Bi0 5 Flashcards
5.1 Define evolution.
• Evolution occurs when heritable characteristics
of a species change.
(cumulative) change in heritable/genetic
characteristics of a population;new species arise
from pre-existing species;change/ adaptation of a
population due to natural selection / descent with
5.1 Discuss the
evidence regarding
the theory of
• The fossil record provides evidence for
-fossils are traces of parts of organisms (bones or
leaf imprints) or their activities (footprints or
burrows) left in layers of rock.
-fossils can be dated by determining the age of
the rock layer (strata) in which the fossil is found
-sedimentary rock layers develop in a
chronological order, such that lower layers are
older and newer strata form on top
-each strata represents a variable length of time
that is classified according to a geological time
-the ordered succession of fossils suggests that
newer species likely evolved as a result of
changes to ancestral species
**fossil record is incomplete
-fossilisation requires an unusual set of specific circumstances in order to occur, so very few
organisms become fossils
-only the hard parts of an organism are typically
preserved, so only fragments of remains are
-with limited fossil data, it can be difficult to
discern the evolutionary patterns that result from
ancestral forms (‘missing links’)
-transitional fossils demonstrate the intermediary
forms that occurred over the evolutionary
pathway taken by a single genus
-they establish the links between species by
exhibiting traits common to both an ancestor and
its predicted descendents
-e.g. transitional fossil is archaeopteryx, which
links the evolution of dinosaurs (jaws, claws) to
birds (feathers)
-as new fossils are discovered, new evolutionary
patterns are emerging and old assumptions are
5.1 Explain selective
breeding and what
it shows regarding
natural selection.
• Selective breeding of domesticated animals
shows that artificial selection can cause evolution.
-selective breeding is a form of artificial selection,
whereby man intervenes in the breeding of
species to produce desired traits in offspring
-by breeding members of a species with a desired
trait, the trait’s frequency becomes more common
in successive generations
-selective breeding provides evidence of
evolution as targeted breeds can show significant
variation in a (relatively) short period
-selective breeding of plant crops has allowed
for the generation of new types of foods from the
same ancestral plant source
-e.g. plants of the genus Brassica have been bred
to produce different foods by modifying plant
sections through artificial selection
-e.g. broccoli (modified flower buds), cabbage
(modified leaf buds) and kale (modified leaves)
-selective breeding of domesticated animals has
also resulted in the generation of diverse breeds
of offspring
-e.g. dog breeding
5.1 Explain the
evolution of
• Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive
radiation explains similarities in structure when
there are differences in function.
-comparative anatomy of groups of organisms
may show certain structural features that are
similar, implying common ancestry
-homologous structures: anatomical features that
are similar in basic structure despite being used in
different ways
-the more similar the homologous structures
between two species are, the more closely
related they are likely to be
-homologous structures illustrate adaptive
radiation, whereby several new species rapidly
diversify from an ancestral source, with each new
species adapted to utilise a specific unoccupied
• Application: Comparison of the pentadactyl limb
of mammals, birds, amphibians & reptiles with
different modes of locomotion
-a classical example of homologous structures is
the pentadactyl limb in a variety of different
-mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles all share
a similar arrangement of bones in their
appendages based on a five-digit limb
-despite possessing similar bone arrangements, animal limbs may be highly dissimilar according to
the mode of locomotion:
-human hands are adapted for tool manipulation
(power vs precision grip)
-bird and bat wings are adapted for flying
-horse hooves are adapted for galloping
-whale and dolphin fins are adapted for swimming
5.1 Explain
• Populations of a species can gradually diverge
into separate species via evolution
-the degree of divergence between
geographically separated populations will
gradually increase the longer they are separated
-as the genetic divergence between the related
populations increase, their genetic compatibility
consequently decreases
-eventually, the two populations will diverge to an
extent where they can no longer interbreed if
returned to a shared environment
-in that case, they are considered to be separate
• Continuous variation across a geographical
range of related populations matches the
concept of gradual divergence
-if two populations of a species become
geographically separated then they will likely
experience different ecological conditions
-over time, the two populations will adapt to the
different environmental conditions (due to genetic
variation and natural selection) and gradually
diverge from one another
-the degree of divergence will depend on the
extent of geographical separation and the
amount of time since separation occurred
-populations located in close proximity that
separated recently will show less variation (less
