Biopsychologu Flashcards
Fight or flight
Taylor et al tend and befriend
Gray - fight and flight doesnt tell whole story people freeze to avoid confrontation
Von Dawans er al - 9/11
Le and harley - genetic basis of the SRY gene on male Y chromosome
Localisation of fucntion
Lashely - equipotentiality
Joseph dejerine - loss of ability to read resulted from damage to the connection between visual cortex and wernickes are
Harasty et al - found that women have larger brocad area and wernickes area than men so women have greater use of language
Dronkers et al - resamined the preserved brains of two of brocas patients
Rodgers et al - chicken find food and be vilifent allows one half of the brain to take part in something else
Tonnessen et al - found relationship between handedness and immune disorders suggests that dame genetic processes that lead to lateralisation may affect the development of the immune system
Szaflarski et al - langauge became more alterlised to the left hemisphere with increasing age in Children and adolescents but after age of 25 laterlisarion decreases with each decade of life
Split brain researchers
Gazzanigs suggests that some early discoveries from split brain have been disconfrimed for example JW can speak out of right hemisphere
Andrews -
Fewer than 3 participants or one partxipant low population
Kempermann et al - increased number of neurones in brains of rats housed in more complex environments
Maguire er al - increase grey matter in posterior hippocampi of taxi drivers
Evaluation of functional recover after trauma
- tajiri et al - stem cells in rats
- age -elbert et al concluded capacity for neural reorganisation is greater in children than in adults demonstrated by the extended practice that adults require in order to produce changes
- schneider et al - patients with a college education are 7x more likely than those who didnt finsih college / 769 patients, 214 achieved disability - 39.2%, 30.8%, 9.7%
Hughes - tested circadian hormone release in four particiapnts stationed at british antartic station
- duffy et al indiviudal differecnes
- buhr et al temperature causes body clock
Ultra and infra
- tucker et al - individual differences - 11 consecurtive days
- ericsson et al violinist
- penton and voak et al
Morgan - hamsters
Folkard - SCN 25 days
- skene and arednt - vast majority of blind people have normal circadian ryhtms
- burgress et al - jet lag
- vetter et al - artificial light