Biochem module 4 Flashcards
Lipoproteins transport lipids from the liver as A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
Lipoproteins transport lipids from the intestines as A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
The protein moiety of a lipoprotein is known as
Apoprotein or apolipoprotein
Main site of TAG synthesis
Constituent of the plasma lipid that is the least abundant A. triacylglycerols B. phospholipids C. cholesterol D. cholesteryl esters E. free fatty acids
Reduced form of iron
Ferrous ion Fe2+
Which of the ff is the largest A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C.LDL D. HDL
essential for chylomicron and VLDL formation A. Apo A B. Apo B C. Apo C D. Apo D
Which of the ff is not seen in the peripheral / outer side of the lipoprotein A. TAG B. integral apoprotein C. Cholesterol D. Phospholipid E. Peripheral apoprotein
A. Yun mga non polar nasa loob like cholesteryl ester, FFA
Also known as pre beta lipoprotein
LDL- beta lipoprotein
HDL - alpha lipoprotein
Plasma glycoprotein that binds extracorpuscular Hb in a ght noncovalent complex
predominant lipid in HDL
Rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis
HMG CoA to mevalonate.. Enzyme is HMG CoA reductase
Where do Chylomicron remnants go to
Endocytosed by Liver for degradation and recycling
Free fatty acids are bound to _______ in the plasma
Co factor of lipoprotein lipase A. Apo A-I B. Apo B -100 C. Apo C-II D. Apo E
Chemical rxn occurring in the rate limiting step of cholesterol synthesis
Apolipoprotein associated with Chylomicron
ApoB 48
The ff stimulate lipolysis except A. Epinephrine B. Glucagon C. Nicotinic acid D. Caffeine E. Steroids
C. Inhibitory un insulin, and PGE
Ceruloplasmin acts by catalyzing
A. Converting iron ion to its reduced form
B. converting iron ion to its oxidized form
Hich of the ff statement is FALSE
A. Chylomicron is the largest among the lipoprotein
B. the primary apoprotein of IDL is B 100
C. HDL carries cholesterol to the liver
D. VLDL is primarily comprised of cholesterol
E. None of the above
D. Mostly TAG
What receptor in the liver recognizes HDL A. SRB 1 receptor B. LDL receptor C. ABCA1 receptor D. All of the above
Which of the ff stimulate lipid storage A. Epinephrine B. Glucagon C. Nicotinic acid D. Caffeine E. Steroids
Adipose Cannot utilize glycerol to synthesize TAG because it lacks what enzyme
Glycerol kinase
A. Stimulates lipoprotein lipase
B. Inhibits lipoprotein lipase
Rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis A. HMG coA synthase B. HMG coA reductase C. HMG coA carboxylase D. HMG coA lyase
Which of the ff is false
A. Chylomicron is the largest among lipoprotein
B. Chylomicron has the highest percentage of lipid
C. Chylomicron is the densest of all lipoprotein
D. Chylomicron is produced. In the small intestine
C. Least dense xa
Hormone sensitive lipase is inhibited by
A. Insulin
B. Glucagon
A. Glucagon stimulates it
Oversupply of the cholesterol leads to The ff except A. Dec cholesterol synthesis B. Increase LDL receptor C. More LDL in the blood stream D. HMG CoA reductase is inhibited
