Assessment (Manual) Flashcards
Norm- vs. Criterion-
Norm- | perf relative to others
Crit- | perf regarding how much content
ex. standard scores, z scores, etc. ||| # of items correct/% correct
Objective vs. Subjective
Objective | scoring key
Subjective | rater’s judgment
ex. MMPI ||| Rorschach
Normative vs. Ipsative
Normative | relative to others
Ipsative | relative to self
ex. t-test/percentile ||| vocational preference tests
- process for selecting items for test
- items KEYED to external criterion
- intended to differentiate b/w have/have nots
ex. MMPI; scale 8 (Schiz Scale)
Intelligence THEORIES
“G factor” | Spearman (1927)
* mental abilities correlate with each other
* Weschler, Standfor-Binet
7 distinct | Thurstone (1938)
* verbal comp, word fluency, numberical fluency, spatial visual, associative memory, perceptual speed, reason
G + 2 sub types | Cattell
* Fluid; new knowledge, solve probs, partially biological/genetic [begins to decline ~30s]
* Crystal; learned over lifetime, fluid X environment
3 Stratums | Cattell-Horn-Carroll
* I - g factor
* II - 10 broad
* III - 70 narrow
Multiple Intelligences | Gardner (1983, ‘96)
* 8 distinct intelligences (linguistic, logical/math, spatial, musical, bodily/kin, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic)
* differ in profile; relative strengths/weakness among
Triarchic Theory | Sternberg (1985)
* process over product
* 3 aspects used to arrive at answers
* 1) internal components
* 2) capacity to adapt to environ. changes
* 3) ability to apply past experience to novel
Intelligence TESTS
* a) FSIQ, b) 4 primary indec, c) optional General Abilities Index (GAI)
* 10 core subtests, 5 supplemental subs
* 4 primary - verbal comp (VCI), perceptual reasoning (PRI), working mem (WMI), processing speed (PSI)
* Representing various cog abilities of CHC model
* Includes a) FSIQ, b) 5 primary index, c) 5 anxillary index, d) subtest scores
* 5 primary - verbal comp, [perceptual < visual spatial, fluid reasoning], working memory, processing speed
* 5 ancillary - quantitative reason, auditory working memory, nonverbal, gen ability, cognitive proficiency
* IQ score and index SD = 15 | Mean 100
* Subtests SD = 3 | Mean 10
Intelligence Test INTERPRETATION
- VCI = verbal comprehension (crystal)
—crystal remains intact - PRI (WAIS), FRI (WISC) = perceptual/fluid reasoning
—peak in adolescence, gradually decline
Sociocultural/Psych Factors
* more ed, higher SES = higher VCI than PRI/FRI
* less ed, lower SES = reverse^
Cultural Factors (Re the VCI)
* Not as appropriate for diff culture/background/limited English = underestimate of intell
* PRI/FRI more so inappropriate for impaired motor
Psychological Fxn
* PRI/FRI more susceptible to anx/dep
* PRI/FRI lower than VCI for history of sub dependence, schiz
Verbal/Information = “Hold Tests” of premorbid fxn
Age Related Decline
* PSI / PRI - natural
* PSI - most significant
* WMI - slightly overall
* VCI - not so much
Intelligence Test SELECTION pt. 1
Normal Distribution |
* 99% - IQ 55-145
* 95% - IQ 70-130
* 68% - IQ 85-115
* 50% of population @ 90-110
Dx Intellectual Disability |
* IQ of 70 or below; 2 SDs below mean
* Deficits in adaptive fxn in 1 or more areas
* Across multiple environments
* Adaptive Fxn assessed by the Vineland
* IQ w/ test of LOW FLOOR
Dx Giftedness |
* IQ w/ test of HIGH CEILING
*Stanford-Binet 5 (low floor, high ceiling) useful for both.
Intelligence Test SELECTION Pt. 2
Non-Verbal Tests | Raven’s
* Spearman’s fave
* Abstract patterns/select missing piece
Infant Tests | Bayley
* tests/assesses for abilities (sensorimotor)
* ext. low performance correlates w/ IQ
Clinical Scales
*Objective Personality Test
*split up into individuals | find a good acronym/mnemonic
Scale 1 (HS) – Hypochondriasis [somatic]
* High = variety of phys complaints, illness focus
* Commonly immature, complaining, pessimistic.
* Disorders = Somatic Symptom Disorder, Conversion Disorder, Illness Anxiety Disorder
Scale 2 (D) - Depression
* Measures = general distress, unhappiness, and hopelessness.
