Blue 2 Flashcards
What is used to measure axial length for SRK
A scan
Where does the image form in retinoscopy
Patients far point
When is retinoscopy complete
Diffuse bright red reflex achieved when movement of reflex is infinitely fast
What is pumping in laser
Delivers energy to atoms in laser active medium which elevates their electrons to higher energy level
Nasolacrimal duct widt
18mm long
Narrower in middle compared to ends
Where is choroid thickest/thinnest
Thickest at posterior pole
Thinnest proximal to optic disc
Which side does reitna extend further anteriorly?
Medial side
Thicknss of retina
0.1mm at ora serrata
0.5mm at optic disc
What type of cell are ganglion cell
Multi polar second order neurones
What passes through jugular foramen
Vagus, glossopharyngeal, spinal accessory
What are the facial uclei?
Superior salivatory and lacrimal
What is athe glossopharyngeal nucleus
Inferior salivatory
What day doe the lens vesicle separate from surface ectoderm
Day 36
What reaction occurs in photoisomerisation induced by light absoprtion
11 cis retinal to all trans retinal
What is the intrinsic pathway for coagulation
Blood trauma causes factor 12 activation and release of platelet phospholipids
ascade results in activation of Factor 8
Activated factor 10 forms prothrombic activator
What are msules of inspiration
Elevate rib cage
External intercostals
Anterior serrati
Scaleni (lifts first two ribs)
What are muscles of expiration
Pull ribs down
Abdominal msucles
Internal intercostals