atrial fibrillation & atrial flutter Flashcards
A mid-aged patient comes in to the emergency department complaining about heart palpitations that started early in the day. He states that he feels his heart fluttering in his chest. He tried to walk around and take deep breaths, but nothing has worked. He has previously felt his heart skip a beat. He has no lightheadedness, blurry vision, muscle weakness, chest pain, or shortness of breath. The patient has hypertension that is well controlled with valsartan and amlodipine. He does not use tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs. He has no medication allergies. The patient appears anxious and in mild discomfort due to palpitations. Blood pressure is 140/80 mm Hg and respirations are 19/min. Cardiac auscultation reveals no murmurs. Lungs are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is soft, non-tender, and non-distended. Neurologic examination is normal. An ECG is performed and the patient is placed on a telemetry monitor. What is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
This patient’s ECG shows a narrow QRS-complex tachycardia, absence of organized P waves, and an irregularly irregular rhythm with varying R-R intervals is consistent with atrial fibrillation (AF) with rapid ventricular response. The ventricular rate is estimated at 138/min (23 beats in 10 seconds); because rapid heart rate can lead to poor ventricular filling and low cardiac output, the best next step in management is to control the ventricular response rate (goal rate in the acute setting <110/min). AF rate control is usually achieved with the use of atrioventricular (AV) nodal blocking agents such as beta blockers (eg, metoprolol, atenolol) or nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (eg, diltiazem, verapamil). These drugs also have negative inotropic effects and so are contraindicated or must be used with caution in patients with hypotension or decompensated heart failure.
What is atrial fibrillation (AF)?
Atrial fibrillation is a common cardiac arrhythmia characterized by disorganized electrical activity in the atria, leading to irregular and often rapid heartbeats. Chaotic electrical activity (fibrillatory waves) with irregular transmission to the ventricles due to structural and electrical conduction changes in the atrial myocardium that predispose to the initiation and maintenance of electrical reentrant circuits and/or ectopic foci. The structural component of atrial remodeling likely involves comorbidities that lead to chronic atrial stretching and dilation. These include hypertension, heart failure, and mitral valve disease. Physiologic age-related atrial dilation also contributes. The electrical conduction component likely involves age-related changes as well as previous exposure to atrial fibrillation. During atrial fibrillation, the conduction system undergoes changes that facilitate propagation of the arrhythmia and over time it becomes more difficult to reverse (ie, atrial fibrillation begets atrial fibrillation). Aberrant foci commonly originate in pulmonary veins.
Independent of all other variables, what is the most significant risk factor associated with atrial fibrillation?
What is the typical age group for the onset of atrial fibrillation?
Older adults, typically above 65 years.
What common symptom of atrial fibrillation do patients tend to vocalize at presentation?
The most common symptom of atrial fibrillation that patients often report are palpitations. Palpitations are typically described by the patient as a sensation of a racing heart, fluttering, or of a beat skipping. This sensation is due to the rapid and irregular beating of the atria.
What are the other clinical symptoms of atrial fibrillation aside from “skipping a beat?”
Aside from palpitations, the clinical features include angina, fatigue, exertional dyspnea, dizziness, or syncope. Patients will have an irregularly irregular pulse.
Fill in the blank: Atrial fibrillation is classified as __________ if it lasts less than 7 days.
Paroxysmal. This is a condition where atrial fibrillation often comes and goes, however atrial fibrillation can persist days to weeks or become permanent.
What does ‘AF with RVR’ stand for?
Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.
What type of rhythm is typically seen on an ECG in atrial fibrillation?
Irregularly irregular rhythm with an absence of P-waves.
What tends to be the heart rate range in a patient with atrial fibrillation?
Multiple foci in the atria fire continuously in a chaotic pattern, leading to a totally irregular rapid ventricular rate. The atria quiver instead of contracting, with an atrial rate over 400 bpm, but most impulses are blocked at the AV node, resulting in a ventricular rate of 75-175 bpm.
