car manufacturing company. She needs to effectively inform all staff about the new guidelines and training for the proper use and care of PPE. She is considering the words and images she might use to convey this information. Which stage of the Communication Cycle best describes this process?
A. Encoding
B. Decoding
C. Channel Selection
D. Feedback
Encoding is how the sender conveys their message, i.e., the process of turning thoughts into communication.
Decoding is how the receiver interprets the message.
Channel Selection is the medium of communication, e.g., video, email, phone call, face-to-face.
Feedback is the way the receiver responds to the message.
The correct solution is A.
What is the first step in any training process?
A. Budget Analysis
B. Needs Assessment
C. Lesson Plan
D. Gap Analysis
The first step in any training process is always a needs assessment to determine if training is the correct response.
The correct solution is B.
Four workplace communication styles are:
Someone who quietly makes it clear that their rights and needs are prevalent would align with which style?
A. Passive
B. Aggressive
C. Passive/Aggressive
D. Assertive
Sometimes referred to as “under the table aggression,” people with a Passive/Aggressive communication style will mutter under their breath and use facial expressions that reflect how they are feeling. They also tend to use a lot of body language to communicate.
The correct solution is C.
Who is responsible for recognizing current and predictable fall hazards and the responsibility and authority to eliminate them?
A. Competent Person
B. On-site Person
C. Qualified Person
D. Affected Person
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The Competent Person is the individual who is responsible for recognizing current and
predictable hazards and has the authority to eliminate them or to stop work until the
hazard is abated.
The correct solution is A.
In education, the ADDIE model stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and?
A. Examination
B. Evaluation
C. External input
D. Elevation of awareness
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Without evaluation, there is no way to determine the effectiveness of the training.
The correct solution is B.
There are three requirements before using a tight-fitting respirator. Two requirements are a medical evaluation by a LHCP and initial fit testing, either qualitative or quantitative. What is a third requirement?
A. Real-time demonstration in a hazardous environment
B. Cardio-pulmonary function test
C. Initial and annual training
D. Leak test
If the fit test is administered correctly, the subject will demonstrate that they can maintain a tight fit through different head and body movements, but a hazardous environment is not required.
After reviewing the medical evaluation, the Licensed Health Care Professional might indicate cardio-pulmonary function testing, but it is not always required.
The third requirement is initial and annual training. It is worth noting that when dealing with specific substances, such as asbestos or silica, medical monitoring could be required and could include CP function testing.
The correct solution is C
How often must certificants report their continuing education activities to the BCSP to maintain a BCSP certification?
A. Annually
B. As they occur
C. Every 3 years
D. Every 5 years
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To maintain a professional certification through the BSCP, the certificate holder must earn recertification points and report them every 5 years. The required number of points varies based on the type of certification. For example, ASP and CSP certificants must earn 25 recertification points.
The correct solution is D
What is the concept of learning through repetition called?
A. Rote learning
B. Meaningful learning
C. Associative learning
D. Active learning
Learning through multiple repetitions is called rote learning. Examples of other types of learning include:
Meaningful learning – The material is understood in context and can be applied by the learner.
Associative learning – The learning is based on a particular stimulus such as touching a hot surface, and
Active learning – Learners actively participate in the learning event.
The correct solution is A.
When people use pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gestures, and facial expression, they are engaging in a form of nonverbal communication called:
A. Susurration
B. Enhancement
C. Paralanguage
D. Haptics
Paralanguage is a form of nonverbal communication used with speech to convey emphasis or different meanings. For example, a sarcastic tone of voice when answering a question. It includes intonation, pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gestures, and facial expressions.
The correct solution is C.
According to OSHA, a competent person is knowledgeable about applicable standards and can identify workplace hazards relating to the specific operation. In addition, OSHA expects which of the following from a competent person?
A. Has the budget funds to eliminate the hazard
B. Has the authority to correct hazards immediately and effectively
C. Is an officer of the company
D. Can hire, fire, or effectively recommend a competent person
A competent person, according to OSHA, is capable of identifying workplace hazards relating to the specific operation, is knowledgeable about applicable standards, and has the authority to correct them immediately and effectively.
The correct solution is B.
What form of nonverbal communication is associated with haptics?
A. Good posture and steady eye contact
B. Gestures designed to emphasize important points
C. Proximity or “personal space
D. Touch
Haptics is the study of nonverbal communications associated with touching. Examples are handshakes, hugging, back-slapping, and elbow or fist-bumping.
The correct solution is D.
How often is HAZCOM training required?
A. Annually
B. Every three years
C. Initially and every time a worker changes jobs
D. At the discretion of the safety manager
Hazard Communication training is required prior to starting a job and thereafter whenever the worker changes jobs and is exposed to different chemicals, or if new chemicals are used in the current job.
