Botanicals COPY Flashcards
Achillea millefolium - yarrow
A: bitter digestive stimulant
- styptic
- vulnerary
- diaphoretic
I: wounds, ulcers, AUB, stimulates digestive everything
SE/T: Mild - nausea
CI: active ulcers, gastritis, hyPERchlorhydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis, high fever
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption
Aconite nappelus - root
A: anodyne, antineuralgic
I: pain, TG neuralgia
SE/T: N/V, miosis, hypotension, chest pain, v.fib, dyspnea
highly toxic with internal usage, OD = lethal
*narrow therapeutic window = LOW DOSE HERB
Intx: None
Actea (Cimicifuga) racemosa - root
A: tones uterus, serotoneric, facilitates labor, spasmolytic, nervine, anti-rheum
I: menstrual issues (dysmenorrhea, PMS), fertility issues, OA, RA, depression
SE/T: Rare - extreme OD = severe sx
CI: early pregnancy
Intx: None
Aesculus hippocastanum - fruit
A: venotonic, modulates inflammation
I: bruises (topical), edems, veins issues, fragile capillaries - varicose veins, etc
SE/T: nausea and unprocessed fruit is highly toxic, IM = hepatitis and renal failure
CI: high doses
Intx: None
Allium cepa and saticum - bulb
A: anti-atherosclerotic, decreases lipids, antiplatelet, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti - H.pylori/worms
I: hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, stroke prevention, angina, DM,
*worms/parasites/bugs, dermatophytosis, onchymycosis, warts, infectious vaginitis, OM
SE/T: bad breath and body odor, bleeding at excess dosages
**toxicity due to antiplatelet activity
CI: bleeding diathesis, with concomitant anticoagulants, thyroid dz, garlic allergy
Intx: potentiates antiplatelets and insulin and hypoglycemics
Aloe vera - gel
A: modulates inflammation/immuno, vulnerary and demulcent
I (topical): burns, skin ulcers, wounds
I (internal): gastritis, IBD, PUD, IC
SE/T: Safe
CI: 3rd degree burns, deep and infected wounds
Intx: None
Aloe vera - latex
A: directly stimulates bowel movements
I: short term usage for atonic constipation when other serious ddx are ruled out
SE/T: internal = abdominal cramps and colic, harmless red urine and feces
Pseudomelanosis coli
toxicity can occur if over 10 days, recurrent usage can cause electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, muscle and kidney destruction with hematuria and albumineria
Can also provoke reflex contraction in uterus if taking when pregnant which can lead to miscarriage
CI: more than 10 days, bulimia, obstruction, spastic constipation, abdominal pain of unknown origin, less than 12 yo
Intx: dramatic reduction in TT = interfering with absorption of many drugs
*dont combine with drugs that cause hypokalemia or have SE in one sitting
Althaea officinalis - leaf/root
A: GI/lungs/Urinary demulcent
I: gastritis, PUD, IC, lower UTI, cough, bronchitis, etc
SE/T: None
CI: wet cough
Intx: None
Angelica sinensis - root
A: uterine tonic and can cause antiplatelet effects
I: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, hyper AND hypoestrogen, menopause, PMS, etc.
SE/T: safe but antiplatelet effects can occur
CI: menorrhagia, bleeding d/o
Inx: caution with anticoagulants
Arctium lappa - root
A: bitter digestive stimulant and protects the liver
I: all conditions to speed up GI digestion
SE/T: Safe
CI: active ulcers, gastritis, hyPERchlorhydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis, high fever
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption
Withania somnifera - root
A: modulates immunity and is relaxing
I: aphrodisiac - stress, infc, AI dz, anxiety
SE/T: None
CI: Pregnancy and may worsen AI dz
Intx: may interfere with immunosuppresive drugs
Valerian officinalis - root
A: hypnotic, anxiolytic, nervine, anodyne
I: SM spasms, insomnia, anxiety
SE/T: Daytime sedation
CI: None
Intx: None
Veratrum viride and album - root
A: anti-hypertension
I: HTN - NO LONGER USED CAUSE TOOOOOOO TOXIC and very narrow therapeutic window
Passiflora incarnata - leaf
A: hypnotic, anxiolytic, nervine
I: insomnia, anxiety
SE/T: few cases of pancreatitis
CI: None
Intx: None
Pausinystalia yohimbe - bark
A: alpha 2 - adrenergic antagonist
I: ED, depression, narcolepsy
SE/T: induction of insomnia, anxiety, HTN, nervousness, dizziness
- CNS effects of alpha blockers (anxiety)
CI: because is anxiogenic - panic attacks, PTSD, CAD, severe edema, PUD, renal dz
Intx: could interfere with alpha adrenergic agonist drugs and phenytoin (anticonvulsant)
Phytolacca americana - root
A: lympathic tonic and anti-rheumatic
I: lymphadenopathy, cysts, mastitis, myalgia, OA, RA
SE/T: None at therapeutic dosages but lectins can cause systemic toxicity
*ok for short term mastitis
Intx: None
Piper methysticum - root
A: anxiolytic, anodyne, nervine, spasmolytic
I: anxiety, IC
SE/T: None usually but discontinue if you see signs of liver damage
CI: combo with anti-psychotic meds and long-term usage of high dosage
Intx: None
Piscidia erythrina - bark
A: anodyne, spasmolytic, sedative, nervine
I: myalgia, neuralgia, HA, insomnia
SE/T: Overdose can cause depressed consciousness, convulsions, respiratory depression, HR and death - LOW DOSE HERB
CI: Pregnancy
Intx: None
Plantago spp. - leaf
C: GI/lung/urinary demulcent and vulnerary
I: gastritis, PUD, IC, lower UTI, etc.
