Bid and estimating old Flashcards
Which document is submitted to the Owner for bid consideration before the Contractor
can receive the bidding documents?
A. Proposal Supplements
B. Instructions to Bidders
C. Noncollusive Affidavit
D. Pre-qualification Forms
Which document describes the duties and responsibilities of each party and the business
procedures for administering the contract?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
What is the name of the law principle for referring the Contractor to other documents that
are not contained in the package provided?
A. Order of Precedence
B. Incorporated by Reference
C. Standardized General Conditions
D. Shop Drawings and Reference Standards
Which of the following documents is normally incorporated by reference?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which document establishes the forms, content and procedures for submitting the bid
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which document makes changes, modifications and corrections prior to bid opening?
A. Addenda
B. Change Directive
C. Proposal Supplements
D. Contract Change Order
Which document issued by the Architect illustrates what is to be built?
A. Plans
B. Shop Drawings
C. Product Data Sheets
D. Schematics Drawings
Which document is submitted by each bidder stating that their bid was arrived at without
any conferring with other prime bidders?
A. Proposal Supplements
B. Instructions to Bidders
C. Noncollusive Affidavit
D. Owner/Contractor Agreement
Which document describes quality of work, the quality of the materials, and the
construction execution procedures?
A. Agreement
B. General Requirements
C. Technical Specifications
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which document applies to the Contractor and the Subcontractors and describes the
administrative, procedural and temporary procedures on the job site?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which document describes the business procedures for a specific project and changes the
initial procedures?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which document requests that additional information be submitted by the bidder within
48 hours of bid opening?
A. Proposal Supplements
B. Instructions to Bidders
C. Noncollusive Affidavit
D. Pre-qualification Forms
Which document establishes the labor rates on a project?
A. General Requirements
B. Instructions to Bidders
C. Proposal Supplements
D. Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule
What types of projects establish prevailing wage rates?
A. Union projects
B. Merit Shop Projects
C. Privately Funded Projects
D. Federally Funded Projects
Which document contains a description of the alternate(s)?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
What is the term called which requires all Bidders to include in their bid a specified
amount or unit price for a particular item?
A. Plug
B. Alternate
C. Contingency
D. Cash Allowance
Which document specifies the existing soil conditions?
A. General Requirements
B. Technical Specifications
C. Supplementary Conditions
D. Information Available to Bidders
Which document specifies the temporary facilities needed on a project?
A. General Requirements
B. Technical Specifications
C. Supplementary Conditions
D. Information Available to Bidders
Which document specifies the Regulations required such as soil erosion or minorities?
A. General Requirements
B. Technical Specifications
C. Supplementary Conditions
D. Information Available to Bidders
Which of the following documents are submitted by the Contractor at bid opening?
A. Proposal Form, Bid Breakdown, Addendum, Bid Bond & Noncollusive Affidavit
B. Proposal Supplements, Performance Bond, Payment Bond & Insurance Certificate
C. Prequalification Forms, Alternates, Cash Allowances, Prevailing Wages, Deposit
D. Agreement, Regulatory Requirements, Shop Drawings, Product Data & Samples
Which party has all of the liability for a performance specification?
A. Owner
B. Contractor
C. Architect/Engineer
D. Separate Contractor
Which party has all of the liability for a descriptive specification?
A. Owner
B. Contractor
C. Architect/Engineer
D. Separate Contractor
- Which party has liability for a proprietary specification if it does not perform as stated?
A. Owner
B. Contractor
C. Architect/Engineer
D. Separate Contractor
Which party has liability for a proprietary specification if an approved substitution does
not perform?
A. Owner
B. Contractor
C. Architect/Engineer
D. Separate Contractor
A specification read as follows:
A. Screened Pump Vaults:
1. For Low Profile Concrete Tank:
a) 15 inches in diameter by 48 inches long with 4 inch flow
inducer. Model SV1548Fi, as manufactured by Orenco.
What type of specification is this called?
A. Proprietary Specification
B. Performance Specification
C. Combination Specification
D. Descriptive or Design Specification
Which type of insurance protects the Contractor’s Off-Road Construction Equipment?
A. Floaters Insurance
B. Auto or Fleet Insurance
C. Builders Risk Insurance
D. Contractors Property Insurance
Which document contains the coverage amounts for the insurances for the project?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which type of insurance covers injuries to persons not employed at the site but get
injured passing by the site?
A. Floaters
B. Public Liability
C. Product Liability
D. Workers’ Compensation
Which type of insurance covers workers being laid off from their job?
A. Builders Risk
B. Unemployment
C. Public Liability
D. Workers’ Compensation
Which type of insurance covers injuries to workers employed at the job site?
A. Floaters
B. Public Liability
C. Contractual Liability
D. Workers’ Compensation
Which type of insurance is needed because the high winds blow down the 40 feet high
concrete wall forms?
A. Floaters
B. Builders Risk
C. Product Liability
D. Contractor’s Property
Which type of insurance is needed because the high winds mangle the rebar inside the
A. Floaters
B. Builders Risk
C. Product Liability
D. Contractor’s Property
Which type of insurance is needed because a 150-year rated rain storm has removed the
structure from its foundation and it flows down the river?
A. Flood
B. Floaters
C. Soil Erosion
D. Builders Risk
Which type of insurance covers all parties and all risks under one unified insurance
program and purchased by the Owner?