True or False: Atrial fibrillation is always symptomatic.
What is one lifestyle modification recommended for patients with atrial fibrillation?
Avoiding excessive alcohol intake, which causes a condition known as holiday heart syndrome.
True or False: Atrial fibrillation can be a result of heart valve disease.
In terms of mechanical obstruction, secondary to enlargement of the atria, most often is accompanied by (Dysphagia or Hoarseness) ?
Dysphagia. Because the posterior mediastinal portion of the esophagus lies just behind the left atrium, it is at risk of being compressed and/or displaced by an enlarged left atrium. Left atrial enlargement due to increased left atrial pressure can develop in patients with chronic mitral stenosis, although this occurs very rarely. The vagus nerves lie posterior to the hila of the lungs bilaterally. They are therefore unlikely to be compressed by cardiac enlargement. In rare cases, compression of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve by a significantly enlarged left atrium may occur in patients with chronic mitral stenosis. Patients may then present with hoarseness of voice.
What extremes in lifestyle lead to atrial fibrillation?
Extremes of activity such as a sedentary lifestyle or excess exercise such as marathon running.
True or False: Atrial fibrillation can be associated with hyperthyroidism.
True. Check the serum TSH, if the TSH is low while the T3 / T4 is high, give propanolol. Accompanying symptoms include diarrhea, heat intolerance, weight loss, or warm skin.
What are the common hyperandrogenic states that lead to atrial fibrillation?
stress, pheochromocytoma, and elevation of sex hormones.
What heart condition involving inflammation leads to atrial fibrillation?
What drugs of abuse can promote atrial fibrillation?
cocaine or methamphetamines.
What is the relationship between atrial fibrillation and sleep apnea?
Atrial fibrillation is commonly associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
What underlying heart conditions increase the risk for developing atrial fibrillation?
Heart disease, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, mitral valve disease, or a history of cardiac surgery (scar can predispose to ectopic foci of activity).
Why do heart conditions amplify the risk of patients with atrial fibrillation?
Patients with AFib in the presence of underlying heart disease have an especially high risk of embolization and hemodynamic compromise.
What are the two most common reasons for increased sympathetic tone that lead to atrial fibrillation?
- Acute illness
- Cardiac surgery or post-operative pain
Why does postoperative atrial fibrillation occur?
Atrial fibrillation is a common postoperative complication of cardiac surgery. Cardiac surgery causes transient atrial fibrillation via surgery-related atrial myocardial inflammation and an increased rate of triggers resulting from a surgery-related increase in sympathetic tone.
Who are at increased risk for postoperative atrial fibrillation?
Patients at risk for developing postoperative atrial fibrillation:
- Advanced age
- Hypertension
- Left ventricular dysfunction
What are the short-term complications for postoperative atrial fibrillation?
There are 2 significant points to recognize:
1) Most patients with no history of atrial fibrillation who develop postoperative atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery will likely spontaneously convert to sinus rhythm within a few days.
2) Conversion to sinus rhythm does not signify resolution of atrial fibrillation and freedom from its associated complications. The development of postoperative atrial fibrillation likely indicates substantial underlying condition, so many patients will have recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation (paroxysmal disease).
What are the long-term complications for postoperative atrial fibrillation?
- During hospitalization and following discharge, patients are at risk for complications, including embolic stroke and heart failure.
- Postoperative atrial fibrillation is also associated with increased long-term mortality.
Does reperfusion following PCI or CABG tend to cause atrial fibrillation?
Reperfusion in of itself is not a precipitant of atrial fibrillation, however, in the setting of acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia that occurs. The other rhythms that occur are PVCs, VT, and VF.
Does MI or acute ischemia tend to cause atrial fibrillation?
Acute ischemia is not a common or direct trigger of atrial fibrillation. Myocardial infarction (Ml) can sometimes precipitate atrial fibrillation via increased sympathetic tone or abrupt onset left ventricular failure with atrial stretching.