B. Dapat decrease.
StArting material of heme
Succinyl coA and glycine
In coagulation cascade, the Gla- containing factors have a high binding affinity for what ion A. Mg B. Ca C. Fe D. Si
The association of tissue factor and factor VIIa is called
Tissue factor complex
Which enzyme converts HDL to cholesteryl ester A. ACAT B. LCAT C. HMG coA reductase D. Acetyl coA kinase
B. Yun ACAT. LDL to cholesteryl ester
Main storage area of TAG
Major contributors to osmotic pressure of plasma
Most active of the plasma lipids
Free fatty acid
Glucose is transported to the adipose by A. Glut 1 B. Glut 2 C. Glut 3 D. Glut 4
Oxidized LDL are also called as
Foam cells. They cause the atherosclerotic plaque
They are the vehicles of transport of triacylglycerol from the liver to the extrahepatic tissues A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
Precursor of all steroids in the body
the vehicle of uptake of cholesterol and cholesteryl ester into many tissues A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
What metal is in the porphyrin ring of chlorophyll A. Calcium B. Iron C. Magnesium D, oxygen
Factor V is classified as
(1) zymogens of serine-protease
(2) cofactors
(3) fibrinogen
(4) a transglutaminase
(5) regulatory and other proteins
Serine protease - factors 2,7,9,10,11,12 Cofactor -factors 3, 5, 8 Fibrinogen- factor 1 Transglutaminase- factor 13 Regulatory -protein c, protein s, thrombomodulin
What is the major protein component of plasma
Insulin does the ff except a. Inc hormone sensitive lipase B. Inc cholesterol synthesis C. Inc lipogenesis D. None of the above
A. dapat dec
Cofactor in the rate limiting step of cholesterol synthesis
Which of the ff has the highest protein content A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
Which of the ff statement is false
A. Heme synthesis involves the porphyrin and iron
B. Heme degradation produces iron and bilirubin
C. Type III porphyrin is classified as assymmetric substitution
D. Examples of type I porphyrin are heme and protoporphyrin IX
D. Type III
In order for hemoglobin to transport oxygen, it must be transported
A. In its ferrous form
B. in its ferric form
Rate limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis
7 hydroxylase
Enzymes in the heme synthesis that is inhibited by lead
ALA dehydratase and ferrochelatase
The most prevalent metaloporphyrin in humans
What compound activates glycine
Pyridoxal phosphate
Apoproteins function as the ff except A. Enzyme cofactor B. Enzyme inhibitor C. Ligand D. Structure for lipoprotein E. None of the above
What metal is in the porphyrin ring of hemoglobin A. Calcium B. Iron C. Magnesium D, oxygen
The ff are examples of Beta protein except A. Complement protein B. Lipoprotein C. Transferrin D. Haptoglobin E. Plasminogen
D. Alpha 2 xa
Which of the ff exhibits a broad peak A. Albumin B. Alpha 1 C. alpha 2 D. Beta E. Gamma
E. Consists of many proteins so broad un peak.. Exhibits polymorphism
Most plasma proteins are produced in the liver except A. Albumin B. gamma globulin C. Haptoglobin D. Transferrin
B. pati un von wileband factor
The ff are examples of glycoprotein except A. Haptoglobin B. transferrin C. IgE D. Albumin
D. It is a pure protein
The ff plasma proteins exhibits polynmorphism except A. ABO B. alpha 1 antrypsin C. haptoglobin D. transferrin E. ceruloplasmin
A. It exhibits polymorphism but not a plasma protein
Basis of immunoglobulin class
Heavy chain region
Alpha 1 anti trypsin is important in what organs ( name 2)
Lung and liver
the source of all carbon atoms in cholesterol
Acetyl coA
During acute phase inflammation, most plasma protein increase except ( name 2)
Albumin and transferrin
A patient presented you a result of his urinalysis. You noted that proteins are seen in his urine. What is most likely the condition the patient has A. Nephrotic syndrome B. Protein losing enteropathy C. Malnutrition D. Fever
If sa feces most likely protein losing enteropathy
A patient has G6PD deficiency. While studying for his biochemistry exam, hemolytic anemia precipated. What would happen in his haptoglobin level
A. Increase
B. decrease
C. Same
A patient has deficiency in converting HMB to uroporphyrinogen III. He has A. Acute intermittent porphyria B. Variegate porphyria C. Porphyria cutanea tarda D. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria
Methemoglobinemia is characterized by
A. Reduced iron in the hemoglobin
B. oxidized iron in the hemoglobin
What plasma protein is Essential for the absorption of iron from digested food by small intestine
A patient shows you his CBC result. You noted that there is an increase in lymphocyte. What does the patient most likely have A. Staphylococcus aureus B. wuchereria bancrofti C. Flavivirus D. Cryptococcosis neoformans
Bacterial yun a.. Neutrophilia
Parasite yun b.. Eosinophilia
located at the tips of the angen binding sites
Hyper variable region
how much PLASMA comprises TOTAL BODY weight
True or false. HMG coA synthesized in the cytosol is used for ketone body synthesis
False. For cholesterol synthesis.