*dermatitis, wounds, skin ulcers
SE/T: None
CI: Wet Cough
Intx: PA interfere with absorption of drugs simultaneously
Podophyllum peltatum - root
A: anti-cancer, anti-HPV, cholagogue
I: cancer and warts
SE: extremely toxic if crude herb - no longer used clinically as crude herb. internal OD - tachycardia, hypotension, unconsciousness, death
CI: fresh root, internal usage, P - teratogenic and fetocidal/L
Intx: None
Prunus serotina - bark
A/I: relaxing expectorant for spasmodic cough
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Prunus africanum - bark
A/I: inhibits 5a reductase so will correct the prostate in BPH
safe but environmentally threatened so use serenoa instead
SE/T: None
Intx: None
Pulsatilla vulgaris - leaf/flower
A: anodyne (painkiller), sedative, nervine
I: menstrual stuff: PMS, Pain, cramps
*insomnia b/c sedative herb
SE/T: serious SE: arrthymias, hypothermia, paralysis, convulsion, stupor
Intx: None
Quercus spp - bark
A: astringent, styptic, AI, antiseptic
I (internal): IBD, diarrhea, dysentery
I (external): varicosities, fissures, wounds, vaginal prolapse, post partum uterine bleeding
SE: avoid internal high dosage and long-term
- iron deficiency anemial and malabsorption
CI: HF, large area of skin damage, full baths
Intx: may reduce GI absorption drugs
Rauwolfia serpentina - root
A: depletes catecholamine vesicles in CNS = systemic VASODILATION, anti-psychotic, antiarrythmic
SE/T: Therapeutic dosages: stuffy nose, loose stool, edema
Toxic dosages: bradycardia, depression, parkinsons, drowsiness d/t severe catecholamine depression - LOW DOSE HERB
CI: depression, PD, hyperPRL, active PUD, UC
Pregnancy (can use when essential)
Intx: thiazide diuretics, MAOIs, TCA, adrenergic agonists
if taken with digoxin or quinidine = may cause arrthymias
Rhamnus frangula - bark
A: directly stimulates BM
I: short-term usage for atonic constipation when no other shit works
SE/T: internal = abdominal cramps and colic, harmless red urine and feces
Pseudomelanosis coli
toxicity can occur if over 10 days, recurrent usage can cause electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, muscle and kidney destruction with hematuria and albumineria
Can also provoke reflex contraction in uterus if taking when pregnant which can lead to miscarriage
CI: use less than 10 days, bulimia, obstruction, undx ab pain, kids under 12 yo
Intx: decreased TT = changes of absorption
*avoid taking with drugs that cause hypokalemia or have SE at same time
P and L(?)