The correct solution is C.
What is the best way to deliver consistent information to all employees about standard operating procedures?
A. Email messaging
B. Employee handbook
C. Internal social media
D. Virtual team meetings
The key term is “consistent.” Emails, internal social media, and virtual team meetings are good communication tools for current events. A well-designed employee handbook is itself an example of a consistent gathering of standard operating procedures. It can be used to communicate policies and procedures, a company’s visions, mission, and goals.
The correct solution is B.
When Joe started his new job as a computer analyst, several days passed before he showed any proficiency. As time progressed, Joe’s ability to perform the essential portions of the job increased exponentially. What type of learning curve is associated with this type of performance?
A. Diminishing returns learning curve
B. Increasing returns learning curve
C. Exponential learning curve
D. Slow learner learning curve
A diminishing returns learning curve increases quickly early then levels out to maximum proficiency at a slower pace. This type of learning curve is typically associated with manufacturing tasks such as operating a machine.
An increasing returns learning curve is usually associated with more complex tasks where a relatively large amount of basic knowledge is initially required.
The correct solution is B.
A needs assessment is always the first step in the training development process. Which of the following would be part of a needs assessment?
A. A determination as to whether training is the correct response to the organization’s need
B. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis
C. Risk analysis
A needs assessment should identify whether training is the correct response to the organization’s needs.
The correct solution is A.
Which communication technique would be considered most effective?
A. Chat rooms
B. A one-on-one discussion
C. Email
D. Meetings
Emails and chat rooms rely on text only; while a great deal of information can be dispersed, the lack of facial expression or body language makes it difficult to determine whether participants truly understand either the content or results.
Meetings take advantage of body language but can be cumbersome and tend to get off track.
Having a one-on-one discussion allows both participants to remain focused on the subject at hand and to be aware of nonverbal cues such as facial expressions and body language.
The correct solution is B.
Company XYZ upgraded a packaging line to include an automatic strapping machine to strap boxes to a pallet. The intent was to increase production, but the result was just the opposite. The only way that the operators could achieve an acceptable quality level was to slow the line to pre-upgrade rates. The company decided to conduct a training needs assessment to determine how best to address the problem. The first thing that should be determined when conducting such a needs assessment is:
A. A characterization of the audience – who is being trained.
B. What trainees are required to know or do.
C. Whether a gap analysis should be performed.
D. Whether training is the correct response.
Reasons for the failure could include design and installation problems, resistance to a new process from the operators, incomplete documentation of the new process, or lack of knowledge or experience. The primary decision is to identify these issues and to determine whether training is the correct response. If it is, a clear definition of what the trainees should know or be able to do should be followed by a gap analysis in order to determine training needs. Characterizing the audience is crucial when creating training content.
The correct solution is D.
A lean manufacturing technique which focuses on prevention or detection of errors is called:
A. Poka-Yoke
B. Kaizen
C. 5-S
D. Design of experiments
Dr. Shigeo Shingo developed the concept of Poka-Yoke as a mistake-proofing idea. There are two basic types: prevention and detection. Control poka-yoke stops a process before an error can occur. An example would be a fixture that only allows a part to be inserted properly for processing. Detection poka-yoke provides communication or alarm when an error occurs and stops the process until a correction is implemented.
Kaizen, a Japanese term, refers to continuous improvement.
5-S is a structured method for creating and improving housekeeping.
Design of experiments is one technique for lean manufacturing implementation.
The correct solution is A
When training adult workers successful transfer of learning occurs when:
A. The worker fully understands that the training is a requirement for employment or continued employment.
B. The worker understands how the training materials can apply to their job.
C. The worker can repeat the subject matter almost verbatim.
D. The worker achieves a passing score on an exam.
Adults expect to gain information that is immediately applicable to their life experiences. Adult workers learn information that has a practical application to their job very quickly.
The correct solution is B.
Under the GHS (Global Harmonized System) what signal words are required on Safety Data Sheets and Labels?
A. Flammable, toxic, carcinogenic
B. Long term (chronic) and short term (acute) effects
C. Explanation of any pictogram
D. Either “Warning” or “Danger”
One of two signal words must be used under the Global Harmonized System to communicate the severity of hazard of a substance, either “Warning” or “Danger.”
The correct solution is D.
ANSI / ASME B13.1 color cding
6 colors /warnings
- Yellow- flammable fluids and gasses
- Red- fire quenching fluids
- Orange - corrosive fluids and gasses
- Green- water
- Blue - air
- brown combusible fluid and gasses
According to ANSI/ASME B13.1 standard for color coding, a pipe carrying sodium hydroxide should carry which color?
A. Purple as special cleaning material
B. Red due to its dangerous properties
C. Orange because it is a corrosive liquid
D. It is up to the company to select a color
Orange (with black lettering) for corrosive fluids and gasses. Sodium hydroxide is a corrosive liquid.
