Bio Bases & Medications Flashcards
Peripheral Nervous System
A. Somatic Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
B. Autonomic Nervous System
*responds more slowly than somatic nervous system; “slamming on breaks, pre heart pounding”
Central Nervous System
A. The Spinal Cord
Central Nervous System
B. The Brain
- outer layer = cortex
- inner layer = subcortical areas
Central Nervous System
B. The Brain
Cerebral Cortex
Left Hemisphere | Left for Lang and Logic
* 97% ‘dominant’ - control of lang and motor
* 90% are right handed - means left dom
* 10% that are left handed - 75/80 also left dom
* INVOLVED in - verbal mem, thinking (rational, analytical, logical, abstract)
- DAMAGE = depression, aphasia (speech), lang and/or motor disorders, difficulties w/ right side of the body
Right Hemisphere
* INVOLVED w/ perception, visospatial, artistic, musical, intuitive activities
* Maintenance of body image, comp/expression of visual, facial, verbal emotion
- DAMAGE = Cog abnormailities; left side hemi-neglect, prosopagnosia, visual-perceptual dist., agnosia for musical sounds.
- Affective abnormailities; indifference, euphoria, hysteria, mania, disinhibition, impulsitivity, sex bhv
*at birth, LEAST developed; folded so expand w/o increasing size
Central Nervous System
B. The Brain
Cerebral Cortex
*separated by elongated grooves (sulci)
Frontal | top front, 1/3 of brain
* Prefrontal Cortex; personality+, higher mental fxn
* Premotor Area; planning movement
* Motor Area; voluntary muscle movement - Broca’s is located here (left frontal)
* DAMAGE (cause TBI, stroke, tumor) = loss of movement of various body parts (paralysis), changes in personality+, perseveration, inattention, difficulties w/ prob solving, Broca’s aphasia
Parietal | behind frontal, contains primary sensory
* Integration of sensations of ‘touch’
* Process of pain, heat, proprioception (position, location, movement of body)
* Right Parietal key role in directing attention, visual/spatial skills
* Left Parietal key role in overlearning
* DAMAGE (cause of stroke) = Anomia, Agraphia, Alexia, Acalculia, diff. drawing objects, left-right confusion, lack of awareness of body parts (diff. w/ self-care), probs w/ hand-eye coord and tending to multi objects at a time.
* Apraxia
* Gerstmann’s Syndrome - lesion of Left Parietal; 4 sx of agraphia, acalculia, l/r disorient, finger agnosia
Temporal | temples, contain primary aud cortex
* Connected to Limbic System
* Emotional behavior and Memory
* Left Temporal - verbal memory, lang comp, holds Wernicke’s area
* Right Temporal - visual memory
* DAMAGE (cause TBI, stroke, encephalitis) = Increased aggressive behavior, increased/decreased interest in sexual bhv, interference w/ memory (explicit), Wernicke’s Aphasia
Occipital | back of brain, prim visual cortex
* INVOLVED in sight, reading, visual images
* DAMAGE (not common, stroke, tumor) = Difficulty recognizing drawn objects, identifying colors, hallucinations/illusions, recognize words, probs reading/writing.
Central Nervous System
B. The Brain
Cerebral Cortex
Subcortical Areas
*tucked into center of brain
Corpus Callosum | bridge b/w hemispheres
Limbic System | primitive brain, role in survival
* Thalamus; sensory relay center, except olfaction
- Hypothalamus; homeostasis (w/ endo system) – SCN (circadian)
- Amygdala; anger/aggression – damage = Kluver-Bucy
- Hippocamus; encoding memory
- Septum; ‘simmer down’ – damage = ‘septal rage’
Basal Ganglia | reg/coord of movement, posture, inhibitory
* Caudate Nucleus (Hunt)
* Putamen (Hunt)
* Substantia Nigra (Park)
* Globus Pallidus
* Subthalamic Nucleus
* DYSFUNCTION due to 1) presence of extra/unwanted movements, 2) diff. w/ intended movements
* Resulting Disorders = Hunt’s, Park’s, tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia (slow), Tourette’s, OCD
A. Parts of a Neuron
B. Action Potential
C. All of None Principle
A. Classical NTs
*NTs as agonist or atagonist
*excitatory or inhibatory
Ach | most common
* INVOLVED in voluntary movement, memory/cognition
* Major deficiences = Alzheimer’s
* Consolidation of LTM (hippo)
* Black widow spider poison = paralysis
Catecholamines |
Dop (DA) | thought, movement, emotion
* Linked to reward system
* Dopamine Hypothsis of Schizophrenia
* Degeneration of in substantia nigra > Parkinson’s (L-Dopa used to treat movem)
* additional info w/in pharma section
Norepi (NE) |
Serotonin (5-HT) | sex, eat, sleep, mood, pain+
* deficiency of in Bulimia Nervosa
Amino Acids
B. Peptide NTs
General | many of
Engoenous Opioids | reg stress/pain
* Enkephalins
* Endorphins
Other |
* Substance P, involved in pain regulation
Thyroid Disorders
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hypothyroidism
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Gestational Diabetes
Other Endocrine Disorders
A. Hypopituitarism & Hyperpituitarism
Other Endocrine Disorders
B. Addison’s & Cushing’s
Cognitive Sx
Associated w/ Stroke, Trauma, Brain Tumors, NeurocogDisorders
* W, B and Condcut - all impaired repitition of verbal tasks
One-Sided Neglect
NeuroCog Disorders
A. Delirium
NeuroCog Disorders
B. Alzheimer’s Disorder (AD)
*APP gene associated w/ AD for EARLY onset
*APOEH for LATE onset
NeuroCog Disorders
NeuroCog Disorders
D. Major ND with Lewy Bodies
NeuroCog Disorders
E. Major ND due to Multiple Etiologies
NeuroCog Disorders
F. Parkinson’s
NeuroCog Disorders
G. Huntington’s (Chorea)
NeuroCog Disorders
H. Major Frontotemporal ND
NeuroCog Disorders
I. Major ND due to HIV Infection