BIO 111 Lab: Quiz 1 Flashcards
1st Step: SM
Observation: noticing something about phenomenon
2nd Step: SM
Scientific question: formulate a question related to observation
3nd Step: SM
Hypothesis: an “educated guess”
4th Step: SM
Prediction: formulated as an “If, then” statement
5th Step: SM
Experimental Design: Identify several factors
6th Step: SM
Compare results: between groups, etc
7th Step: SM
State conclusions: review results and hypothesis.
Formulating scientific question
Should be general, ideally answered yes/no, recongnize test and control group.
Formulating hypothesis
Must be measureable, end in period, should be “risky”
Formulating prediction
Formulate as “If, then” statment, identify the test group vs control group, independent and dependent variables.
Control group
Basis for comparison, no treatment, what “normally” happens
Test groups (experimental)
Recieves the treatment
Dependent variable
Result that is measured in experiment, depends on the outcome of experiment
Independent variable
Variable manipulated by scientist, one and only difference between experimental and control groups
Standardized variable
The “opposite” of the independent variable, things that remain same betwen experimental and control groups.
Uncontrolled variables
Variables not controlled by scientist but DO affect results
Number of Carbons in a Glucose molecule
6 Carbons
Alpha Glucose molecule
The OH group on C1 is below
Beta Glucose molecule
The OH group on C1 is above
Alpha glucose found in…
Starch and glycogen (easily digested)
Beta glucose found in…
Cellulose (not easily digested)
Step 1: DS
Identify reactants: (2 glucose a-molecules)
Step 2: DS
Remove water; The OH group from the C1 of the first α-glucose and a H from the C4 of the second α-glucose are removed.
Step 3: DS
Formation of Glycolsidic Bond; The oxygen left on C1 of the first glucose forms a covalent α-1,4 glycosidic bond with the C4 of the second glucose.
Step 4: DS
Product: A maltose molecule (a disaccharide) and water.
Components of an amino acid
NH₂ , COOH, H, Side chain (R-group)
Hydrolysis of a disaccharide would yield…
Two monosaccharides
Water is an _________ in hydrolosis
Reactant (added to break bond)
Water is an _________ in dehydration synthesis
Product (removed to form bond)
Backbone of amino acid
Functional groups:
- Amino group
- Carboxyl group
- R-group
- Hydrogen
Tetrapeptide formed by, water is a
Dehydration synthesis, product
Sudan- Positive result
Red layer on surface
Sudan- Negative result
Color mixes in or no distinct top layer
Sudan tests…
Lipids (fats)
Biuret- Positive result
Change from blue to dark purple
Biuret- Negative result
Light blue or clear
Biuret tests…
Benedicts- Positive result
Dark red or orange (strongest), green/yellow (traces of simple carbs).Color gets darker as more simple carbs present
Benedicts- Negative result
Blue (none)
Benedicts tests…
Simple carbs/reducing sugars
Iodine- Positive result
Dark blue/purple
Iodine- Negative
In-text citation
For 2 authors:
- (Name and Name Year)
For mutiple:
- (Name et al Year)