Biochem module 3 Flashcards
Rate limiting enzyme of lipogenesis
Acetyl coA carboxylase
Substrate of fatty acid synthesis
Acetyl coA
How many carbon is there in Lauric acid
12 Mnemonic LaMPSA Lauric 12 Myristic 14 Palmitate 16 Stearic 18 Arachidic 20
Main source of NADPH
Where does lipogenesis occur
Increase in acyl CoA would lead to
A. Inc lipogenesis
B. dec lipogenesis
B. kc inhibited un acetyl CoA carboxylase, tricarboxylate transporter and PDH
Where can acetyl CoA be made
water soluble equivalents of fatty acids
Ketone bodies
Where does lipolysis occur
Product of Lipogenesis
Free palmitate
How many ATP is produced in PPP
True or false. Lipogenesis and lipolysis involves simple reversal of reactions
A. Increases lipogenesis
B. decreases lipogenesis
List all enzymes used in fatty acid synthesis
Acetyl coA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase
Acyl coA dehydrogenase needs what co factor
Write the chemical equation for beta oxidation stearic acid
Substrate. Stearic acid + 8 FAD + 8 NAD + 8 H2OProduct. 9 acetyl coA+ 8 NADPH + 8 FADH 2
What toxin characterizes Jamaican vomiting sickness
Cardohydrate in cardiac tissue A. ribose B. lyxose C. Arabinose D. Neuraminic acid
Where does oxidation of fatty acids occur
Enzyme that converts FA to its activated form
Acyl coA synthetase
Main organ for excreting acetone
Oxidation in the Lungs…
Acetoacetate and beta hydroxybutyrate - extra hepatic tissue
Transketolases require what cofactor
Main building block of fatty acid
Acetyl coA
Total energy yield of beta oxidation Lauric acid
5 NADPH = 12.5 5 FADH2 = 7.5 6 acetyl coA = 60 Minus investment 2 Net ATP = 78
Where does PPP occur
Malate can be made into pyruvate by what enzyme
Malic enzyme, this can also be a source of NADPH
Glucose + glucose A. Maltose B. lactose C. Sucrose D. Starch
A. Glycosidic bond in alpha 1,4
A. Increases lipolysis
B. decreases lipolysis
Occurs when there is a high rate of fatty acid oxidation in the liver
Carbohydrate in nucleic acid A. ribose B. lyxose C. Arabinose D. Neuraminic acid
Biotin in lipogenesis functions as A. Prosthetic group B. co factor C. Co enzyme D. Proenzyme
Products of ketogenesis
Acetoacetic acid
Hydroxybutyric acid
True or false, liver can reutilized ketone bodies
False it cannot. Extra hepatic tissues can
Increase in free fatty acids results to the ff except
A. Ketosis
B. more acetyl coA undergoes esterification
C. More acetyl coA undergoes TCA
C. Less goes to TCA
Fatty acids are
A. Hydrophobic
B. hydrophilic
C. Amphipathic
Hydrophobic yun hydrocarbon chain
Hydrophilic un carboxyl end
Plant that produces hypoglycin causes A. Jamaican vomiting sickness B. dicarboxylic aciduria C. Refsum's disease D. Zellweger's syndrome
How many ATP is produced from stearic acid
True or false. REDUCED glutathione can remove hydrogen peroxide
Saturated fatty acids have
A. No double bond
B. Have single double bond
C. Have alternating double and single bonds
D. Composed of single, double and triple bonds
Where does lipogenesis occur
True regarding lipolysis A. Occurs in cytosol B. anaerobic or aerobic process C, ATP producing D. Simple reverse of lipogenesis
C. Occurs in mitochondria, aerobic process, not a simple reverse of lipogenesis
Mediator of inflammation A. Prostaglandin E B. Prostaglandin I2 C. Thromboxane A2 D. Two of the above
D. PGE2 and TX A2
Carboxylases requires what cofactor
Increase in citrate would result to
A. Increase lipogenesis
B. dec lipogenesis
A. Increases lipogenesis
B. decrease lipogenesis
Inhibitor of thromboxane A2 A. Prostaglandin E B. Prostaglandin I2 C. Thromboxane A2 D. Two of the above
B aka prostacyclin
