Botanicals (130-162) Flashcards
Chelidonium majus - leaf
A: choleretic and cholagogue
I: biliary insufficiency and prevents gallstones
SE/T: None
CI: biliary obstruction, hepatic failure, acute diarrhea, acute cholithiasis, acute hepatitis, acute cholecystitis
Dried plant: only fresh is active
Intx: None
Chionanthus virginicus - bark
A: cholagogue, laxative, anti-emetic
I: liver and GB dysfunction, biliary insufficiency, GB stones, constipation
SE/T: None
CI: biliary obstruction
Intx: None
Cineraria maritima - leaf
A/I: anti-cataract if applied topically ONLY
SE/T: hepatotoxic if internal usage
CI: internal usage d/t pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Intx: avoid with other hepatotoxic drugs
Cinnamomum zeylanicum - bark
A: aromatic digestive stimulant, anti-diabetic, styptic
I: GI stimulation, hemorrhage, menorrhagic, metrorrhagic, diarrhea (tannins)
SE/T: high dosages of VO = convulsions, pulmonary edema, liver damage
**tannins can interfere with absorption of herbs and meds - TAKE APART
CI: gastritis, hyperchlohydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis
Intx: tannins may reduce absorption so avoid in combo
Coleus forskihlii - root
A/I: HTN, allergies, asthma, hypothyroidism, glaucoma, dilated cardiomyopathy (activates adenylate cyclase)
SE/T: None
CI: caution with active PUD
Intx: may potentiate warfarin and digoxin
Commiphora molmol - resin
I: infectious vaginitis and other infx
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: May interfere with absorption of lipophilic drugs
Commiphora mukul - gum/resin
A: hypolipidemic
I: elevated LDL, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism
SE/T: None
CI: IBD, hyperthyroidism, coagulation d/t, P/L
Intx: propranolol and diltiazem
Convallaria majalis - leaf
A: positive inotropic, negative chronotropic, vasoconstricts
*milder than digitalis
I: CHF and arrhythmias
SE/T: yellow-green halos, bradycardia, arrythmias but generally no SE at therapeutic dosages
OD = wider therapeutic window than digitalis but OD can still be lethal
antidote: potassium
CI: hypokalemia/magnesemia, hyper or hypocalcemia, ventricular arrhythmias, kidney failure, severe carditis
Intx: Many - just avoid altogether
Cordyceps sinensis - caps/mycelium
A: bronchodilators, anticancer, antibiotic
I: acute infx, anemia, protects bone marrow, fatigue, asthma
SE/T: None
CI: None
Intx: None
Corydalis spp. - rhizome
A: STRONG analgesic, hypnotic, sedative
I: pain management because works on CNS (dysmenorrhea)
* protects against ulcers forming from aspirin
SE/T: None
CI: Pregnancy
Intx: Potientiates barbiturates
Crataegus spp. - leaf/flower/fruit
A: anti-atherosclerotic, antiHTN, positive inotropic, negative chronotropic
I: CHF, angina, arrhtyhmia, capillary fragility, HTN (mild)
SE/T: None
CI: none
Intx: tannins may reduce absorption of drugs so avoid taking together
Curcuma longa - rhizome
A: protects liver and modulates inflammation
I: prevents gallstones, hepatitis, cancer, IBS
*any inflammatory conditions
SE/T: None
CI: none
Intx: None
Cynara scolymus - leaf
A/I: hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, and any dz that needs digestive stimulation
SE/T: None
CI: active PUD, gastritis, hyperchlohydria, GERD, obstruction, acute diarrhea, acute cholelithiasis
Intx: increased gut motility = decreased absorption of drugs
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - leaf
A: urinary anti-septic
I: bacterial lower UTI
SE/T: Uva ursi + cranberry + vitamin C = CI
avoid chronic usage beacuse can be toxic and OD = delirium, convulsions, collapse, death
CI: Pregnancy and usage for more than 10 days
Intx: None
arnica montana - flower
A: vulnerary and anodyne
I: topical: bruises, S/S, small wounds and ulcers
SE/T: NS issues, tachy/bradycardia, HTN, dyspnea, collapse, death, cardiac damage - if internal
CI: large areas of broken skin, internal usage of large doses
Intx: None