What respiratory conditions are associated with the development of atrial fibrillation?
pulmonary diseases that can cause atrial fibrillation include malignancy, PEs, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and any cause of hypoxia.
Name the major potential heart complication of atrial fibrillation.
tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
True or False: Atrial fibrillation can increase the risk of stroke.
Patients with atrial fibrillation, and an underlying heart disease are at a markedly increased risk for adverse events such as thromboembolism and hemodynamic compromise. You can develop blood stasis and this is secondary to ineffective contraction which leads to formation of an intramural thrombus often the left atrial appendage which can embolize to the brain and cause an ischemic stroke.
What is the significance of the left atrial size in atrial fibrillation?
Increased left atrial size is associated with a higher risk of thromboembolism. Complications include stroke, mesenteric ischemia, and limb ischemia.
What is the primary mechanism of stroke risk in atrial fibrillation?
The primary mechanism is the formation of thrombi in the left atrial appendage due to stagnant blood flow.
What is the main goal of management in atrial fibrillation?
To prevent stroke and control heart rate or restore normal rhythm.
What is the first step in management for a patient with atrial fibrillation?
Assess ABCDE. This will be followed by assessment of hemodynamic stability. If a patient is hemodynamically unstable, perform synchronized cardioversion (defibrillation) and give prophylactic anticoagulation. If the patient is hemodynamically stable then the management should be to establish rate control with beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers.
A patient needs to go to surgery, but they have a history of atrial fibrillation (or are presenting with acute onset), as the patient is being worked up for the surgical procedure, what is the major concern or consideration?
Hemodynamic stability
Is atrial fibrillation with RVR managed by rate control or rhythm control in the acute setting?
Rate control of AF with rapid ventricular response is preferred in the acute setting with a beta-blocker or nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. Rate control precedes rhythm control.
In order for a patient to obtain rate control, they first must be … ?
hemodynamically stable.
What is the target heart rate for patients with atrial fibrillation during rate control?
- Less than 110 bpm if they are asymptomatic.
- Less than 85 bpm if they are symptomatic.
In the RACE II (Rate Control Efficacy in Permanent Atrial Fibrillation) trial, the lenient rate control strategy aimed for a resting heart rate of less than 110 beats per minute (bpm). This approach was compared to a strict rate control strategy, which targeted a resting heart rate below 80 bpm and a heart rate during moderate exercise below 110 bpm. The study found that lenient rate control was non-inferior to strict rate control in preventing cardiovascular events in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation.
What is the first-line treatment for rate control in atrial fibrillation?
Beta blockers (metoprolol) or nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (diltiazem or verapamil) are the preferred first-line agents for ventricular rate control in patients with rapid atrial fibriation. These drugs are contraindicated or should be used with caution in patients with decompensated heart failure or hypotension.
When is digoxin used to establish rate control in atrial fibrillation?
When the patient has heart failure (HFrEF), Digoxin is appropriate. However, this tends to be given after first adding a first-line medication (Beta blocker). The preferred beta-blocker is metoprolol.
What medication class is avoided in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure?
Calcium channel blockers (non-dihydropyridine) need to be AVOIDED in heart failure. Instead, patients with heart failure should be prescribed Dofetilide or Amiodarone. There are other medications that are preferred depending on the patient’s condition.
When is amiodarone considered in the management of atrial fibrillation?
Amiodarone is sometimes used for rate control when first-line medications are ineffective. Use of amiodarone is often limited by the risk of adverse effects like lung toxicity or thyroid toxicity. Amiodarone should be avoided when the patient has COPD or lung disease.
Why is an ECHO needed for a patient with new onset of atrial fibrillation?