Acyl coA dehydrogenase requires what cofactor
Acyl synthase coA can be found in the ff except A. Cytosol B. endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondria D. Peroxisomes
Fed state will
A. Increase lipolysis
B. decrease lipolysis
Characterized by phytanic acid A. Jamaican vomiting sickness B. dicarboxylic aciduria C. Refsum's disease D. Zellweger's syndrome
Where are double bonds of arachidonic acids located
Delta 5,8,11,14
Induces uterine contraction A. Prostaglandin E B. Prostaglandin I2 C. Thromboxane A2 D. Prostaglandin F2 E. Two of the above
E. PGF2 and PGE
the rate-limiting enzyme of eicosanoid biosynthesis
Phospholipase a2
The following enzymes can be found in the inner mitochondrial membrane except A. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I B. carnitine palmitoyltransferase II C. Acyl carnitine D. Carnitine
Yun c, d. Both inner and outer
RAte limiting enzyme of pentose phosphate pathway
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
Beta oxidation of fatty acid sequence
A. Dehydrogenation,hydration, oxidation, thiolysis
B. dehydrogenation, dehydration, reduction, thiokinase
C. Oxidation, dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, thiokinase
D. oxidation, hydration, dehydrogenation, thiolysis
For propionyl coA to be used in citric acid cycle it must first be converted to A. Malonyl coA B. acetyl coA C. Succinyl coA D. Alpha ketoglutarate
Characterized by lack of mitochondrial acrylic coA dehydrogenase A. Jamaican vomiting sickness B. dicarboxylic aciduria C. Refsum's disease D. Zellweger's syndrome
Free fatty acid enter liver and exit as
Precursor in cholesterol synthesis
Misoprostol which increases mucous secretion and deceased gastric acid secretion is an example of A. Prostaglandin E B. Prostaglandin I2 C. Thromboxane A2 D. Two of the above
Precursor of ketone bodies in the liver
Free fatty acids
Used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension A. Prostaglandin E B. Prostaglandin I2 C. Thromboxane A2 D. Two of the above
B. by increasing cAMP
Chemical equation of lipogenesis if myristic acid will be the end product
Substrates Acetyl coA + 6 malonyl coA + 12 NADPH+ 12 H Products myristic acid + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 7 coASH + 12 NADP
Precursor for the synthesis of odd numbered fatty acid
Propionyl coA
Giving of fenofibrate,a PPAR activator would
A. Increase triglyceride
B. decrease triglyceride
A. Increases Lipolysis
B. decreases lipolysis
When glucose is OXIDIZED it becomes A. Glucoronic acid B. sorbitol C. Sucrose D. ATP
A. Sorbitol if reduced xa
Glucose is an example of a A. Ketohexose B. ketopentose C. Aldohexose D. aldopentose
carbohydrate is used in glycoproteins A. ribose B. lyxose C. Arabinose D. Neuraminic acid
C. Also xylose and mannose
A. Activates PDH, activates acetyl coA carboxylase
B. Activates PDH, inactivates acetyl coA carboxylase
C. Inactivates PDH, activates acetyl coA carboxylase
D. Inactivates PDH, inactivates acetyl coA carboxylase
Glucose plus fructose A. Maltose B. lactose C. Sucrose D. Starch
C. Glycosidic bond alpha 1 beta 2
The ff happens in a well fed state except A. PPP B. fructose metabolism C. Lipogenesis D. Lipolysis
Carbohydrate used in structure of proteoglycans A. ribose B. lyxose C. Arabinose D. Neuraminic acid
Where does chain elongation of fatty acid takes place
Endoplasmic reticulum
Rate limiting enzyme in PPP A. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase B. 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase C. Transketolase D. PFK1
Most important intermediate in PPP that is used in the synthesis of nucleotide