Rhodiola rosea - herb
A: adaptogen, antidepressant
I: stress, decreased immune system, cancer, depression
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: immunosuppressive agents
Ricinus communis - topical oil
A: anodyne, modulates inflam, stimulates labor
I: menstrual pain, stimulates labor if placed on the os
SE/T: None
CI: application over broken skin
Intx: None
Ricinus communis - internal oil
A: directly stimulates BM, emetic and facilitates labor
I: short term usage of atonic constipation, post-date labor
SE/T: internal = abdominal cramps and colic, harmless red urine and feces
Pseudomelanosis coli
toxicity can occur if over 10 days, recurrent usage can cause electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, muscle and kidney destruction with hematuria and albumineria
Can also provoke reflex contraction in uterus if taking when pregnant which can lead to miscarriage
CI: use less than 10 days, bulimia, obstruction, undx ab pain, kids under 12 yo
Intx: decreased TT = changes of absorption
*Avoid taking drugs that cause hypokalemia or have SE at the same time - cardiac glycosides, diuretics, antiarrhythmics, corticosteroids
Rosmarinus officinalis - leaf
A: antimicrobial, stimulates circulation, nootropic, counterirritant if topical
I: hypotension, poor memory, dementia, URTI, bronchitis, liver detoxification
*topical: myalgia, arthalgis, S/S
SE/T: Internal OD of VO can cause neurotoxicity and even death
CI: Pregnancy - internally (volatile oil)
Intx: None
Rubus idaeus - leaf/root
A: facilitates labor, uterine tonic and astringent
I: diarrhea, preparing for labor
SE/T: None
CI: total diarrhea suppression
Intx: tannins = reduced absorption
*take away from drugs
Rumex crispus - root
A: bitter digestive stimulant, protects liver
I: all dz that need GI stimulation after serious ddx R/O
SE/T: None
CI: active PUD, gastritis, hyperchlohydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption
Salix spp. - bark
A: anodyne, modulates inflam, anti-fever, anti-rheum, analgesic
I: pain, UTI, fever, myalgias, OA/RA, S/S
SE/T: contains salicylates = GI irritation
CI: childhood viral exanthems, long-term usage, salicylate sensitivity, G6PD
Intx: anticoagulants and antiplatelets
Theobroma cacao - fruit
A/I: stimulant, vasodilates, SM relaxant = bronchial muscle relaxant
SE/T: None
CI: Heart disease?
Intx: decreases iron absorption, MAOs, quinoline antibotics, OCPs - inhibit caffeine metabolism
Thuji occidentalia - leaf
A: immunomodulating and anti-HPV
I: warts, pharngitis and tonsilitis
SE/T: None at therapeutic dosages
high dosages of thujone: convulsions, hallucinations, nightmares, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, fatty liver
VO contains thujone = neurotoxic and carcinogenic = AVOID
CI: None at therapeutic dosages
Intx: None
Thymus vulgaris - leaf
A: anti-microbial/H pylori/worm
I: all fungal, bacterial, parasitic infection
can also help with OA, RA, S/S when applied topically
SE/T: high doses of VO = neurotoxic and lethal
CI: high doses of VO
Intx: None
Sambucus nigra - fruit
A: antiviral/oxidant/catarrhal
I: influenza, URTI
SE/T: diarrhea
CI: None
Intx: None
Sanguinaria canadensis - root
A: stimulating expectorant and escharotic (topical)
I: oral rinses: gingivitis
*wet cough
*cervical dysplasia, BCC or SCC (early)
SE/T: many: arrhythmias, shock, coma, potentially lethal if OD if internal usage
topical: skin necrosis, nerve damage, oral leukoplakia
*a mitochondrial poison = severely toxic (internal) = painful tissue destruction (topical)
CI: dry cough, infants
Intx: None
Schisandra chinensis - fruit
A: protects liver and tones nervous system, deeply immune activation
I: chronic hepatitis and liver damage, fatigue, stress/debility
SE/T: None
CI: Pregnancy but can use to assist in birth process
Intx: potentiates barbiturates, enhances drug clearance by liver
Scutellaria baicalensis - root
A: anti-allergy, AI, AO
I: asthma, hayfever, dermatitis, acute infx
SE/T: None
CI: 1st trimester of pregnancy
Intx: cyclosporines
scutellaria lateriflora - leaf
A: hypnotic, anxiolytic, anodyne, nervine
I: insomnia, anxiety, pain
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Selenicereus grandiflorus - stem/flower
A: anti-arrythmia
I: CHF, arrythmia, palpitations
SE/T: none at therapeutic doses - LOW DOSE HERB - OD = arrhythmias, confusion, tachycardia
Intx: None
Serenoa repens - fruit
A/I: inhibits testosterone activity so works on prostate for BPH
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Hypericum perforatum - leaf/flower
A: antidepressant, anticancer, antibug, nervine
I: depression, cancer, enveloped viruses, sciatica, neuralgia
SE/T: photosensitive skin
CI: high doses with strong UV light exposure
