Book 10 - The Grace of The Witch[Part1&2] Flashcards
Summary of Part One
Book ten takes place of Odysseus with his men out on sea. As Odysseus fell asleep, he left the bags of wind which were given by Aiolo unguarded. His companions were curious as to what was inside the bag and fell into temptation. They opened the bags, causing a hurricane which sent them back to the island of Aiola. Aiolos turned away from Odysseus and so, he and his men journeyed on the island. They encountered the Laistrygones who were cannibalisms and barely managed to escape but in vain with the death of their other comrades.
Summary of Part Two
Part two takes place on Kirke’s island, Aiaia. Odysseus and his men wash up on the shore of Kirke’s island and they get off to look around for anything needed for their survival. Kirke attracts the men and invites them to a meal. She then turns them all intros pigs after having been tricked by her. Kirke is then forced to surrender to Odysseus as he gained the help from Hermes and an immortal plant and makes her swear to never do that again. Then, Odysseus asks Kirke to help him go back home but she refuses and explains that he must go to Hades first before he can go back to Ithaka.
Settings of Passage and Story
Aiola, Aiaia
Major Character(s) of Passage and Book
Odysseus, Aiolo, Kirke, Hermes
Take yourself out of this island, creeping thing- No law, no wisdom, lays it on me now. To help a man the blessed gods detest- Out! Your voyage here was cursed by heaven!
You shall not stay here longer against your will; But home you may not go. Unless you take a strange way round and come. To the cold homes of Death and pale Persephone.