A. Builders Risk
B. Wrap Up Policy
C. Umbrella Excessive Liability
D. Automobile General Liability
Which type of insurance that covers the Contractor assuming the liability of another party
through a hold harmless clause?
A. Wrap-Up Policy
B. Indemnification
C. Workers’ Compensation
D. Umbrella Excess Liability
You have a Contract for a Dredging Project on Lake Michigan. Which of the following is
required as an Insurance Rider?
A. Builders Risk
B. Soil Erosion
C. Contractual Liability
D. Marine Workers Compensation
Which of the following Insurance Coverage items are purchased as a Rider?
A. Builders Risk, Operations, Indemnify Limited, Contractual Liability
B. Broad Indemnify, Flood, Soil Erosion, Rail and Marine Workers Compensation
C. Limited Indemnify, Umbrella Excessive and Wrap-Up Insurance
D. ComprehensiveGeneral Liability,Comprehensive Auto, and Workers Compensation
Assume that you are working on a three-story addition to an existing building and there
isn’t any work contracted in the existing building. You allow your subcontractor to store
their material on the 3rd floor of the existing structure which does not contain any work.
According to the legal system, WORK is defined by the Contract Documents and the
Builders Risk Policy and it has a very specific trade meaning in Construction. Which of
the following clearly defines the word works according to the courts?
A. Storage of material in the existing structure
B. Storage of materials in an offsite location
C. Work within the contract limits of the new structure
D. Work within the contract limits of the new and existing structures
Assume that you are working on a three-story addition to an existing three-story structure.
You allow your subcontractor to store their material on the 3rd floor of the existing structure
which does not contain any work. A fire burns down the 3rd floor of the existing structure.
Does the Contractor have insurance coverage?
A. Yes. The Contractor is covered under their Property Insurance policy
B. Yes. The Contractor is covered under their Builders Risk Insurance policy
C. No. The Contractor is not covered and Insurance can recover under negligence
D. Yes. The Contractor is covered under their Contractors Property Insurance policy
What does the abbreviation EMR stand for?
A. Employer Manual Rate
B. Estimated Manual Rate
C. Emergency Medical Rate
D. Experience Modification Rating
What is the purpose of an EMR?
A. Reduce Workers Compensations Rates
B. Cover Medical Costs and Lost Wages due to an injury
C. Adjust Workers Compensation Manual Rate to reflect a company
D. Compare Actual Occurrences of Accidents to Predicted Occurrences
Which entity sets the worker’s compensation manual rates?
A. State
B. Federal
C. Contractor
D. Insurance Company
Which period of time does the Bid Bond cover?
A. Bid submittal plus thirty days
B. Bid advertising until bid submittal
C. Bid submittal until the signing of the agreement
D. Signing the agreement through completion of construction
Which document specifies the Bid Bond Percentage?
A. Instruction to Bidders
B. General Requirements
C. Advertisement to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
The Contractor submits a bid for $1,303,071 with the appropriate forms. They receive a
Notice of Award letter indicating that their bid has been selected. The Contractor decides not
to accept the contract. Will the Contractor lose anything?
A. Yes, they will lose the amount of their Bond Premium
B. Yes, they will lose the amount of their Bid Bond Face Value
C. No, they will lose nothing, they will withdraw without ramifications
D. Yes, they will lose the amount of their Performance Bond Face Value
Which document guarantees to the Ownerthat the successful Contractor will sign a contract?
A. Bid Bond
B. Performance Bond
C. Labor/Material Bond
D. Insurance Certificates
Which document guarantees to the Owner that all third parties will be paid or else the Bond
will be invoked?
A. Bid Bond
B. Performance Bond
C. Labor/Material Bond
D. Insurance Certificates
Which document specifies the time frame for submitting the contract bonds & insurance?
A. General Conditions
B. General Requirements
C. Instructions to Bidders
D. Supplementary Conditions
Which documents must be submitted to the Owner from the Contractor at the signing of the
Owner-Contractor Agreement?
A. Bid Bond, Shop Drawings and Product Data Sheets
B. Bid Bond, Proposal Form and the Bid Breakdown Form
C. Performance Bond, Payment Bond and Insurance Certificates
D. Estimate Summary Sheet, Project Overhead Sheet and the Unbalanced Bid Form
Insurance and Bonds Exercise
25. Which party backs the face value of the Bonds?
A. Surety
B. Owner
C. Architect
D. Contractor
Which party invokes a bond?
A. Surety
B. Owner
C. Architect
D. Contractor
What does the Surety do if a bond is invoked?
A. Sue the Owner for the loss to the Contractor
B. Sue the Subcontractors for their failure to follow the schedule
C. Nothing, their obligations were complete at the time of submittal
D. Pay the Owner the bond face value, then sues the contractor for face value plus
What are the financial obligations of the Contractor if the Payment Bond is invoked?
A. Nothing because they have already paid their Bond Premium
B. Nothing because they have already obtained the face value for the Payment Bond
C. Pay the Surety for the face value of the bond plus all other expenses incurred
D. Pay the Owner then the Contractor sues the Surety for all expenses incurred
Given the bond premium table, what is the Bond Premium for a $2,755,000 Project?
First $ 500,000 $12.00 per M
Next $ 2,000,000 $6,000 plus $7.25 per M
Next $ 2,500,000 $20,500 plus $5.75 per M
A. $19,974
B. $21,966
C. $25,974
D. $36,341