Ribose 5 phosphate
ATP is an example of A. Nucleotide B. nucleoside C. Glycoproteins D. Carbohydrate
A. Nucleoside- wlang phosphate group
PPP is active in the ff except A. Liver B. skeletal muscle C. Lactating mammaries D. RBC
In G6PD deficiency, RBC are described as
Bite cells
Un hemoglobin may Heinz bodies
What is the enzyme needed to activate a carbohydrate that gives a precipitate in Mucic acid test but has zero opTical rotation A. Aldolase b B. PFK 1 C. galactose 1 uridyltransferase D. Transketolase
C. Sugar described is galactose
What diseases is caused by a deficiency of very long chain acyl CoA synthetase
Main organ site for uronic acid pathway
Liver. In the cytoplasm
Enzyme deficient in humans that results in inability to produce own ascorbic acid
L gulonolactone oxidase
The following can INHIBIT lipogenesis except A. Increase in citrate B. increase in fatty acyl coA C. Glucagon D. Decrease in ATP
A. Stimulated if MADAMI un citrate
Enzyme needed to converted fructose 1 phosphate to DHAP and glyceraldehyde
Aldolase b
What product of PPP will produce a red furfural ring to furfural test A. Ribose B. glucose C. NADPH D. Xylulose
A. The test is for 5 carbon sugars.
Triacylglycerols must be hydrolyzed by a \_\_\_\_\_ to their constituent fatty acids and glycerol before further catabolism can proceed A. Sucrose B. lipase C. Dehydrogenase D. Reductase
Main precursor of eicosanoids
Arachidonic acid
To increase cell membrane fluidity, \_\_\_\_\_ saturated FA, \_\_\_\_\_ unsaturated FA A. Increase, increase B. decrease, increase C. Decrease, decrease D. Increase, decrease
Where can unsaturation of FA occur
Endoplasmic reticulum by delta 9 desaturase sys
Mechanism of aspirin
acetylation of the serine residue of cyclooxygenase (irreversible
Where are the double bonds of linoleic acid located
Delta 9,12
Rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids
Stearyl coA desaturase
LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4 are collectively called as ______ because they mediate inflammatory responses
slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A
Peroxisomal beta oxidation leads to formation of what products
Acetyl coA and hydrogen peroxide
What kind of oxidation forms dicarboxylic acid A. Alpha B. beta C. Omega D. All of the above
The common intermediate in the synthesis of triacylglycerol and glycerophospholipids
Parent compound of all sphingolipid
Major source of arachidonic acid
Cell membrane
What enzyme catAlyzes the release of arachidonic acid from C2 of phospholipid
Phospholipsde a2
Mechanism of action of steroids A. Phospholipase a2 inhibitor B. phospholipase a2 activator C. Transketolase activator D. Transketolase inhibitor
Glutathione peroxidase needs what cofactor
Collective term for the enzyme that converts acyl coA to acetyl coA
Fatty acid oxidase
In ketoacidosis A. Increase lipogenesis B. decrease lipogenesis C. Increase lipolysis D. Decrease lipolysis
Where are the double bonds of omega 3 located
Delta 9,12,15
Malonyl coA will
A. Inhibit lipolysis
B. stimulate lipolysis
A. Because it will inhibit carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
Products of aldolase B are further metabolized by a. glycolysis B. gluconeogenesis C. Both D. None of the above
Which of the following is FALSE
A, starvation stimulates ketogenesis
B. increase in malonyl coA inhibits ketogenesis
C. Increase in glucagon inhibits ketogenesis
D.stimulation of Carnitine palmitoyltransferase stimulates ketogenesis
C. Glucagon stimulates ketogenesis
How many ATP is needed in PPP
The ff occurs in the cytoplasm except A. Glycolysis B. lipogenesis C. Lipolysis D. PPP