-distant populations that separated a longer period of time ago will show more variation (more
5.1 Provide an
example showing
• Development of melanistic insects in polluted
-peppered moths (Biston betularia) exist in two
distinct polymorphic forms - a light colouration
and a darker melanic variant
-unpolluted environment: the trees are covered
by a pale-coloured lichen, which provides
camouflage for the lighter moth
-polluted environment: sulphur dioxide kills the
lichen while soot blackens the bark, providing
camouflage for the dark moth
-frequency of the two different forms of
peppered moth is dependent on the environment
and evolves as conditions change
-before the industrial revolution, the environment
was largely unpolluted and the lighter moth had a
survival advantage
-following the industrial revolution, the
environment became heavily polluted, conferring
a survival advantage to the darker moth
5.2 Explain natural
• Natural selection can only occur if there is
variation among members of the same species
• Mutation, meiosis and sexual reproduction
causes variation between individuals in a species
mutations: changing the genetic composition of
gametes (germline mutation) leads to changed
characteristics in offspring
meiosis: via either crossing over (prophase I) or
independent assortment (metaphase I)
sexual reproduction: the combination of genetic
material from two distinct sources creates new
gene combinations in offspring
• Natural selection increases the frequency of
characteristics that make individuals better
adapted and decreases the frequency of other
characteristics leading to changes within the
-according to the theory of natural selection, it is
not necessarily the strongest or most intelligent
that survives, but the ones most responsive to
The process of natural selection occurs in response to a number of conditions:
1) inherited variation: there is genetic variation
within a population which can be inherited
2) competition: there is a struggle for survival
(species tend to produce more offspring than the
environment can support)
3) selection: environmental pressures lead to
differential reproduction within a population
4) adaptations: individuals with beneficial traits will
be more likely to survive and pass these traits on
to their offspring
5) evolution: over time, there is a change in allele
frequency within the population gene pool
5.2 Explain the
reason for
• Species tend to produce more offspring than the
environment can support
-a stable population will inevitably outgrow its
resource base, leading to competition for survival
-with more offspring, there are less resources
available to other members of the population
(environmental resistance)
-this will lead to a struggle for survival and an
increase in the mortality rate (causing population
growth to slow and plateau)
-this concept is central to Darwin’s understanding
of ‘survival of the fittest’ - any trait that is
beneficial for competitive survival will be more
likely to be passed on to offspring according to
natural selection
5.2 Define
• Adaptations are characteristics that make an
individual suited to its environment and way of life
5.2 Explain the role
of adaptations in
natural selection.
• Individuals that reproduce pass on
characteristics to their offspring
These adaptations may be classified in a number
of different ways:
-structural: Physical differences in biological
structure (e.g. neck length of a giraffe)
-behavioural: Differences in patterns of activity
(e.g. opossums feigning death when threatened)
-physiological: Variations in detection and
response by vital organs (e.g. homeothermy,
color perception)
-biochemical: Differences in molecular
composition of cells and enzyme functions (e.g.
blood groups, lactose tolerance)
-developmental: Variable changes that occur
across the life span of an organism (e.g. patterns
of ageing / senescence)
Biological adaptations have a genetic basis (i.e.
encoded by genes) and may be passed to
offspring when the parents reproduce
-organisms with beneficial adaptations will be
more likely to survive long enough to reproduce
and pass on these genes
-organisms without these beneficial adaptations
will be less likely to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes
Hence adaptations result in differential
reproduction within a species, allowing for natural
selection to occur
• Individuals that are better adapted tend to
survive and produce more offspring while the less
well adapted tend to die or produce fewer
-variation that exists within a population is
heritable (i.e. genetic) and determined by the
presence of alleles
-alleles may be passed from parent to offspring
via sexual reproduction
-alleles encode for the phenotypic
polymorphisms of a particular trait and may be
beneficial, detrimental or neutral:
-due to natural selection, the proportion of
different alleles will change across generations
-as beneficial alleles improve reproductive
prospects (more offspring), they are more likely
to be passed on to future generations
-conversely, detrimental alleles result in fewer offspring and hence are less likely to be present
in future generations
-when environmental conditions change, what
constitutes a beneficial or detrimental trait may
change, and thus the allele frequencies in a
population are constantly evolving
5.2 Application:
Explain the changes
in beaks of finches
on Daphne Major.
