Biostats_1_Study design Flashcards
Case reports, case series, cross-sectional studies, and correlational (ecologic) studies, are all _________ studies.
Descriptive studies
What study design could develop a sense of the disease prevalence?
Disease prevalence can be addressed in a cross-sectional study
What is the main question addressed by a cross-sectional study?
“What is happening?” It assesses the frequency of disease and risk factors simultaneously. A cross-sectional study (prevalence study) is characterized by the simultaneous measurement of exposure and outcome. It is a snapshot study design frequently used for surveys.
What is the goal of a cross-sectional study?
To determine disease prevalence and assess potential risk factor associations at a single point in time.
What is the tactical advantage of a cross-sectional study?
It has the advantage of being cheap and easy to perform.
What is the major limitation of cross-sectional studies?
They assess disease prevalence but cannot establish causality or temporal relationships between exposure and outcome.
Does a cross-sectional study address causality?
No, a cross-sectional study can only show the risk factors associated with a disease, but can not establish causality.
Why can cross-sectional studies show associations but not causality?
They do not establish a temporal relationship between exposure and outcome.
When a study design analyzes several individual patients with the
same diagnosis, treatment, or outcome, and only provides a description of clinical findings and symptoms, but has no comparison group, this is/these are … ?
Case-series or case series
These only provide descriptions of individual patient cases or a group of cases sharing the same diagnosis.
In what scenario is a case report or case series used?
To describe rare diseases or unusual presentations when comparison groups are not available. Typically, case reports and case series describe unusual cases that may provide greater understanding of the disease or that may have public health significance.
Can a case-series study link risk factors to a disease?
No, case studies cannot show risk factor association with disease.
What study would be preferred for a study small infectious outbreaks or rare diseases?
A case-control study.
What type of study compares diseased and non-diseased groups to assess prior exposure in a retrospectively manner?
A case-control study.
Retrospectively compares a group of people with disease to a group without disease.
What question does a case-control study answer?
“What happened?” It retrospectively assesses exposure in cases and controls. For example, patients with COPD had higher odds of a smoking history than those without COPD.
What is the primary measure of association in case-control studies?
Odds ratio (OR).
What distinguishes a cohort study from a case-control study?
Cohort studies start with exposure and follow participants over time for outcomes, whereas case-control studies start with outcomes and look back for exposure. Case-control studies do not directly determine the risk of the disease based on exposure, rather, the odds ratio is a measure of association that compares the odds of exposure in cases with the odds of exposure in controls.
How is the control determined in a case-control study?
Selection of control subjects is intended to provide the estimation of exposure frequency among the population and the exposure frequency is compared to that of cases who were known to be exposed. Selecting controls based on exposure status is inappropriate because comparing the exposure status in cases and controls would confound the analysis.
Why are case-control studies preferred for rare diseases?
They are efficient, cost-effective, and focus on comparing past exposures in cases and controls.