C. Sa mitochondria xa.
True or false. Fatty acid are unattached inside the cell
False. They are attached to fatty acid binding protein
Chronic granulomatous defiency is characterized by A. Deficient NADPH oxidase B. deficient glutathione peroxidase C. Deficient in transketolases D. Deficient fructose metabolism
Characterized by absence of peroxisomes A. Jamaican vomiting sickness B. dicarboxylic aciduria C. Refsum's disease D. Zellweger's syndrome
Rate limiting product of lipogenesis
Malonyl coA
Primary site of TAG synthesis
Substrate for ketogenesis
Acetoacetyl CoA.
Collectively known as ketone bodies
Acetone, acetoacetate, beta hydoxybutyrate
Where does ketogenesis takes place
Glucose plus galactose A. Maltose B. lactose C. Sucrose D. Starch
B. glycosidic bond beta 1,4
Beta oxidation means cleaving between A. Carbon 1 and 2 B. carbon 2 and 3 C. Carbon 1 and 3 D. Carbon 4 and 5
Source of carbon dioxide in the lipogenesis
Bicarbonate ion
Beta hydroxyacyl coA dehydrogenase needs what cofactor
Short chain fatty are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ except A. More water soluble B. exist in unionized C. Fatty acid anion D. Fatty acid cation
What transports free fatty acid to their site of consumption A. Albumin B. plasma protein C. Blood D. Alpha proteins
A. Increases lipogenesis
B. decreases lipogenesis
B. by inhibiting acetyl coA carboxylase
Key enzyme in PPP?
number of NADPH produced per molecule of glucose.
G6PD Deficiency is characterized by __________ anemia.
True or False. Reduced NADPH in RBC results in increase detoxification of peroxides.
early detector for metabolic/genetic diseases?
G6PD enzyme shows normal stability but, very low activity in all RBCs.
Class II.
Type of g6pd wherein there is chronic non spherocytic anemia even without oxidative stress.
Class I.
RBCs contain unstable G6PD enzyme, but normalactivity in younger RBCs and reticulocytes.
Class III.
Hemolytic Anemia can be precipitated by?
FOOD: fava beand (favism)
DRUGS: antimalarial
STRESS: infection
In DKA, high serum glucose levels may lead to _______________.
Delutional hyponatremia.
In DKA, high triglyceride levels may lead to _______________.
factitous low glucose levels.
elevation of creatinine level is caused by ___________.
HIGH levels of ketone bodies.
use to rule out pulmonary infection such as pneumonia.
Chest Radiography
to detect early cerebral edema;use low threshold inchildren with DKA and altered mental status.
Head CT Scan
to detect early cerebral edema, ONLY if altered consciousnessis present.
Head MRI
major storage lipid in adipose tissue.
Major components of plsma and other membranes.
Phospholipids and Glycophingolipids
component of lung surfactant.
Dipalmitoyl lecithin
precursor of hormone second messenger.
Inositol phospholipid
platelet activating factor
involved in inflammation and chemotaxis
phospholipid in mitochondria
differentiate portions of the molecule turnover at different rates.
an important signaling molecule regulating pathways including cell death, cell cycle cell differentiation and senescence.
present in plasma membrane; membranous sheath that surrounds and insulates the axons of some neurons.
involves the loss of both phospholipids and spingolipids from white matter.
deficient Hexoaminidase ; rapidly progressing mental retardation, blindness, early mortality.
Tay-Sachs Dse.
mediate pain and inflammation, reproduction, and blood coagultion.
is inducible and is expressed in macrophages and monocytes in response to inflammation.
COX-2 (PGS-2)
is expressed constitutively in gastric mucosa, kidney, and vascular endothelial cells.
aldose reductase
Sorbitol Dehydrogenase
galactokinase and hexokinase