adaptive radiation: the rapid evolutionary
diversification of a single ancestral line
-occurs when members of a single species
occupy a variety of distinct niches with different
environmental conditions
-members evolve different morphological
features (adaptations) in response to the different
selection pressures
e.g. the variety of beak types seen in the finches
of the Galapagos Islands
-the finches have specialised beak shapes
depending on their primary source of nutrition
(e.g. seeds, insects, nuts, nectar)
Daphne Major
-Darwin’s finches demonstrate adaptive radiation
and show marked variation in beak size and shape
according to diet
-finches that feed on seeds possess compact,
powerful beaks - with larger beaks better
equipped to crack larger seed cases
-in 1977, an extended drought changed the
frequency of larger beak sizes within the population by natural selection
-dry conditions result in plants producing larger
seeds with tougher seed casings
-finches with larger beaks were better equipped
to feed on the seeds and thus produced more
offspring with larger beaks
5.2 Application:
Explain the
evolution of
antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
a. antibiotics (are chemicals) used to treat
bacterial diseases;
b. within populations, bacteria vary in their
(genetic) resistance to antibiotics/fitness;
c. resistance arises by (random) gene mutation;
d. when antibiotics are used antibiotic-sensitive
bacteria are killed;
e. (natural) selection favours those with resistance;
f. resistant bacteria survive, reproduce and spread
the gene / increase allele frequency of resistant
g. the more an antibiotic is used, the more
bacterial resistance/the larger the population of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria;
h. genes can be transferred to other bacteria by
i. doctors/vets use different antibiotics but
resistance develops to these as well;
J. multiple-antibiotic resistant bacteria evolve/it
becomes difficult to treat some infections;
5.3 Define the
nomenclature of
naming and explain
its importance.
• The binomial system of names for species is
universal among biologists and has been agreed
and developed at a series of congresses.
the system of nomenclature in which two terms
are used to name a species of living organism, the
first one indicating the genus and the second the
specific epithet.
The binomial system of nomenclature provides
value because:
-allows for the identification and comparison of
organisms based on recognised characteristics
-allows all organisms to be named according to a
globally recognised scheme
-can show how closely related organisms are,
allowing for the prediction of evolutionary links
-makes it easier to collect, sort and group
information about organisms
5.3 Explain when
and how binomial
names are given.
• When species are discovered they are given
scientific names using the binomial system.
-genus is written first and is capitalised (e.g
-species follows and is written in lower case (e.q.
Homo sapiens)
-some species may occasionally have a sub-
species designation (e.g. Homo sapiens sapiens
modern man)
Writing conventions:
-typing the scientific name: in italics
-hand writing the scientific name: underline
5.3 Explain what
taxonomists are and
its principle.
• Taxonomists classify species using a hierarchy of
• The principal taxa for classifying eukaryotes are
(domain comes first but its not a taxa), kingdom,
phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
-taxonomy is the science involved with classifying
groups of organisms on the basis of shared
-organisms are grouped according to a series of
hierarchical taxa - the more taxa organisms share,
the more similar they are
All organisms are classified into three domains
-eukarya - eukaryotic organisms that contain a
membrane-bound nucleus (includes protist,
plants, fungi and animals)
-archaea - prokaryotic cells lacking a nucleus and
consist of the extremophiles (e.g. methanogens,
thermophiles, etc.)
-eubacteria - prokaryotic cells lacking a nucleus
and consist of the common pathogenic forms (e.g.
E. coli, S. aureus, etc.)
**members of these domains should be referred to as archaeans, bacteria and eukaryotes.
-original evidence for this came from base
sequences of ribosomal RNA
-these sequences are found in all organisms and
evolves slowly, so it is suitable for studying the
earliest evolutionary events.