TEE is indicated in the workup of new-onset atrial fibrillation to evaluate for valvular abnormalities and to determine if the left atrium has a thrombus. A TEE can be used to allow selection of rhythm control for patients who have had an onset of atrial fibrillation for more than 48 hours or an unspecified period of time. An ECHO is an essential step prior to any attempts at rhythm control (synchronized cardioversion [preferred] or pharm [flecainide, propafenone, or ibutilide]).
If a patient has had atrial fibrillation for more than 48 hours, or an unspecified period of time, then the patient will need … ?
At least 3 weeks of anticoagulation or a TEE prior to performing rhythm control with cardioversion or pharm.
These patients will require 4 weeks of anticoagulation after cardioversion.
What can bypass the 3 week anticoagulation period in a patient with atrial fibrillation (if the onset has been greater than 48 hours or when the onset of atrial fibrillation is unspecified)?
TEE to evaluate the left atrium for a thrombus.
These patients still need prophylactic heparin prior to cardioversion (different than DAPT or warfarin for long term anticoagulation).
These patients will require 4 weeks of anticoagulation after cardioversion.
In the acute setting of atrial fibrillation with RVR, after the attempt of rate control with first-line treatment, what is the next step in management if atrial fibrillation is refractory?
Synchronized Cardioversion or pharmacological rhythm control with flecainide, propafenone, or ibutilide.
A 63-year-old man presents to the emergency department with lightheadedness and fatigue. Electrocardiogram is performed and the patient is found to be in atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 84 beats per minute. Thirty minutes later the patient becomes lightheaded and develops chest pressure. Repeat electrocardiogram shows atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 156 beats per minute. Temperature is 37.0 °C (98.6 °F), blood pressure is 78/55 mmHg, and respiratory rate is 18/min. On examination, the patient appears confused and uncomfortable. Peripheral IV access is established.
Which of the following is the best next step in management?
A) Perform vagal maneuver
B) Perform synchronized cardioversion
C) Administer IV metoprolol
D) Administer IV amiodarone
E) Administer sublingual nitroglycerin
Patients who have a pulse and are unstable from atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response should undergo immediate synchronized cardioversion. Signs and symptoms that indicate that they are unstable include altered mental status, hypotension, and ischemic chest pain. This patient presents with an unstable tachyarrhythmia (atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response with chest pain and hypotension) and requires immediate synchronized cardioversion.
The first step in managing patients presenting with tachycardia is to evaluate for stability via an ABCDE assessment. Initial management includes establishing IV access and providing supplemental oxygen if needed. Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) protocols should be followed. Unstable tachycardia is defined as tachycardia with hypotension, altered mental status, ischemic chest pain, or acute heart failure. Heart rates are generally >150 bpm. Patients who are unstable from tachycardia and who have a pulse should immediately undergo synchronized cardioversion to try and break the unstable rhythm. With synchronized cardioversion, the shock is synced to the patient’s underlying rhythm and delivered in concordance with the QRS complex to avoid precipitating ventricular fibrillation. If this patient had tachycardia and no pulse, he would likely have ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, requiring immediate defibrillation and CPR. In patients with ventricular fibrillation, the underlying rhythm is unorganized and erratic, so the patient instead receives an untimed shock referred to as defibrillation. In patients with stable tachycardia, treatment is directed at managing symptoms and treating the underlying etiology. Patients with AV nodal-reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) should be given IV adenosine. Patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter with rapid ventricular response (pulse > 110/min) who are stable can be given IV beta-blockers or IV calcium channel blockers (usually diltiazem) for rate control.
Which patients are appropriate for rhythm control?
Rhythm control is reserved for patients who are hemodynamically unstable at initial presentation, or for those who have first been managed with rate control and still have atrial fibrillation and are symptomatic, or those who are having their first case (ever) of AFib (less than a 48-hour window). If symptoms were prolonged beyond 48 hours, patients will need either 3 weeks or anticoagulation or a TEE (to check for a thrombus or valvular disease). Rhythm control can be with synchronized cardioversion (prefered) or pharmacological with flecainide, propafenone, or ibutilide. Generally, so long as the patient has been anticoagulated, rhythm control is an option if they are still unable to maintain adequate heart rate control with rate-control agents and there is a persistence of symptomatic episodes (eg, heart failure exacerbation) on rate-control agents.