Intx: reduces serum levels of many drugs = anti HPV protease inhibitors, cyclosporines, digoxin, morphine, OCP, statins, TCAs, theophylline, warfarin
can potentiate serotonin syndrome if taken with SSRI
Salvia officinalis - leaf
A: antimicrobial and anti-secretory
I: menopausal hot flashes/sweats, infx
SE/T: internal OD = neurotoxic and/or death
CI: Lactation unless you want to dry up milk, and high doses of VO
Intx: None
Sambucus nigra - flower
A: diaphoretic, modulates inflammation, anti-allergy
I: fever, allergic conjunctivitis and other itis of the EENT pathway
SE/T: None
CI: high fever
Intx: None
Silybum marianum - seed
A: protects and restores the liver and also improves bile quality
I: hepatitis/cirrhosis/fatty liver
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Smilax spp. - root
A: anti-rheumatic, diaphoretic, AI
I: chronic skin inflam conditions, OA/RA
SE/T: increased absorption of digitalis glycosides
Intx: None
Solidago spp. - aerial
A: anti-catarrhal, AI, AM, astringent, diaphoretic
I: URTI with catarrh, flu, dyspepsia, urinary irritation/nflam and topical wound healing
SE/T: None
CI: allergy to Asteraceae family
Intx: None
Symphytum officinale - leaf/root
A: demulcent and expectorant with vulnerary abilities
I (topical): wounds, dermatitis, fractures of osteum
I (internal): dry cough, inflammation, UTIs
SE/T: HVOD = hepatis fibrosis = liver failure - contains unsaturated PA’s = irreversible liver and kidney damage
HVOD = intrahepatic post-sinusoidal portal hypertension caused by stenosis or occlusion of veins, including the central veins of hepatic lobules and the sublobular veins
CI: wet cough, massive areas of broken skin, internal usage = HVOD
extreme caution with P/L/kids but topical usage ok with these people
Intx: toxicity may increase with hepatotoxic drugs
Tanacetum parthenium - leaf
A/I: modulates inflam and anti-migraine
SE/T: None
CI: Pregnancy
Intx: None
Tanacetum vulgare - flower
A: abortifacient and fetoxocic and antiparasitic (intestinal)
SE/T: convulsions, arrythmias, rigid pupils, uterine bleeding, tachypnea, LOC
***Abortifacient, fetotoxic, carcinogenic - thujone and camphor in VO
CI: pregnancy, V/O and long-term - LOW-DOSE HERB
Intx: None
Taraxacum officinale - leaf
A:bitter digestive stimulant, diuretic, ant-hpv
I: all things that require GI stimulation
*UTI, edema
SE/T: None
CI: active PUD, gastritis, hyperchlohydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption
Taraxacum officinale - root
A: bitter digestive stimulant, protects liver
I: all things that require GI stimulation
SE/T: None
CI: active PUD, gastritis, hyperchlohydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption
Tilia europaea - flower/leaf/dried sapwood
A: diaphoretic, vasodilates, spasmolytic, nervine
I (internal): restless, HA, URTI with catarrh, HTN
I (external): enema for anxiety, HTN, RA, dermatitis
SE/T: urticaria (external usage) and allergic rhinitis
CI: None
Intx: decreases iron absorption
Tribulus terrestris - aerial
A: indirectly estrogenic in females and androgenic in men, tonic
I: infertility, importance, decreased libido, fatigue
SE/T: None
CI: P/L, GERD and cholestasis
Intx: None
Trifolium pratense - flower
A: phytoestrogen, nervine
I: hyper/hypoestrogen conditions and menopause
SE/T: None
CI: none
Intx: None
Tussilago farfara - leaf/root
A: demulcent, expectorant, anti-catarrhal, promotes wound healing
I: wounds, dermatitis, dry cough, inflamm
**has unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids so topical usage is safe but can absorb into skin
SE/T: hepatotoxic with chronic usage because unsaturated PAs
CI: wet cough, massive areas of broken skin, internal usage = HVOD
extreme caution with P/L/kids but topical usage ok with these people
Intx: None
Ulmus rubra - bark
A: GI/lungs/urinary demulcent
I: gastritis, PUD, IC, UTI, etc.
SE/T: None
CI: wet cough
*avoid herbs because dutch elm disease on species and can kill trees - use althaea or other tx options
Intx: PA can reduce absorption of drugs if taken simultaneously
Urtica dioica - leaf/seed
A: diuretic, modulates inflammation
I (topical): OA, RA
I (internal): lower UTI, urolithiasis, AR, eczema, OP
SE/T: stings from fresh leaves topically
CI: None
Intx: None
Urtica dioica - root
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Usnea barbata - thallus
I: infections in general and TB
SE/T: hepatotoxic from isolated usnic acid
CI: None
Intx: None
Vaccinium myrtillus - fruit
A: venotonic and anti-adhesion (similar to cranberry)
I: capillary fragility, varicosity, hemorrhoids, UTI, gastroenteritis, diabetic retinopathy
SE/T/CI: fresh fruit in excess = diarrhea
Intx: can interfere with absorption of drugs if taken at same time
Intx: None
Vaccinium myrtillus - leaf
A/I: anti-diabetic
SE/T/CI: long term = liver damage
Intx: None