-the sequences suggests that prokaryotes
diverged into Eubacteria and Archaea early in the
evolution of life
5.3 Application:
Classification of one
plant and one
animal species from
domain to species
Animal example: Humans
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Sapiens
Plant example: Garlic
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Genus: Allium
Species: sativum
5.3 Explain what
classifications are.
and what it
-natural classification involves grouping
organisms based on similarities first and then
identifying shared characteristics
• Natural classifications help in identification of
species and allow the prediction of characteristics
shared by species within a group
-all members of a particular group would have
shared a common ancestor
-can be used to predict characteristics shared by
species within a group
*they are highly mutable and tend to change as
new information is discovered
• In a natural classification, the genus and
accompanying higher taxa consist of all the
species that have evolved from one common
ancestral species
-identifies traits based on groupings, rather than
assigning groups based on traits
-can be used to show evolutionary relationships
and predict characteristics shared by species
within a group
-each taxonomic level includes all species that would have evolved from a common ancestor
• Taxonomists sometimes reclassify groups of
species when new evidence shows that a
previous taxon contains species that have
evolved from different ancestral species.
*because they predict evolutionary relationships,
they change with new information
-groups of species may be separated into
different genera if new evidence suggests they
evolved from different ancestral species
-different species may be grouped into a shared
taxon if new evidence suggests more recent
common ancestry
-e.g Homininae sub-family was created to include
gorillas and chimpanzees when it was deduced
that they share more common ancestry with
humans than with other great apes (e.g. orang.
5.3 Application:
features of
coniferophyta and
Has no vascularisation (i.e. lacks xylem and
Has no ‘true’ leaves, roots or stems (are anchored
by a root-like structure called a rhizoid)
Reproduce by releasing spores from sporangia
(reproductive stalks)
Examples include mosses and liverworts
Has vascular tissues (i.e xylem and phloem)
All have leaves, roots and stems (leaves are
pinnate - consisting of large fronds divided into
Reproduce by releasing spores from clusters
called sori on the underside of the leaves
Examples include ferns
Has vascularisation
Have leaves, roots and stems (stems are woody
and leaves are waxy and needle-like)
Reproduce by non-motile gametes (seeds) which are found in cones
Examples include pine trees and conifers
Has vascularisation
Have leaves, roots and stems (individual species
may be highly variable in structure)
Reproduce by seeds produced in ovules within
flowers (seeds may develop in fruits)
Examples include all flowering plants and grasses
5.3 Application:
features of porifera,
annelida, mollusca,
arthropoda and
invertebrates: porifera, cnidaria, platyhelmintha,
annelida, mollusca and arthropoda
**most vertebrates are in chordata (but not all!)
No body symmetry (asymmetrical)
No mouth or anus (have pores to facilitate the
circulation of material)
May have silica or calcium carbonate based
spicules for structural support
Examples include sea sponges
Have radial symmetry
Have a mouth but no anus (single entrance body
May have tentacles with stinging cells for
capturing and disabling prey
Examples include jellyfish, sea anemones and
Have bilateral symmetry
Have a mouth but no anus (single entrance body
Have a flattened body shape to increase SA:Vol ratio and may be parasitic
Examples include tapeworms and planaria
Have bilateral symmetry
Have a separate mouth and anus
Body composed of ringed segments with
specialisation of segments
Examples include earthworms and leeches
Have bilateral symmetry
Have a separate mouth and anus
Body composed of a visceral mass, a muscular
foot and a mantle (may produce shell)
Examples include snails, slugs, octopi, squid and
bivalves (e.g. clams)
Have bilateral symmetry
Have a separate mouth and anus
Have jointed appendages
Have a hard exoskeleton (chitin)
Examples include insects, crustaceans, spiders, scorpions and centipedes
Have bilateral symmetry
Have a separate mouth and anus
Have a notochord and a hollow, dorsal nerve
tube for at least some period of their life cycle
Examples include mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians and fish (also invertebrate sea squirts)
5.3 Application:
Recognition of
vertebrate classes.
• Recognition features of birds, mammals,
amphibians, reptiles and fish.
Covered in scales made out of bony plates in the
Reproduce via external fertilisation (egg and
sperm released into the environment)
Breathe through gills that are covered with an
operculum with one gill slit
Does not maintain a constant internal body
temperature (ectothermic)
No limbs.
Fins supported by rays.
Remain in water throughout their life cycle
Swim bladder containing gas for buoyancy
Moist skin, permeable to gases and water
Reproduce via external fertilisation
Larval stage that lives in water and adult that
usually lives on land.
Can breathe through skin but also possess simple
Simple lungs with small folds and moist skin for
gas exchange.
