intermetatarsal angle IM 1-2?
metatarsus primus adductus angle; where is this looked at?
0-8 degrees
hallux valgus
intermetatarsal angle IM 4-5?
looked at?
up to 8 degrees
tailors bunion
intermetatarsal angle IM 2-5?
looked at?
16 +/- 4 degrees
splay foot
hallux abductus angle?
0-15 degrees
hallux interphalangeus angle (HIP)?
0-12 degrees
metatarsal break angle?
142 +/- 5 degrees
normal values for metatarsal protrusion distance?
*+4 indicates
+/- 2 mm
if 1st is longer than 2nd = positive relationship
if 1st is shorter than 2nd = negative relationship
*very elevated
distal articular set angle?
0-7 degrees
lateral deviation angle?
0-7 degrees
what is the midfoot angle
normal metatarsus adductus angle?
ideal adult foot?
0-15 is normal
8 degree
35 degrees then decreases around 5-6
what is the mid foot angle
Engels metadductus angle normal?
0-18 degree
what is the rearfoot angle
normal talonavicular angle
70 +/-10 degrees
what is the rearfoot angle
normal talocalcaneal angle
17-21 degrees
what is the rearfoot angle
normal cuboid abduction angle
0-5 degrees
what is the rearfoot angle
normal talocuboid angle
31 +/- 3 degrees