Biopsychology Flashcards
The Central Nervous System
the CNS has 2 main functions:
control of behaviour
regulation of the body’s physiological processes.
to do this, the brain must receive messages from the senses and must be able to send messages to the muscles and glands of the body. this involves the spinal cord and the nerve cells that are attached to the brain and run the length of the spinal column.
The Central Nervous System: Describe the spinal cord
the function is to relay information between the brain and the rest of the body. this allows the brain to monitor processes such as digestion and breathing and also coordinate the voluntary muscles. the spinal cord is connected to the rest of the body by nerves that connect to muscles and glands. e.g. spinal nerve which branches off from the thoracic region of the back carries messages to and from the chest and abdominal region.
the spinal cord also contains circuits of nerve cells that enable us to perform simple reflexes without the involvement of the brain e.g. pulling a hand away from the hot oven.
damage to the spinal cord prevents the brain from relaying messages therefore below the damage site will stop working.
The Central Nervous System: describe the Brain
The brain can be divided into 4 parts:
brain stem
The Central Nervous System: describe the
4 parts of the brain
cerebrum: this is the largest area of the brain and is divided into 4 lobes. e.g. frontal lobe= thought and speech production. occipital lobe= processing of visual images. the cerebrum is split down the middle into 2 hemispheres. each hemisphere has specific functions and they communicate with each other via the corpus callosum.
cerebellum: this coordinates motor skills and balance, coordinating the muscles to allow for precise movements. abnormalities in this area can cause issues with speech and motor problems.
diencephalon: this lies at the top of the brain stem. within this area is the thalamus and the hypothalamus. the thalamus is a relay station for nerve impulses coming from the sense routing them to appropriate parts of the brain where they can be processed. the hypothalamus has a number of functions such as the regulation of body temperature, hunger, and thirst. it also acts as a link to the endocrine system that releases hormones from the pituitary glands.
brain stem: this is responsible for regulating automatic functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and swallowing. motor and sensory neurons travel through the brain stem allowing impulses to pass between the brain and spinal cord.
what is the Peripheral Nervous System?
the nervous system outside of the CNS make up the peripheral nervous system. this system relays nerve impulses from the CNS to the rest of the body and back to the CNS. there are 2 main divisions: somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
The Peripheral Nervous System: what is the Somatic Nervous System?
this is made up of 12 cranial nerves (emerge from the underside of the brain) and 31 pairs of spinal nerves (these emerge from the spinal cord). these nerves have both sensory and motor neurons.
sensory = relays message TO the CNS
motor = relays information FROM the CNS.
The Peripheral Nervous System: describe the autonomic nervous system
the body carries out some functions that we are unaware of such as heart beat and digestion. this system is essential as these functions would not work properly if we had to think about them. the ANS has 2 parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic. these both regulate the same organs but have opposite effects. the sympathetic nervous system is associated with the neurotransmitter noradrenaline and the sympathetic nervous system is associated with acetylcholine.
The Peripheral Nervous System: describe the Sympathetic Nervous System
this system helps us deal with emergencies. the neurons travel to virtually every organ and gland, preparing them for rapid action.
Stress response: pupils dilate which means increased light and better vision, increased heart beat and blood rate, and low saliva which means we have a dry mouth.
The Peripheral Nervous System: describe the Parasympathetic Nervous System
The SNS pushes an individual into action, and the PNS relaxes them once the danger has passed. the SNS causes your heart rate to increase, and your BP to increase, whereas the PNS causes them both to be reduced. Another benefit is the SNS inhibits digestion whereas the PNS allows the process to start again. it is sometimes referred to as the body’s rest and digestion system.
explain the structure and function of neurons
neurons are cells that are specialized to carry neural information throughout the body. there are 3 types of neurons: sensory, relay, or motor. they typically consist of a cell body, Dendrites and an axon.
the structure and function of neurons:
explain the function and structure of Dendrites
Dendrites at one end of the neuron receive signal from other neurons or sensory neurons. these are connected to the cell body, the control center. from the cell body the impulse is carried along the axon when it terminates at the axon terminal.
many neurons have an insulating layer (myelin sheath) which allows impulses to be transmitted more rapidly down the neuron.
the structure and function of neurons: what is the function and structure of action potentials?
neurons must transmit information both within the neuron and from one neuron to the next. The dendrites receive information from sensory neurons or other neurons. this information passes down the cell body, once it has arrived at the axon it travels in an electrical signal called action potential.
what are Sensory Neurons?
these carry nerve impulses from the sensory receptors e.g. receptors for vision, taste and touch to the spinal cord and the brain. these receptors are found in a number of locations: eyes, ears, tongue, and skin. Neurons convert information from these receptors to neural impulses. when these impulses reach the brain they are translated into sensations such as visual input, heat and pain.
not all sensory information travels as far as the brain. some neurons terminate at the spinal cord, this allows the reflex actions to occur quickly.
