Block A Workshop - Microbial Ecology Flashcards
What is species richness?
The measurement of how many species there are
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What is species evenness?
The measurement of how abundant the species present are
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What are the 2 different classes of methods we can use to measure species richness and evenness?
Culture-independent methods (such as 16S rRNAs, OTUs and metagenomics) and culture-dependent methods
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What do microbiomes play key roles in?
Host physiology, development, immune function/defense and nutrition
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What can be used to measure diversity?
Shannon index (H)
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What does a higher Shannon index (H) mean?
A more diverse community with 0 meaning there is only 1 species
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What does colony-forming units (cfu) refer to?
The number of cells present in the original sample
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How is cfu/ml calculated?
First need to serially dilute
cfu/ml = number of colonies counted / dilution factor x volume plated
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What are Winogradsky columns?
A column which acts as an artificial microbial ecosystem. They can act as enrichment culture (for different microbes depending on the substrate(s) added)
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What forms in Winogradsky columns?
Gradients of oxygen and other nutrients
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What does oxygen and other nutrient gradients forming in Winogradsky columns lead to?
Microbes growing in different zones according to their physiology
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What do purple/green non-sulphur bacteria usually carry out and what can they possibly have the ability to fix?
They usually carry out anoxygenic photosynthesis, and may be able to fix nitrogen
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What is anoxygenic photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis in which oxygen is non produced as a by-product
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What type of photosynthesis do purple sulphur bacteria use?
Photosynthesis using sulphide or thiosulfate as an electron donator
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What are green sulphur bacteria?
Obligate anaerobes which undergo anoxygenic photosynthesis using hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or sulphur as electron donors
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What are sulphate reducing bacteria?
Obligate anaerobes which produce sulphide
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