Biosecurity Flashcards
• Management practices that reduce the opportunity for infectious agents to gain access to, or spread within, an animal production unit.
• Ongoing pressure on agriculture to reduce antimicrobial usage has
led to increased emphasis on disease prevention and the role of biosecurity.
biosecurity triangle
diagnostic tests-vaccinations-bio-security
why the concern
• Foreign and emerging disease issues
• Globalization of agriculture
• Increased public concern over food safety
• Farms are less isolated
• Farm inputs coming from farther away sometimes other
• FAD such as: FMD, BSE, AI, and Newcastle disease have
brought world concerns closer to the local farm/ranch level.
level 1
protect against diseases endemic to the local environment
level 2
secure against foreign or exotic diseases
who is concerned with it
- Neighbors and Friends
- Agribusiness and Service representatives
- Veterinarians
- Inspectors/regulatory personnel
- Rendering
- Custom manure/biosolids haulers and applicators.
- Any Visitor
assessing visitor risk
• Place restricted entry notices on the doors to
animal facilities.
• Separate visitor and farm vehicle parking
•All visitors enter at one point. Keep a log.
•Know where farms visitors may have been to prior
to your farm
•Restrict access to animal facilities to essential
visitors only
reduce exposure
• Supply clean clothing, boots, or covers
• Do not allow foods of ANIMAL ORIGIN to be brought on
• Provide containers to properly dispose of dirty clothing and
• Always wash hands after contacting animals
• Foot bath with scrub brush at entrance to each animal
facility. (clean daily)
• Clean to dirty. Handle sick animals last.
• Clean and disinfect all equipment before use on premise
• Ensure parameter control
• Control human traffic
• Control animal traffic
• Add known-status animals
• Isolate all new additions
• Isolate diseased animals
• Vector and vermin control
• Ensure pasture and paddock management
• Parasite control
• Practice waste management
• Appropriate carcass disposal
waste management
- Biohazard waste
- Medical waste
- Wastes of environmental concern
- Sharps
- Clothing
- Gloves
- Other PPE
animal carcass disposal
- Burial
- Mass depopulation
- Environmental concerns
- Local jurisdictions
- Rendering
- Carcass storage concerns
- Transport concerns
- Composting
- Land available?
- Disease spread?
- Incineration
- Costly
- Disease spread?
concerns with manure
- Many important diseases are transmitted by manure and clothing and equipment contaminated by manure.
- Bacterial
- Salmonella, E. coli, Johne’s disease, Tuberculosis
- Viral
- Hog cholera, FMD, BVD
- Protozoal
- Coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis
- Parasitic
- Ascariasis, sarcocystosis.
manure haulers and rendering
•Hiring custom haulers/renderers increases potential
spread of disease between farms
•Wash all exterior surfaces of manure handling
equipment; check all are visibly free of organic
matter prior to farm entry.
•Consider on property lagoons, digestors.
•Manure recycling strategies
• Disease spread (compost)
• Fertilize fields
• Source of energy production
protecting against infection
- Vaccination
- Laboratory testing
- On-premise surveillance
- Single in and out
- House according to disease status
- Cleaning
- Disinfection
- All in all out
people managment
- Employees
- Dedicated clothing
- Shower facilities
- Work clean to dirty
- Visitors and vendors
- Controlled access
animal identification
•Electronic identification : birth to consumption
•Verification of records
•Tracking for epidemiological purposes,
disease outbreaks.
•Personnel training programs •Source, quality and disposition of all products animals, feeds, forages, equipment and materials •Medical and veterinary procedures and products •People movement
what does biosecurity provide
•Essential component of many on-farm safety programs •Greater consumer acceptability of the quality and safety of the food supply •Healthy animals that are more productive •Improved animal welfare and well-being •Improved efficiency and profitability for the farmer.