What are Relay Neurons?
these neurons lie within the brain and the spinal cord. they arent sensory or motor but lie between sensory input and motor output. relay neurons allow sensory and motor neurons to communicate with each other.
what are Motor Neurons?
these are the neurons located in the CNS that project their axons outside the CNS and directly or indirectly control muscles. Motor neurons form synapses with muscles and control their contractions. when stimulated, the neuron releases neurotransmitters that bind to receptors on the muscle and trigger a response which leads to muscle movement. when the axon of the motor neuron fires, the muscle contracts. the strength of the contraction bases on the rate of firing of the axons of motor neurons that control it. muscle relaxation is caused by inhibition of the motor neuron.
what is Synaptic Transmission?
this is how neurons pass messages on from one neuron to the next.
once an action potential has arrived at the end of an axon it need to be transferred to another neuron or tissue. to do this, it must cross a gap between the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
the physical gap is known as the synaptic gap. at the end of the axon are a number of sacs which are known as synaptic vesicles. these vesicles contain chemical messages that assist int he transfer of the action potential. as the action potential reaches these synaptic vesicles it causes them to release their contents: this process is called exocytosis.
the released neurotransmitters diffuse across the gap between the pre/post synaptic cell where it binds to specialized receptors on the surface of the cell. Once they have been activated, they produce an excitatory or inhibitory effect.
this whole process takes a fraction of a second. these effects are stopped due to a process of ‘re-uptake’. this is when neurotransmitters are taken up again by the presynaptic neuron, it is stored and available for later.
the quicker the presynaptic neuron take up the transmitters means the shorter effects for the post-synaptic neuron.
what are neurotransmitters?
chemical messengers that carry signals across the synaptic gap. they can be described as excitatory or inhibitory.
Neurotransmitters: excitatory
nor adrenaline and acetycholine are the nervous systems on switches. these increase the likelihood of an excitatory signal being sent to the post synaptic cell, and so are more likely to fire.
Excitatory neurotransmitters bind with post synaptic receptors which leads to an electrical change on the membrane of the cell = EPSP (excitatory post synaptic potential) which makes them fire
Neurotransmitters: Inhibitory
serotonin and GABA are the switches off. they decrease the likelihood of a neuron firing. these calm the body and induce sleep. the inhibitory neurotransmitters bind with post synaptic receptor (IPSP) which means they are less likely to fire.
nerve cells receive EPSP and IPSP at the same time. the likelihood of a cell firing is therefore determined by adding up the excitatory and the inhibiting input. This calculation will determine whether the cell will fire.
Neurotransmitters: how can the strength of EPSP be increased?
1, Spatial summation: large number of EPSP are generated at many different synapses on the same post synaptic neuron at the same time.
2. Temporal summation: large number of EPSPs are generated by the same synapse by a series of high frequency action potentials on a post synaptic neuron.
Gland, hormone produced, and effect of hormone
• Pineal gland , produces melatonin , and affects reproductive development and daily physiological cycles.
• Pituitary gland , produces anti-diuretic hormone and gonadotrophins , controls growth of bones and muscles, increases transposition of water in kidneys, and controls development of ovaries and testes.
• thyroid gland , produces thyroxine , and controls the rate of metabolism
• adrenal gland , produces adrenaline , and prepares the body for emergencies such as increased heart rate, raises blood sugar levels
• pancreas , produces insulin and glucagon , it converts excess glucose into glycogen in liver and other way around
• ovaries , produce oestrogen and progesterone , and controls ovulation and secondary sexual characteristics, prepares the uterus living for receiving an embryo
• testes , produces testosterone , controls sperm production and secondary sexual characteristics
what are Endocrine glands?
These produce and secrete hormones. These are chemical substances that regulate the activity of cells of organs. The major glands include pituitary, adrenal, and the reproductive organs. Each gland produces a different hormone. This system is regulated by feedback
1. Signal is sent from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland telling it to release a hormone
2. Pituitary gland secretes a stimulating hormone into the blood stream
3. Hormone signals to the target gland to secrete its hormone
4. Levels of hormones rise in the blood stream
5. Hypothalamus then shuts down the secreting hormone
6. Pituitary gland shuts down production of the hormone
7. Stabilisation for hormones
what are Hormones?