When must a patient with atrial fibrillation be anticoagulated?
If performing an immediate cardioversion due to hemodynamic instability, patients still require prophylactic anticoagulation with heparin. Additionally, if rate control has failed, and proceeding with rhythm control to manage atrial fibrillation with cardioversion, prophylactic anticoagulation with heparin prior to cardioversion is necessary. If the patient has chronic atrial fibrillation or the onset has been either unspecified in terms of time or longer than 48 hours, these patients need anticoagulation for 3 weeks prior to rhythm control with cardioversion, followed by 4 weeks of anticoagulation after cardioversion.
Patients with new-onset AF should undergo thromboembolic risk stratification to identify those who would benefit from anticoagulation therapy. What scoring system is used to assess stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation?
CHA2DS2-VASc score
What does the ‘C’ in CHA2DS2-VASc stand for?
Congestive heart failure
What is the significance of the ‘2’ in the CHA2DS2-VASc score?
It indicates that patients aged 75 years or older receive 2 points for stroke risk.
What does the ‘VASc’ in CHA2DS2-VASc represent?
Vascular disease, Age (65-74), Sex (female)
What does the CHA2DS2-VASc score indicate regarding risk in terms of percent increase of stroke?
The higher the score, the higher the annual stroke risk. Where zero is average risk of the average population.
At what CHA2DS2-VASc score is anticoagulation indicated?
1 for males
2 for females
What are the direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) used for atrial fibrillation?
- Factor Xa inhibitors, such as, Abixaban, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban.
- Factor IIa inhibitors (direct thrombin) inhibitors, like Dabigatran.
Do direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) require monitoring with labs?
These agents do not require lab monitoring.
When are direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) contraindicated?
renal failure
Which anticoagulant is commonly used for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation and mitral stenosis or heart valve replacement?
In patients with atrial fibrillation, what should be monitored periodically if they are on warfarin?
INR (International Normalized Ratio). An INR of 2.5 to 3.5 is typical anticoagulation goal range for warfarin.
Acute warfarin and associated bleeding can be reversed with …?
FFP, fresh plasma, frozen plasma, or PCC, which is prothrombin complex concentrate.
When patients develop new onset of atrial fibrillation while requiring emergent surgery for a separate underlying condition, such as GI perforation, what are the immediate steps?
After performing ABCDEs, if the patient is hemodynamically stable patients and the need for emergency surgery is evident, the next step is to establish rate control for their atrial fibrillation. Rate control is preferred over rhythm control. This is best accomplished with an intravenous beta blocker (esmolol infusion, metoprolol IV push) or nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (diltiazem infusion). In these acutely ill patients, some tachycardia is appropriate to meet metabolic needs; therefore, a goal rate of 100-110/min is often pursued. Doses are adjusted to achieve the goal heart rate while ensuring no significant hypotension. The risk of an atrial fibrillation-related thromboembolic event during surgery is low, therefore, initiating anticoagulation prior to surgery is not necessary. Anticoagulation should be initiated postoperatively in patients for whom the thromboembolic risk indicates it.
When patients develop new onset of atrial fibrillation while requiring emergent surgery for a separate underlying condition, such as GI perforation, what are is the most immediate step for a patient that is hemodynamically unstable?
Electrical cardioversion is performed in the preoperative setting only if the patient is hemodynamically unstable (eg, severe hypotension, confusion, ischemic chest pain, acute heart failure).
What is the role of catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation?
Pulmonary vein isolation is used for rhythm control in symptomatic patients who do not respond to medical therapy.
What is the major consideration for a patient with atrial fibrillation who is scheduled to undergo a surgical procedure, in the pre-pharmicological management in terms of anticoagulation?