HMG coA sa mitochondria un pang ketone bodies
predominant lipid in LDL
Glucose transporter in RBC A. Glut 1 B. glut 2 C. Glut 3 D. Glut 4
In iron deficiency anemia
A. Serum iron is low, there is increased ferric iron
B. serum iron is high, there is increased oxidized iron seen
C. serum iron is low! there is increased reduced iron seen
D. Serum iron is low, there is low ferrous iron
Main stimulus for erythropoietin
Which of the ff statement is true
A. Topotent: capable of producing all the cells in an organism
b. Pluripotent: able to differenate into 1 cell type
C. Multipotent: produce cells in any of the germ layer
d. Unipotent: produce only cells of closely related family
rate-controlling enzyme in porphyrin biosynthesis
ALA synthase
The ff decreases cholesterol synthesis except A. Dec in LDL B. Low fat diet C. Fasting D. Dec in SREBP E. Phosphorylation of HMG coA
D. Dapat increase
Protein involved in the formation of lipid droplets in adipocytes
Perilipin. Inhibits lipolysis
True or false. RBC contains both ICF and ECF
Constituent of the plasma lipid that is the most abundant A. triacylglycerols B. phospholipids C. cholesterol D. cholesteryl esters E. free fatty acids
Receptor defective in familial hypercholesterolemia
LDL (B-100, E) receptor
The ff happens when cholesterol is esterified except A. Becomes hydrophobic B. Becomes hydrophilic C. Becomes non polar D. Becomes lipophilic
HMG coA is reduced to mevalonate in what organelle
Smooth ER
Which of the ff pairs is incorrectly paired
A. Uroporphyrin- acetate and propionate
B. coproporphyrin- methyl and proprionate
C. Protoporphyrin IX- vinyl, ethyl, proprionate
C. Instead of ethyl dapat methyl
Constituent of the plasma lipid that is the most active metabolically A. triacylglycerols B. phospholipids C. cholesterol D. cholesteryl esters E. free fatty acids
The 4 pyrrole ring is joined by A. Disulfide bond B. methenyl bridge C. Glycosidic bond D. Covalent bond
Complex of tissue factor and factor VIIa can also activate what factor in the intrinsic pathway
factor IX
ALA dehydratase is inhibited by what element A. Zinc B. Gold C. Lead D. Tungsten
The ff will result when there is an increase in cholesterol synthesis except A. Dec ACAT synthesis B. Dec HMG coA reductase synthesis C. Dec LDL receptor synthesis D. None of the above
A. Dapat inc
Which of the ff has the highest lipid content A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
predominant lipid in chylomicrons and VLDL
Deficiency with ALA synthase would result to
Heme regulates
Which of the ff has the least amount of lipid A. Chylomicron B. VLDL C. LDL D. HDL
This type of hyperbilirubinemia is non responsive to phenobarbital treatment A. crigler Najjar syndrome type I B. Crigler Najjar syndrome type II C. Gilbert's syndrome D. Dubin Johnson syndrome
If a patient has high bilirubin and no urobilinogen in the urine. The patient has
A. Obstructive jaundice
B. Hemolytic jaundice
Which of the ff statement is true
A. Only conjugated bilirubin can Be found in the urine
B. Only un conjugated bilirubin can found in the urine
C. both conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin can be found in urine
D. No bilirubin will be found in the urine
Which of the ff statement is true
A. Only conjugated bilirubin can cross BBB
B. Only un conjugated bilirubin can cross BBB
C. both conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin will cross BBB
D. No bilirubin will cross BBB
Which of the ff terms is not related with each other A. Retention hyperbilirubinemia B. Choluric hyperbilirubinemia C. Kernicterus D. Unconjugated bilirubin
Bilirubin conjugation occurs in A. Cytosol B. Mitochondria C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Nucleus
Which of the ff statement is false
A. Chylomicron are the biggest amongst lipoprotein
B. Chylomicron transports TAG to the liver
C. IDL cannot be determined in lipid profile test
D. High levels of HDL is bad
A patient has deficiency in converting uroporphyrinogen III to coproporphyrinogen III. He has A. Acute intermittent porphyria B. Variegate porphyria C. Porphyria cutanea tarda D. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria
