Blood supply to the cavities Flashcards
Can you identify the
descending thoracic aorta
subclavian artery
internal thoracic artery
posterior intercostal arteries
anterior intercostal arteries
anterior intercostal veins
posterior intercostal veins
internal thoracic vein
azygous vein
hemiazygous vein
accessory hemiazygous vein
What major blood vessel gives rise to the posterior intercostal arteries?
Thoracic aorta
What major blood vessel gives rise to the anterior intercostal arteries?
internal thoracic artery
What major blood vessel gives rise to the internal thoracic artery?
Subclavian artery
Where does the azygous vein drain into?
Where do the anterior intercostal veins drain into?
internal thoracic
Where do the posterior intercostal veins drain into?
azygous system
Where does blood flow if the inferior vena cava is blocked?
Through the azygous system
What do the lymphatic vessels generally follow?
The arterial system but in the opposite direction
What is the main channel that returns lymph from the body to the venous system?
Thoracic duct - can you locate it #/
What is the cisterna chylii?
where many lymphatic ducts converge in the upper lumbar vertebrae, its the origin of the thoracic duct.
locate it
What is the journey of the thoracic duct?
Cisterna chylii, ascends thoracic cavity through the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm . in the thoracic cavity it can be found anterior to the thoracic vertebrae, to the right of the midline, between thoracic aorta and azygous vein, it does move to the left and ultimately drains into the left internal jugular on the subclavian veins.
Where is it common for breast cancer to metastasise?
to the axillary lymph nodes
Where is it common for testicular cancer to metastisise?
para-aortic / lumbar lymph noes
What are the three main branches of the abdominal aorta that supply the gut tube?
-coeliac trunk
-superior mesenteric artery
-inferior mesenteric artery
What arteries arise from the abdominal aorta to supply the abdominal viscera?
suprarenal (hard to see)
Which vein does the left gonadal vein drain blood into?
left renal vein
Which vein does the right gonadal vein drain blood into?
At what vertebral level is the aoritc hiatus
At what vertebral level does the abdominal aorta bifurcate?
What deos the coelic trunk supply?
foregut - The foregut organs are the stomach, the first half of the duodenum, and the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen.
what does the superior mesenteric artery supply?
midgut - The midgut consists of the distal half of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and the proximal half of the transverse colon
what does the inferior mesenteric artery supply?
hindgut- cecum, large colon, small colon and the rectum
what does the common iliac artery supply?
Pelvis and lower limbs
Can you identify an abdominal CT?
do it
What abdominal organs drain via the portal system?
gut tube, gall baldder, pancreas, spleen
What abdominal organs drain via the caval system?
kidneys, suprarenal glands
How does the portal system differ from the systemic system?
blood that drains via the portal system does not go straight to the heart as it does in the caval system it goes to the liver for detoxification and metabolism
What are the 4 regions of the body that are portal-caval anatamosis?
anal canal
distal oesophagus
peri-umbilical region
posterior aspect of retroperitoneal visecera
If there was an obstruction in the portal vein what are the consequences to the portal-caval anatomosis>
if blood can’t return via the portal system it returns via the systemic circulation - this is possible due to the lack of valves in the portal venous system. it results in an enlargement of ceins in hte systemic circulation, especially at the sites of anastomoses, this causes clincal features like anorectal or oesophageal varices and enlargement of periumbilical veins = caput medusae
do quiz on handout sheet
Add brain and head supply
add arms and leg supply
plus features for big ones
radial and deep
superficial palmar branch and deep
dorsal veins
median cubital vein
deltopectoral groove
abdominal aorta
common iliac
internal and external iliac
femoral artery
profunda femoris
posterior tibial
anterior tibial
fibular artery
genicular branches
medial plantar anterior tibial
dorsalis pedis
superior gluteal
obturator inferior gluteal
dorsal venous arch
small saphenous
popliteal fossa
great saphenous
What are the margins of the subclavian artery?
the origin is the medial border of the anterior scalene
last part is the lateral border of the anterior scalene
What are the margins of the axillary artery?
first - proximal to pectoralis minor
lastp distal to pectoralis minor
What are the marigins of the brachial artery?
distal to teres major