Biomechanics - Subject Specific Vocabulary Flashcards
Define centre of mass
The point of balance of body or the point of concentration of mass.
Define height of centre of mass
- Height of centre of mass: The lower an object’s centre of mass the more stable it is.
Define area of base of support
- Area of base of support: The larger an object’s base of support the more stable it is.
Define position of line of gravity
Position of line of gravity: The closer to the centre of the base of support an objects line
of gravity is the more stable it is.
Define Newton’s 1st law of motion
A body will remain in a state of rest
or uniform motion until a force acts upon it.
Define Newton’s 2nd law of motion
Acceleration is directly
proportionate to the magnitude of the force produced and is governed by the direction the
force is applied/ Force = mass x acceleration.
Define Newton’s 3rd law of motion
For every action there is
an equal and opposite reaction.
Define speed
The distance covered by a moving object in unit time taken. Distance divided by time.
Measured in metres per second (m/s).
Define distance
The length of the space between two points. Speed multiplied by time. Measured
in meters (m).
Define mass
The quantity of matter a body possesses. Density multiplied by volume. Measure in
kilograms (kg).
Define a 1st class lever
1st class lever system: The fulcrum is in the middle. Examples in the human body include
extension at the elbow.
Define a 2nd class lever
2nd class lever system: The resistance is in the middle. Examples in the human body include
plantar flexion at the ankle
Define a 3rd class lever
3rd class lever system: The effort is in the middle. The most common example in the human
body includes flexion at the elbow.
Define gravity
Gravity/Weight: Weight is gravitational force that the Earth exerts on the body. It acts