Do not maintain a constant internal body temperature (ectothermic)
Tetrapods with pentadactyl limbs.
Four legs when adult.
Eggs coated in protective jelly.
Impermeable skin covered in scales made out of
Reproduce via internal fertilisation and females
lay eggs with soft shells
Breathe through lungs that have extensive folding
(increases SA:Vol ratio)
Do not maintain a constant internal body
temperature (ectothermic)
Tetrapods with pentadactyl limbs.
Four legs (in most species).
Sperm passed into the female for internal
Female lays eggs with soft shells.
Teeth al of one type, with no living parts.
Covered in feathers (made out of keratin)
Reproduce via internal fertilisation and females
lay eggs with hard shells
Breathe through lungs with parabronchial tubes, ventilated using air sacs.
Maintain a constant internal body temperature
Tetrapods with pentadactyl limbs
Two legs and two wings.
Beak but no teeth.
Skin has follicles which produce hair made out of
Reproduce via internal fertilisation and females
feed young with milk from mammary glands
Most give birth to live young and all feed young
with milk from mammary glands
Breathe through lungs with alveoli, ventilated
using ribs and a diaphragm.
Maintain a constant internal body temperature
Tetrapods with pentadactyl limbs
Four legs in most (or two legs and two wings/
Teeth of different types with a living core.
5.3 Skill:
Construction of
dichotomous keys
for use in identifying
dichotomous key: method of identification
whereby groups of organisms are divided into
two categories repeatedly
5.4 Define a clade,
cladogram and cladistics
• A clade is a group of organisms that have
evolved from a common ancestor.
• Cladograms are tree diagrams that show the
most probable sequence of divergence in clades.
Cladistics: a method of classification of animals
and plants that aims to identify and take account
of only those shared characteristics (which can be
deduced to have originated in the common
ancestor of a group of species during evolution,
not those arising by convergence)
5.4 Application:
including humans
and other primates.
According to a cladogram outlining the
evolutionary history of humans and other
-humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and
gibbons all belong to a common clade - the
-the Hominid clade forms part of a larger clade
- the Anthropoids - which includes Old World and
New World monkeys
**from left to right
-lorises, pottos, and lemurs
-new world monkeys
-old world monkeys
5.4 Explain why
structural evidence
is not used to
construct cladistics.
• Evidence from cladistics has shown that
classification of some groups based on structure
did not correspond
with the evolutionary origins of a group or
there are two key limitations to using
morphological differences as a basis for
-closely related organisms can exhibit very
different structural features due to adaptive
radiation (e.g. pentadactyl limb)
-distantly related organisms can display very
similar structural features due to convergent
*it may occur when different species occupy the
same habitat and are thus subjected to the same
selection pressures
• Traits can be analogous or homologous
-structural traits are not commonly used to
determine clades as such features may not
necessarily indicate shared heritage
homologous structures: traits that are similar
because they are derived from common ancestry
analogous structures: traits that are superficially similar but were derived through separate
evolutionary pathways
-using molecular evidence, scientists have
discovered that many species thought to be
closely related based on shared structural
characteristics actually demonstrate distinct
evolutionary origins
e.g. crocodiles have been shown to be more
closely related to birds than lizards, despite
closely resembling lizards in structure
5.4 Explain the
current method of
• Evidence for which species are part of a clade
can be obtained from the base sequence of a
gene or the
corresponding amino acid sequence of a protein.
Molecular evidence is used because:
-all organisms use DNA and RNA as genetic
material and the genetic code by which proteins
are synthesised is (almost) universal
-so have shared molecular heritage
-base and amino acid sequences can be
compared to ascertain levels of relatedness
-over the course of millions of years, mutations
will accumulate within any given segment of DNA
-the number of differences between comparable
base sequences demonstrates the degree of
evolutionary divergence
-a greater number of differences between
comparable base sequences suggests more time
has past since two species diverged
-hence, the more similar the base sequences of
two species are, the more closely related the two
species are expected to be
When comparing molecular sequences, scientists
may use non-coding DNA, gene sequences or amino acid sequences:
-non-coding DNA provides the best means of
comparison as mutations will occur more readily
in these sequences
-gene sequences mutate at a slower rate, as
changes to base sequence may potentially affect
protein structure and function
-amino acid sequences may also be used for
comparison, but will have the slowest rate of
change due to codon degeneracy
-amino acid sequences are typically used to
compare distantly related species (i.e. different
-DNA or RNA base sequences are often used to
compare closely related organisms (e.g. different
haplogroups - such as various human ethnic
**a comparison of amino acid sequences is not as
accurate as a DNA comparison. Changes at the
DNA level need not always result in a different
protein. (Remember the genetic code!)
