What are the major compartments of the head
Cranial cavity:
anterior/middle/posterior cranial fossa
2 ears
2 orbits
2 nasal cavities
1 oral cavity
What are the different paranasal air sinuses and where are they located
Maxillary: lateral to nasal cavity
Frontal: superior to nasal cavity and eyes
sphenoidal: superior to nasal cavity, medial to eyes
Ethmoid: posterior to nasal cavity
What are the functions skull
Supports and protects the brain
Special sense organs
Site for voice, expression, mastication
first part of the respiratory and digestive systems
attachment site for muscles of the head and neck
What are the bones of the neurocranium
Frontal ethmoidal Sphenoidal Occipital Temporal (x2) Parietal (x2)
Describe the ethmoid bone
Anterior floor of cranium, roof of nasal cavity, medial wall of orbits.
Contains paranasal air sinuses
Crista galli projects from ethmoid bone
Describe the sphenoid bone
Keystone of skull.
Contains paranasal air sinuses
Encloses pituitary gland,
provides attachments for lower jaw muscles
transmits optic nerve
Describe the temporal bones
Squamous part (front upper) and petrous part (wedged between sphenoid and occipital)
connect to auditory meatus
carotid canal passageway for internal carotid artery
Describe occipital bone
Posterior foramen magnum, squamous part and basilar part.
Hypoglossal canal, occipital condyles
What are the coronal sutures
Spaces where cranial bones meet
Coronal: parietal and frontal
Squamous: parietal and temporal
Lambdoid: parietal and occipital
Sagittal: 2 parietals
What are the facial bones
Frontal Zygomatic Nasal Maxilla Mandible (2 bodies fuse in middle at chin)
What is the function of fontanelles
Spaces between cranial bones at birth to allow for brain growth and passage through birth canal
Posterior closes at 9 months
Anterior closes at 15-24 months
What does the external carotid artery branch into
Occipital posterior auricular maxillary superficial temporal facial lingual
supplies parts of face and posterior cranium
what does the internal carotid artery supply
Anterior and middle cerebral parts of brain and eyes
Outline the muscles of facial expression
Occipitofrontalis: raised eyebrows
Orbicularis oculi: wink and blink
Orbicularis oris: duck face
Buccinator: blow out cheeks
Outline the muscles of mastication
Move mandible. Innervated by trigeminal nerve
Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid: jaw closing muscles
Lateral pterygoid: jaw opener
Outline the extrinsic muscles of the eye
Control position of eye. Innervated by oculomotor nerve
4 rectus: superior, inferior, lateral, medial
2 oblique: superior, inferior
What are the muscles of the tongue
Outline the muscles of the pharynx
Superior/middle/inferior pharyngeal constrictors found in oro and laryngopharynx
Outline the extrinsic muscles of the larynx
Move larynx superiorly and inferiorly, 2 groups
Suprahyoid group: Attach to hyoid and either mandible or temporal bone
if mandible fixed = elevate hyoid (swallowing)
if hyoid fixed = depress mandible (mastication)
infrahyoid group: attach to hyoid, thyroid cartilage and strenum. Sternohoid, Sternothyroid, Thyrohyoid
What bones meet at the pterion region on the lateral aspect of the cranium
Parietal, Frontal, Sphenoid, Temporalis
What are the layers of the scalp
skin CT aponeurosis loose areolar tissue pericranium
What are the tonsils
Lymph nodes part of the immune system
2 palatine tonsils at base/root of tongue
lingual tonsils located at base/root of tongue, superior to epiglottis
Pharyngeal tonsils: also called adenoids, located in roof and posterior wall of nasopharynx
What are the functions of the para nasal sinuses
Air filled that drain roof and lateral walls of nasal cavity
Decrease skull weight
Humidify air
Insulate structures from rapid temp change
Increase resonance of voice
Immunological defense