Body wall (dave's notes) Flashcards
How is subcutaneous tissue over the dilatable part of the body wall further enclosed? Where does it fade out? What is its lower limit?
By an underlying condensation that allows tissue sliding. Known as scarpas fascia.This fades out beyond the mid-asillary lines and superiorly. Has continuations in the male perineum (collies) and is attached to the fascia lata along the skin creases of the thigh.
What is the blood supply to the body wall of the thorax? via what route does it reach its destination?
Via the neruovascular plane between the middle and innermost layers, via a series of segmental arteries.
Describe the venous drainage of the body wall.
Differs to arterial supply. Collects in an anastomosing network away from the umbilicus.
What does body wall lymph drainage follow?
Superficially follows veins NOT arteries
Where does lymph above the umbilicus drain to?
Anteriorly to pectoral nodes, posteriorly to scapular nodes
Where does lymph from below the umbilicus drain to?
Anteriorly to the medial group of superficial inguinal nodes, from laterally and posteriorly to the lateral group of superficial inguinal nodes.
What is the nerve supply to skin above the second rib?
Supraclavicular branches of the cervical plexus
What is the anterior midline nerve supply?
Anterior cutaneous branches
What the nerve supply to the lateral strip of skin? How do these nerves arise?
From lateral cutaneous nerves, which emerge from the midline with the anterior and posterior branches, passing obliquely and supplying right down to the buttock
What is the nerve supply to the posterior strip of body wall skin?
The posterior rami of the spinal nerves. Medial fibres in the upper part, lateral fibres in the lower. ????
What are body wall muscles derived from?
All are derived segmentally from the mesoderm
What do the dorsal parts of the mesoderm become?
Erector spinae
What do the anterior parts of the mesoderm become?
Three layers of anterior muscles
List the muscles found in the outer layer of anterior muscles
External intercostals
Serratus posterior
External oblique
Scalenus posterior
List the muscles found in the middle layer of anterior muscles.
Internal intercostals
Internal oblique
Scalenus medius
List the muscles found in the inner layer of anterior muscles
Transversus thoraces group, transversus thoracis, subcostals, diaprhagmn, transversus abdominus, quadratus lumborum, levator ani
What happens to the three layers of anterior muscles in the midline?
The layers fuse to form rectus abdominus, geniohyoid, the strap muscles and rectus sterna’s