The correct solution is C.
Which is most accurate for adult learners vs. child learners?
A. Adults learn best by repetition or “rote”
B. Adults are dependent on the instructor knowledge
C. Adults are more motivated by external pressures
D. Adults want to know the reason for training and how it benefits them
Adults learn best through practical application and “hands-on” techniques such as role play and case study. They tend to apply new concepts to their own experiences and knowledge. Adults are more motivated when they know why they are being trained or “what’s in it for them.”
The correct solution is D.
Which sign color typically represents a safe condition?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Yellow
D. Green
Red typically signifies dangerous conditions.
Orange is typically used as a warning color.
Yellow signifies important information.
Green is typically used to indicate a safe condition.
The correct solution is D.
Four characteristics of sound training programs include: accurate information, a credible instructor, clarity and _________.
A. Foundational
B. Fundamental
C. Practical
D. Exceptional
A general review of training “best practices” reveals four characteristics that sound training programs have in common. The best training programs are accurate, credible, clear and practical
Accurate Training materials should be prepared by qualified individuals, updated as needed, and facilitated by appropriately qualified and experienced individuals employing appropriate training techniques and methods.
Credible Training facilitators should have a general safety and health background or be
a subject matter expert in a health or safety- related field. They should also have experience training adults or experience working with the target population. Practical experience in the field of safety and health as well as experience in training facilitation contribute to a higher degree of facilitator credibility.
Clear Training programs must not only be accurate and believable, but they
must also be clear and understandable to the participant
Training materials should be written in the language and grammar of the everyday speech of the participants. Training developers should ensure that readability and language choices match the intended audience.
Practical Training programs should present information, ideas, and skills that participants see as directly useful in their working lives. Successful transfer of learning occurs when the participant can see how information presented in a training session can be applied in the workplace.
The correct solution is C.
Select the best written training objective below.
A. Participants will be able to list the criteria that define a permit-required confined space.
B. Participants will understand the importance of using an attendant during a permit-required confined space entry.
C. Participants will review the definition of a permit-required confined space.
D. Participants will want to use a multiple gas monitoring system when entering permit-required confined spaces.
Well written training objectives describe an action that learners will be able to accomplish after the training is completed. The action should be measurable, and there are typically conditions, constraints, and clearly defined success for meeting the objective.
The correct solution is A.
Which training method is likely to maximize learner retention of basic knowledge?
A. Repeating a PowerPoint presentation of the information 3 times within one week
B. Presenting a PowerPoint presentation once followed by a memory quiz administered three times over a four-week period
C. Provide a handout of the information to the learner followed by a memory quiz administered one week later
D. Hang a poster with the information on an employee bulletin board
Basic knowledge is more easily retained when a learner has practiced recalling the information multiple times.
The correct solution is B.
Given the choices below, what would be considered a training objective?
A. Know the value of ethics in the occupational health community
B. Be aware of the safety and health rules of the organization
C. Compare and list the benefits with active and passive sampling methods
D. Aim to develop comprehensive listening techniques
Learning objectives provide a clear indication of the goals and purpose of training. Trainers can use them to focus on the training and to assess performance and success of participants. Participants can also use them to evaluate training from their own perspective.
Learning objectives are a set of statements setting out what the participants should be able to demonstrate or understand by the end of the training session. Solution “C” provides the platform for both demonstration (list and compare) and understanding.
The correct solution is C.
Designers of adult training often follow the ADDIE model. What does ADDIE mean?
A. Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate
B. Attitudes Develop Delightful Instructional Exams
C. Ask, Decide, Driven, Inspire, Excite
D. Attire, Determination, Daring, Insightful, Entertaining
ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate.
The correct solution is A.
What is the primary purpose of Kirkpatrick training model?
A. Measure the reaction and behavior or participants
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of training
C. Measure participant’s reaction and response to stimuli during training
D. Observe participant behavior and reaction to training material
The Kirkpatrick Model is the worldwide standard for evaluating the effectiveness of training. It considers the value of any type of training, formal or informal, across four levels. Level 1 Reaction evaluates how participants respond to the training. Level 2 Learning measures if they actually learned the material. Level 3 Behavior considers if they are using what they learned on the job, and Level 4 Results evaluates if the training positively impacted the organization.
Created by Dr. Don Kirkpatrick in the 1950s, the model is applied before, during and after training to both maximize and demonstrate training’s value to the organization.
The correct solution is B.
Which of the following training objectives would be an example of a “SMART” goal?
