Block E Lecture 3: Protozoan Cell Biology and Disease - Part A - Visceral Parasitic Infections Flashcards
A discussion of various parasites and how they can affect the human body
What is a protozoan?
A single celled eukaryote belonging to the protista kingdom
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What is Entamoeba histolytica?
A pathogenic protist
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What disease does entamoeba histolytica cause?
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How are amoebiasis, balantidiasis giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis primarily transmitted?
Through contaminated water (and contaminated food for amoebiasis)
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What is excystation?
When a parasite “hatches” from its protective cyst
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What are the symptoms of amoebiasis, balantidiasis and cryptosporidiosis?
It can be asymptomatic or lead to diarrhea and / or dysentery, excystation can also lead to cysts forming in the small intestine
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Where can entamoebas histolytica parasites occasionally invade when left untreated?
The liver, and sometimes even the lungs and brain
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What can be used to treat amoebiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis and trichomoniasis?
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How is amoebiasis and giardiasis diagnosed?
Via cysts in stool
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What is the first stage of the lifecycle of entamoeba histolytica?
Mature cysts are digested by the host via contaminated food or water
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What happens in the lifecycle of entamoeba histolytica after a host digests it’s mature cysts?
These cysts pass through the stomach and make their way into the small intestine
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What happens in the lifecycle of entamoeba histolytica after digested cysts reach the small intestine?
The environment of the small intestine triggers excystation, where the cysts are transformed into trophozoites
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What happens in the lifecycle of entamoeba histolytica after cysts transform into trophozoites?
These trophozoites can colonise the large intestine and then invade the intestinal mucosa where they can multiply and feed on host tissue
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What happens in the life cycle of entamoeba histolytica after trophozoites invade the intestinal mucosa and feed on tissue?
Some can form new cysts and exit the body via faeces, leading to contamination of the environment and potential transmission to new hosts
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What are balantidium coli?
Ciliated intestinal human and swine parasites
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What disease does balantidium coli cause?
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How is balantidiasis diagnosed?
In stool and colon tissue
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How does the lifecycle of balantidium coli compare to that of entamoeba histolytica?
The main difference is that entamoeba histolytica excysts in the small intestine whereas balantidium coli excysts in the large intestine
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What is giardia intestinalis?
A flagellated anaerobic parasite which has mitosomes (mitochondrial remanent organelles)
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What disease does giardia intestinalis cause?
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On top of having similar symptoms to amoebiasis and balantidiasis what additional symptoms can giardiasis present itself as?
Intestinal cramps, nausea, weight loss and malaise (general feeling of discomfort or illness)
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What is the main difference between the lifecycles of entamoeba histolytica and giardia intestinalis?
Entamoeba histolytica primarily residues in the large intestine (after excysting in the small intestine) whereas giardia intestinalis primarily colonises and eats the mucosal lining of the small intestine
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