Define physiology
the study of the function of structures in the body.
Define anatomy
Classification and description of the structures of the body.
What are the types of organisational anatomy
Systemic anatomy
Regional anatomy
What is systemic anatomy
organisation of body into systems that work together to carry out complex functions
What is regional anatomy
organisation of specific areas of the body emphasising relationships among structures
What is adaptation
the ability of an Organism to survive and reproduce in its environment by changing traits
Define long term adaptation
genetic evolutionary changes characterising all individuals within a population or species
Define short term adaptation
acclimatisation by temporary physiological changes
What are homologous structures
Structures that are similar in their fundamental construction, although they may serve different purposes
What are analogous structures
Similarity of traits in terms of function between unrelated species that do not share a common ancestral origin. These traits can evolved independently of each other.
What are the 3 planes of the body
Direction of the coronal plane
back to front
splits dorsal/posterior and ventral/anterior
Direction of the sagittal plane
side to side, Parallel to sagittal suture
splitting left and right
Direction of the transverse plane
head to toe
splits cranial/head and caudal/tail
Head directional terms
closer to back of head
closer to front of head