BIOLOGICAL Assumptions Flashcards
What is natural selection?
Only a small proportion of each generation survives to reproduce
Offspring are not identical to their parents (degree of variation) and at least some of this variation is heritable
Some characteristics give the animal an advantage
The characteristics which give the animal a greater chance of survival and reproduction are adaptive
Better adapted to the environment so more likely to survive
The animal reproduces and passes these adaptive genes onto their genes onto their offspring
EG. Altruism - Saving an offspring enhances the survival of that individuals gene pool
Has to be done or otherwise species would exist
EG. Biological predisposition to snakes - some snakes may be venomous so avoid them to survive
What is EEA
The environment in which the brain evolved
Humans are adapted to the environment that our ancestors would have faced
Keeping watch for threats
Localisation of brain function
The brain is made up of vast numbers of interconnected cells called neurons and is separated into two halves called hemispheres
Roughly 100 billion neurons in the brain and spinal cord
The cerebral cortex of the brain is the outer few millimetres and is divided into four lobes
Each lobe has a number of functions
Underneath the cerebral cortex are the sub-cortical regions
The brain is separated into many highly specialised areas, each part performing a specific function
This means that if one part of the brain is damaged it could lead to loss of a particular function
Phineas Gage
Phineas Gage was a 25 year old male who worked in railroad construction
He was blasting rock and in an explosion, a metal bar was blasted through his skull at high speed
The bar entered his left cheek, destroyed his eye and passed through the front left of his brain
In reports, Gage’s memory, cognition and strength had not been altered, his gentle personality disappeared
He became rude, irritable and disrespectful, and unable to accept advice, and keep a job
He died 12 years after the accident from a seizure which was believed to be related to his brain injury
The whole nervous system is composed of interconnected neurons
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that allow the brain to process thoughts and memories
Relationships form with individuals who possess certain traits
Successful reproduction are naturally selected
Males mate frequently and select women who are more fertile and healthy
Females also seek signs of fertility and healthiness in their partner, but are more concerned to find a partner who can provide recourses
Trivers (1972) suggested parental investment theory
Females invent more in their offspring, they must be choosier in finding a partner, so will seek out the male that can provide the most recourses
The chemicals in our brain have a powerful effect on our emotions and in turn will influence our perceptions of others
Dopamine has been associated with pleasure seeking so setting the goal of finding a partner and being driven to achieve this will give a ‘hit’ of dopamine
Driven to form relationships
Oxytocin is a hormone linked to human bonding and increasing trust, high levels of oxycontin have been linked to romantic attachment
We have a natural chemical drive to bond with others