Bony Landmarks Head & Neck Flashcards
Identify Mental Foramen
Hole in anterior/semi-lateral mandible
What passes through the Mental Foramen?
Mental n (CN-V3), a & v
Identify the Digastric Fossa
Inferior Boarder (small) of medial mandible
What attaches to the Digastric Fossa?
Anterior Belly of Digastric Muscle
Identify Alveolar Part of Mandible
Houses Roots of Teeth
Identify mylohyoid line & groove
Line = middle posterior mandible
Groove = more posterior, angled groove
What is held in the mylohyoid line & groove
Line = mylohyoid muscle
Groove = Mylohyoid nerve & artery
Identify Submandibular fossa.
Internal inferior shallow depressions, under mylohyoid line
Identify Mandibular Ramus
Posterior, vertical, quadrilateral parts of the mandible.
What attaches to the angle of the Mandibular ramus?
Masseter (external) & Medial Pterygoid muscles (internal)
Identify the Mandibular Foramen & Canal
Hole on inside of mandible, above mylohyoid line, on internal ramus of mandible.
Canal is in the bone of mandible.
What is in the Mandibular foramen and canal?
Inferior Alveolar n (CN-V3… turns into Mental n. After mental foramen), a & v
Identify Inferior Genial Tubercle & What Attaches?
Internal Medial Mandible, above Digastric fossa, below mylohyoid line.
Geniohyoid m.
Identify Coronoid Process.
What Attaches?
Sharp Bony Angle anterior to Mandibular Notch & Condylar Process
Temporalis m.
Identify the Mandibular Notch.
What is transmitted through?
U-shape between coronoid process and condylar process.
Nerve (CN-V3) and artery to masseter m. (Muscle of mastication)
Identify the Condylar Process.
Differentiate between Head of mandible, neck of mandible, pterygoid fovea.
What attaches at the pterygoid fovea?
Posterior, Superior Angle.
Head = Wide, Neck = Narrow, Fovea = Area between Condylar Notches on Anterior Side.
Attachment - Lateral Pterygoid
What attaches to the Hyoid Bone?
Thyrohyoid (Greater Horns)
Identify the Squama, Basilar and Lateral parts of the Occipital Bone.
Squama - Big back bowl
Lateral - lateral part from foramen magnum
Basilar - Anterior part from foramen magnum
Identify & Describe What is Attached at:
1- External Occipital Protuberance
2- Superior Nuchal Line
3-Inferior Nuchal Line
1- Ligamentum Nuchae
2- Trapezius, SCM, Splenius Capitus
3- Rectus Capitus Posterior Major & Minor