Bone Part 1 Flashcards
What are the 3 basic components of bone tissue?
Organic (collagen)
What are mineralized collagen fibril referred to as?
Bone basic building block
Is collagen type 1 or 2 more common?
Type 1- 90%
Bones are rigid organs that build which skeleton of vertebrates?
What is the external membrane that continues with tendons called?
What is the outer layer of the periosteum called?
Connective tissue
What is the inner layer of the periosteum called?
Osteogenic layer
What are bundles of type 1 collagen fibers connecting periosteum to bone called?
Sharpey’s fibres
What are the 2 stem cell lines that bone cells originate from?
Mesenchymal and Hematopoietic
What are osteoblasts, bone lining cells, and osteocytes stem cell line?
What are osteoclasts stem cell line?
What lines bone’s surfaces?
Osteoblasts have cytoplasmic processes to contact with what?
What do osteoblasts secrete that is unmineralized, organic bone material (mostly collagen type 1)?
Where is osteoid typically deposited?
What do osteoblasts take part in inducing?
What are resting osteoblasts?
Bone lining cells
Where are osteocytes imprisoned in the bone matrix?
What percent of bone cells are osteocytes?
Are there more or less osteocytes in smaller species?
What serves as the bones “nervous system”?
What do osteocytes induce?
Bone modeling
What resorbs mineralized bone from bone surface or from within the bone tissue?
What is the formation of bone called?
Ossification or osteogenesis
What is Mesenchyme -> bone?
Intramembranous ossification
What is mesenchyme - cartilage anlage - bone?
Endochondral ossification
What is the formation of flat bones called?
Intramembranous ossification
What is it called when bone develops from a preexisting hyaline cartilage model?
Endochondral ossification
When Endochondral ossification ends at puberty and the growth plates fuse, what line is left?
Epiphysial line
Is osteoblasts and osteoclasts action coupled?
What do osteocytes induce for dead bone or mineral homeostasis?
Replacing the dead bone
Osteoclasts ___ bone tissue, while Osteoblasts ____ new bone to replace it
What is a cylindrical structure called secondary osteons or Haversian system?
Cutting cone
What is a group of lamellar called a hemi-osteon or trabecular packet?
Howship’s lacuna
What are secondary osteons and trabecular packets surrounded by?
Cement line
What stops the progress of micro cracks?
Cement line
What are remnants of older osteons that were left behind after remodeling took place called?
Interstitial lamellae