A. Employees will understand the importance of wearing PPE.
B. Employees will be able to conduct behavior-based safety observations.
C. Employees will be able to identify the recommended PPE on a safety data sheet within 10 minutes.
D. Employees will know how to neutralize an acid spill from a forklift battery.
For a training goal to be a SMART goal, it must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Answer C includes all the SMART goal elements.
The correct solution is C.
Which of the following training techniques provides retention of material on a scale of less retention to greater retention?
A. Practicing the material, seeing the material, reading the material
B. Reading the material, hearing the material, practicing the material
C. Verbalizing the material, seeing the material, hearing the material
D. Seeing the material, verbalizing the material, reading the material
People tend to retain information at the following rates:
Reading the material 10%
Hearing the material 20%
Seeing the material 30%
Seeing and hearing the material 50%
Verbalizing the material 70%
Practicing the material 90%
Based on the above scale, reading the material, hearing the material, and practicing the material is the best answer.
The correct solution is B.
What training program management functions must be evaluated?
A. Accountability, Responsibility, Development, and Evaluation process
B. Responsibility, Sustainability, Process Immobilization, and Equalization
C. Development, Administration, and Process Evaluation
D. None of the above
The correct solution is A.
Source: ANSI/ASSE Z490.1
The criteria for training instructors should include:
A. An appropriate level of technical knowledge, skills, and abilities in the subjects they teach
B. Be competent in delivery techniques and methods appropriate to adult learning
C. Maintain training skills by participating in continuing education, development programs, or experience related to their subject matter expertise and delivery skills
D. All of the above
The correct solution is D.
Source: ANSI/ASSE Z490.1
What is the generally accepted maximum time between breaks for a training workshop?
A. 60 minutes
B. 90 minutes
C. 120 minutes
D. 4 hours
The maximum time between breaks for a training workshop is 90 minutes.
The correct solution is B.
People are most likely to remember:
A. What they hear
B. What they say
C. What they practice
D. What they read
According to The Cone of Learning, we remember about 10% of what we read, about 20% of what we hear, about 70% of what we say, and about 90% of what we practice.
The correct solution is C.
Select the correct statement about education and training.
A. There is no difference between education and training.
B. Training focuses on developing skills or behavior change.
C. Education focuses on how to do something.
D. Both A and C are correct.
According to the National Safety Council, the focus on education is on how much people know, not how well they apply the information. It provides the “what and why” of a subject but not the “how”. Training focuses on developing skills or behavior change and provides information on how to do a task.
The correct solution is B.
What is one of the benefits of using a quiz at the end of a safety training lesson?
A. A quiz can be written to ensure everyone answers all questions correctly and documents that the lesson objectives are met.
B. A quiz can provide another learning opportunity.
C. A quiz can inspire participants to learn more about the subject.
D. A quiz can document improved attitudes of participants.
There are 3 main benefits when using a quiz with a safety training lesson.
- The quiz is another form of documentation that employees completed the training.
- The quiz encourages learners to pay attention.
- The quiz is another learning opportunity. Learners are engaged when completing a quiz; questions can be written to emphasize specific points from the lesson.
The correct solution is B.
Which of the following is most important when conducting safety training?
A. Provide cookies and snacks for participants.
B. Instill a sense of fear in participants regarding serious hazards.
C. Keep participants mentally active during the training.
D. Assure participants there is no reason to be concerned with serious hazards.
Training presentation must be geared to the values and learning styles of the trainees.
It is important to keep trainees mentally active.
Trainers must avoid unreasonable fear of occupational hazards and lack of fear of occupational hazards.
- Saccaro, Joseph A. Developing Safety Training Programs. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York, NY. 1994.
The correct solution is C.
Active training is an effective method of training employees. Active training requires that _______
A. instructors actively demonstrate the lesson material.
B. instructors remain animated and active throughout the lesson.
C. instructors actively read to their students.
D. employees do most of the work in the lesson
Active training requires that students do most of the work. They are active (doing something) in the learning process.
The correct solution is D.
Which of the following selections describes important aspects of all safety training programs?
A. Needs Assessment, Lesson Plans, Record Keeping
B. Needs Assessment, Powerpoint Presentations, Record Keeping
C. Lesson Plans, Record Keeping, Appropriate Videotape
D. Needs Assessment, Appropriate Videotape, Lesson Plans
All safety training programs should include the following:
Needs assessment – determine what training is needed at your facility
Training delivered by a competent person
Lesson plans – Training should be designed to meet the training needs, these should include learning objectives and ways to evaluate training effectiveness
Record Keeping – training needs to be documented
Program evaluation – ensure training efforts are meeting the needs
The correct solution is A.
Training works best for problems that are:
A. Information and practice related
B. Equipment related
C. Employee motivation related
D. Reoccurring
Training is not the solution for every safety and health problem. Training works best when problems are information or practice related, meaning that the employee does not have the information or does not know how to do something.
The correct solution is A.