* Elevated = Indicate depression, distress, and dissatisfaction with life, tend to withdraw
* Disorders = Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
* * Measures = lack of positive affect, anhedonia, and social withdrawal.
* Elevated = Suggest depression, social disengagement, and lack of pleasure.
* Low = May indicate high energy or an unrealistic sense of well-being.
* Disorders = Major Depressive Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Scale 3 (HY) - Hysteria [somatics, intpersonal]
* Elevated = physical complaints, defensive denial of emotion/interpersonal, demand for affection, support, social disinhibition
Scale 4 (PD) - Psychopathic Deviance
* Measure = gen social adjustment
* Elevated = frequent manipulation, hostility, impulsive, poor judgement, probs with authority, conduct problems, substance abuse, and antisocial tendencies. committments/family.
* Substance use common.
* Disorders = Antisocial Personality Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Substance Use Disorders.
Scale 5 (MF) - Masculinity-Feminitity
* High for Males = Fem aesthetics
* Low for Males = Traditional male interests
* High for Females = Male interests, logical, confident
* Low for Females = passive
Scale 6 (PA) - Paranoia
* Elevated = suspicious, resentful, externalize blame; tend to misinterpret others’ motives; interpersonally sensitive
* Disorders = Paranoid Personality Disorder, Depressive Disorders (with interpersonal distrust); Delusional; psychosis potential
Scale 7 (PT) - Psychasthenia
* High = fears, anxiety, compulsions, obsessions, indecisiveness, ruminative self-doubts
* Elevated = tension, worry, uncertainty
* 7 X 2 = good overall measure of distress
Scale 8 (SC) - Schizophrenia [psychosis]
* High = feel socially/emotionally aliented/misunderstood, confusion, disorganized, liability, impulsivity
* Elevated = poor contact w/ reality, unusual thinking, delusions, hallucinations
Scale 9 (MA) - HypoMANIA
* High = overactivity, poor impulse control, excessive speech, flight of ideas, agitation, grandiosity, restlessness, irritability
* Disorders = Bipolar Disorder, Impulse Control Disorders, ADHD
Scale 0 (SI) – Social Introversion
* Measures = social withdrawal, discomfort in social situations, and preference for solitude.
* High = Suggest shyness, introversion, and avoidance of social interactions.
* Disorders = Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder.
‘4-9’ – acting out, danger to others
‘2-9’ – suicide
Validity Scales
*Objective Personality Tests
*potentially split | add acronyms
L Scale (“Lie” Scale)
* to look good “naively”. (high score)
F Scale (“Fake Bad” or “Frequency” Scale)
* exaggerating problems OR not taking the test seriously.
K Scale (“Defensiveness” Scale)
* to look good/hide problems in a “subtle” way.
* High Scores: to seem healthier/stronger than they really feel.
* Low Scores: Being open about struggles. Extremely Low = too open.
L, F, and K Together
* High L + High K + Low F → Trying too hard to look good.
* High F + Low L + Low K → Possibly exaggerating problems or feeling really bad.
*Objective Personality Test
- 195 true/false items | aligned with DSM5
- measure of enduring personality traits/disorders
- AND acute clinical symptoms/disorders
*normed on clinical, testing on normal population = exaggeration of pathology
General Info
*Projective Personality Test
- Assess client’s personality structure
- Every response scored on a Dimension
* thematic material in the response [such as Human (H), Animal (A), Nature (N), and Abstract (AB) content.]
* which part of the inkblot focused on [Whole (W), Common Detail (D), Unusual Detail (Dd), and Space (S).]
Form Quality (FQ)
* how well the response matches the actual shape of the inkblot.
Developmental Quality (DQ)
* the level of integration in a response, indicating cognitive complexity and organization.
Neuropsychological Tests/Batteries
perceptual, motor, verbal, memory, cognitive fxn
Measure 1 area of Fxn:
* Weschler Memory Scale (WMS-IV) - verbal, nonverbal
* Wisconsin Card Sorting | Stroop Test - prob solving, cog flex
* Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt - perceptual/motor ability
Neuropsych batteries (Halstead, Luria) - comprehensive measurement
Folstein Mini-Mental (MMSE) - brief, screen for cog impariment + course of change over time.
fxn impairment; disease processes; gen stengths/weaknesses
Achievement Tests
*ACADEMIC Achievement
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT)
Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
- used for Dx of specific learning disorders that affect academics (reading, written, math)
- ‘substantially below’, interferes w/ academic/occ performance OR activities of daily living
- ‘sub below’ = at least 1.5 SD below (7% percentile) mean for age — have ruled out intellectual disabilities