If a patient has no bilirubin and high urobilinogen in the urine. The patient has
A. Obstructive jaundice
B. Hemolytic jaundice
A patient has deficiency in converting protoporphyrinogen III to protoporphyrin III. He has A. Acute intermittent porphyria B. Variegate porphyria C. Porphyria cutanea tarda D. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria
weak clot is strengthened by a covalent linkage. This is the action of A. Factor va B. Factor IIa C. Factor xiiia D. Factor xa
Patients with factor v Leiden have the ff characteristics except
A. Prone to venous thrombosis
B. there is arginine in the position 506
C. There is glutamine in position 506
D. Resistant to activated protein c
A patient has uroporphyrinogen I synthase deficiency. Which of the ff statements is correct
A. He will experience photosensitivity
B. He has congenital erythropoetic porphyria
C. There is accumulation of PBG in his urine
D. Prophylaxis with NSAIDs can prevent the attack
Lipids must be transported as lipoprotein because
A. Lipids are inactive without the protein moiety
B. Lipids are too big for transport
C. Lipids are insoluble in water
D. Lipids can initiate antibody response
Which of the ff is false
A. Overproduction of bilirubin results in retention hyperbilirubinemia
B. Regurgitation hyperbilirubinemia causes Choluric jaundice
C. There are a lot of conjugated bilirubin in retention hyperbilirubinemia
D. Unconjugated bilirubin can enter BBB causing kernicterus
Oversupply of cholesterol would lead to the ff except A. Dec cholesterol synthesis B. Dec LDL receptor synthesis C. Dec ACAT activity D. Dec. HMG coA reductase activity
primary serine protease inhibitor of human plasma
Alpha 1 anti trypsin
Precursor of all steroids in the body
The ff substance will INHIBIT lipolysis except A. Caffeine. B. Inhibitors of protein synthesis C. Free fatty acids D. TAG E. Glucagon
Which of the ff statement is false
A. VLDL delivers de novo TAG to peripheral tissue
B. VLDL has the highest level of cholesterol
C. Chylomicron delivers dietary TAG to peripheral tissue
D. Apo E functions as ligand receptor while Apo C II functions as cofactor
B. LDL has the highest cholesterol content
Which of the ff are Amphipathic A. TAG B. free fatty acids C. Cholesteryl ester D. Cholesterol
D. Other choices are hydrophobic
Phosphorylated hormone sensitive lipase
A. Stimulates lipolysis
B. Inhibit lipolysis
During primary hemostasis, platelet plug are formed. During secondary hemostasis coagulation cascade occurs. A. First sentence true, second false B. First false, second true C. Both true D. Both false
A patient has deficiency in converting coproporphyrinogen III to protoporphyrinogen III. He has A. Acute intermittent porphyria B. Variegate porphyria C. Porphyria cutanea tarda D. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria E. Hereditary coproporphyria
A patient is suffering from deficiency in platelet adhesion. He has A. Gertsmann syndrome B. Bernard- Soulier disease C. Willebrand syndrome D, Glanzmann's thrombesthenia
B. If deficiency sa platelet aggregation, Glanzmann’s
End product of tissue factor pathway
Gla-containing zymogens except A. Factor II B. factor III C. Factor VII D. Factor IX E. Factor x.
End product of contact activation pathway
the stimulus for the contact phase of the contact activation pathway
A. Releasing of vwf
B. Exposure of collagen to vessel surface
C. Hypoxia
D. Low carb diet
Important cofactor in the prothrombinase complex A. Factor III B. Factor V C. Factor VIII D. Factor XIII
The ff factors are activated by thrombin except
A. Factor V
B. Factor VII
C. Factor IX
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor with factor x. Inactivates A .factor III B. Factor VII C. Factor X D. All of the above
What factors is inhibited by protein c and s
Factor VIIIa and Va
The ff compounds inhibit platelet aggregation except A. ADP B. nitric oxide C. Prostacyclin D. Thrombomodulin
Factors inhibited by antithrombin III
Factors IXa, xa, IXa, XIIa
Which of the ff does not refer to heparin
A. Binds to antithrombin III
B. Is antagonized by strong anionic peptides
C. Inhibits factor Xa
D. Requires aPTT as monitoring parameter
B. Dapat cationic