“Bleeding risk.”
What would be considered low bleeding risk vs high bleeding risk?
Low: Cataract surgery, tooth extraction central venous catheter removal, pacemaker/ICD placement, LN biopsy, endoscopy without needle biopsy, Carpal tunnel repair.
High: Cardiac, vascular, neurosurgical, Intraabdominal, urologic (eg, TURP), Joint replacement, laminectomy, Renal biopsy, endoscopy with FNA.
Patients with atrial fibrillation on warfarin with moderate, or high-risk patients (eg, CHA2DS2-VASc ≥7, recent stroke, mechanical mitral valve) on warfarin, all require what prior to surgery?
Perioperative bridging. They should be given short-acting parenteral anticoagulants (eg, heparin infusion) to provide protection from thromboembolism during the interval required to reduce and then reestablish therapeutic levels of warfarin.
When is it appropriate to bridge with heparin preoperatively for a patient with atrial fibrillation?
When a patient is:
1) On warfarin
2) There is a low/moderate/high risk of bleeding
3) There is a moderate/high risk of developing a thrombus.
The reason to stop warfarin 3-5 days before a surgery is because the risk of bleeding is present, the patient will need unencumbered clot development to stop the bleeding. However, these patients will require a bridge with heparin in the interim because stopping warfarin causes a hypercoagulable state. Even more, these patients can develop warfarin necrosis due to a decrease in protein C levels.
- The risk of thrombosis is contingent on CHA2D2VASC score.
- The risk is low when the score is 4 or less and there is no history of stroke.
- If the score is 5-6, or a stroke has occurred 3 months or longer, this is a moderate risk.
- If the score is 7 or more, a stroke has developed within 3 months, or the patient has a mechanical valve, this is a high risk. Either way, in each of these cases, given the same set of conditions, these low/moderate/high risk patients require heparin bridge.
Even in the context of an elevated bleeding risk, and an elevated CHADVASC score, when do you both STOP warfarin (3 to 5 days before the surgery) and NOT bridge with heparin?
When the risk of bleeding is elevated (beyond minimal) and the risk of thrombus is low, a “CHA2DS2 VASc” score of 4 or less, and no history of stroke.
Do patients on warfarin always need a heparin bridge?
No, some patients who are on warfarin, and have a minimal risk for bleeding, they will continue on warfarin.
What is this cardiac arrhythmia?
Atrial flutter
This is a supraventricular tachycardia caused by a reentrant circuit within the right atrium, leading to rapid, regular atrial contractions (~300 bpm). The ventricular response is typically a 2:1 conduction (atrial rate ~300 bpm, ventricular rate ~150 bpm).
What conditions are commonly associated with atrial flutter?
Commonly associated with conditions like rheumatic disease, ASD, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, chronic lung disease (COPD), and post-cardiac surgery. Atrial flutter has many similar underlying causes as atrial fibrillation.
What are the ECG findings in atrial flutter?
Characteristic ‘sawtooth’ flutter waves, best seen in leads II, III, and aVF.
What symptoms may patients with atrial flutter present?
Patients may present with palpitations, dyspnea, fatigue, dizziness, or syncope. Some cases are asymptomatic and detected incidentally.
How is atrial flutter diagnosed?
ECG is diagnostic. If unclear, ambulatory monitoring or electrophysiologic studies may be required.
What is the acute management for unstable patients with atrial flutter?
Unstable patients require immediate synchronized cardioversion.
What is the acute management for stable patients with atrial flutter?
Stable patients can receive rate control with beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers.
What is the long-term management for atrial flutter?
Catheter ablation is the definitive treatment. Rate control (beta-blockers, CCBs) and rhythm control (antiarrhythmics) are alternatives. Anticoagulation is necessary based on stroke risk (CHA2DS2-VASc score).
What complications are associated with atrial flutter?
Increased risk of thromboembolism and stroke. Can progress to atrial fibrillation.