These are chemicals that circulate the blood stream and are carried into target sites. These hormones excite parts of the body. Even though hormones come into contact with a number of cells, they only have the ability to affect a number of target cells. These cells respond as they have a number of receptors for that hormone. When enough receptors sites are stimulated by the hormone this causes a physiological reaction on the target cells.
Timing of hormone release is vital for normal, functioning, too much or too little can cause dysfunction.
what are Pituitary glands?
This gland produces hormones this then influences the release of hormones from other glands, thus regulating the body’s functions.
The pituitary is controlled by the hypothalamus. This part of the brain receivers information from main sources of the body about basic functioning. This helps the pituitary to regulate functioning. The pituitary produces hormones that travel in the blood stream to their target. These hormones then cause changes in physiological process or stimulate other glands to produce hormones.
High levels of hormones produced in other endocrine glands can stop the hypothalamus and pituitary prouducing more of their own hormones = negative feedback. This stops hormone levels rising too high.
Hormones produced by the pituitary gland
The pituitary gland has two parts: anterior and posterior. These 2 parts release different hormones which target different parts of the body
ANTERIOR: produces ACTH which acts as a response to stress, which stimulates the adrenal gland to produce cortisol. It also produces LH (luteinising hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). These stimulate the ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterone in females, and in males they stimulate testosterone and sperm.
POSTERIOR: releases oxytocin which stimulates the contraction of the uterus during childbirth. Elabd et al (2014) stated research with mice shows the levels of oxytocin decline with and is essential for healthy maintenance and repair of the body.
what are The adrenal glands?
The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys, it is seperated into two parts. The outer parts of each gland is the adrenal cortex and the inner area is the adrenal medulla. These areas have different functions. The main difference is that hormones in the adrenal cortex are necessary for life whereas the adrenal medulla is not.
ADRENAL CORTEX: produces cortisol which regulates and supports a variety of important body functions including cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory functions. Cortisol is produced as a response to stress. If the cortisol level is low, they will have low BP, poor immune functioning and an inability to deal with stress. The adrenal cortex also produces aldosterone which is responsible for maintaining blood volume and blood pressure.
ADRENAL MEDULLA: releases adrenaline and noradrenaline which produce the body for fight or flight. Adrenalin helps the body respond to a stressful situation. Noradrenaline constricts the blood vessels causing BP to increase.
what is Fight or flight?
-Amygdala associates sensory signals with emotions such as fear and anger. It sends a distress signal to hypothalamus.
-SNS prepares body for rapid action
-PNS dampens the stress response when the threat is passed
-adrenal medulla releases adrenaline into the blood stream which leads to increased heart rate and release of blood sugar
-adrenal cortex releases stress hormones including cortisol
-the feedback system cortisol levels are monitored so that CRH & ACTH production is inhibited if cortisol levels are too high
-pituitary gland releases ACTH into the blood stream which goes to its target sites
- hypothalamus responds to continued threat and releases CRH into bloodstreams
Fight or flight: describe the response to sudden stressors - acute
The SNS is triggered, which prepares the body for fight or flight. The SNS sends messages to the adrenal medulla which repsonds by releasing the hormone adrenaline into the blood stream. Adrenaline circulates the body and causes physiological changes e.g. HR increases, pushing blood to the muscles, BP increases, and breathing increases to take in as much oxygen as possible. Adrenaline causes the release of blood sugar and fats into the blood stream which supply energy to parts of the body associated with fight or flight.
When the threat has passes, the PNS dampens down the stress response. The PNS reduces the HR and BP, and starts digestion off again.
Fight or flight: describe the response to chronic stressors
If the brain continues to perceive something as threatening, a second system starts. As the initial sure of adrenaline subsides, the hypothalamus activates the HPA axis.
The hypothalamus releases the chemical messenger CRH (corticotrophin-releasing hormone) this is released into the blood stream.
P=pituitary gland
CRH causes the pituitary gland to produce and release ACTH (adrencorticotrophic hormone), this is transported into the bloodstream to its target site, the adrenal gland.
A=adrenal cortex
ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release stress related hormones such as cortisol. This gives the body a quick burst of energy and lowers sensitivity to pain. Other side effects can be negative such as impaired cognitive impairment and a lowered immune response.
fight or flight: feedback
The system is efficient at regulating itself. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland have special receptors that monitor cortisol levels. If these rise above normal levels they initiate a rise of CRH & ACTH, lowering cortisol levels