• Sequence differences accumulate gradually so
there is a positive correlation between the
number of differences between two species and the time since they diverged from a common
-some genes or protein sequences may
accumulate mutations at a relatively constant rate
(e.g. 1 change per million years)
-if rate of change is reliable, scientists can
calculate the time of divergence according to the
number of differences
This concept is called the molecular clock and is
limited by a number of factors:
-different genes or proteins may change at
different rates (e.g. hemoglobin mutates more
rapidly than cytochrome c)
-rate of change for a particular gene may differ
between different groups of organisms
-earlier changes may be reversed by later
changes, potentially confounding the accuracy of
5.4 Application:
Reclassification of
the figwort family
using evidence from
Until recently, figworts were the 8th largest family
of flowering plants (angiosperms), containing 275
different genera
-this was problematic as many of the figwort
plants were too dissimilar in structure to function
as a meaningful grouping
-taxonomists examined the chloroplast gene in
figworts and decided to split the figwort species
into five different clades
Now less than half of the species remain in the
figwort family - which is now the 36th largest
among angiosperms
5.4 Skill: Analysis of
cladograms to
Explain what the
different features in
a cladogram mean
Constructed cladograms all typically share
certain key features:
root - The initial ancestor common to all
organisms within the cladogram (incoming line
shows it originates from a larger clade)
nodes - Each node corresponds to a
hypothetical common ancestor that speciated to give rise to two (or more) daughter taxa
outgroup - The most distantly related species in
the cladogram which functions as a point of
comparison and reference group
clades - A common ancestor and all of its
descendants (i.e. a node and all of its connected
Branches: Branches connect the nodes in a cladogram and represent the evolutionary lineage of an organism. The length of a branch can represent the amount of time that has passed since a common ancestor existed.
Terminal taxa: Terminal taxa are the organisms that are found at the end of each branch in a cladogram. They represent the species or groups of organisms that have evolved from the common ancestor represented by the node.
Character states: Character states are the specific traits or features that are used to group organisms together in a cladogram. These can include physical characteristics such as body shape or coloration, behavioral traits, or molecular markers such as DNA sequences.
5.3 Distinguish
between archaea
and eubacteria.
-DNA with no proteins/histones
-seldom have introns
-cell walls with peptidoglycan/glycoproteins
-not in extreme environments
-different ribosome (than archaea)
-DNA with proteins/histones
-usually have introns
-cell walls lack peptidoglycan/glycoproteins
-found in extreme environments
-different ribosome (than eubacteria)
5.3 State the names
of the three
domains, giving a
microbial example
of each
Bacteria: E. coli / Pneumococcus /
another suitable example; (scientific/common
name acceptable)
Archaea: methanogens / thermophiles / another
suitable example;
Eukaryota: Paramecium / yeast / another suitable
List out some
characteristics of:
Presence of mammary glands that produce milk to feed their young.
Presence of hair or fur on their bodies.
Endothermic or warm-blooded, meaning they can regulate their body temperature internally.
Possess a four-chambered heart.
Most give birth to live young instead of laying eggs.
Most breathe through gills.
Most have scales covering their bodies.
Cold-blooded or ectothermic, meaning they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature.
Possess a two-chambered heart.
Most lay eggs in water.
Most have dry, scaly skin.
Breathe through lungs.
Cold-blooded or ectothermic.
Most lay eggs with tough, leathery shells.
Possess a three-chambered heart (except for crocodilians, which have four chambers).
Undergo metamorphosis from a larval, water-breathing stage to an adult stage with lungs that can breathe air.
Moist, permeable skin that can absorb oxygen and other substances.
Cold-blooded or ectothermic.
Most lay eggs in water.
Possess a three-chambered heart.
Possess feathers, which aid in flight and thermoregulation.
Endothermic or warm-blooded.
Possess a four-chambered heart.
Lay hard-shelled eggs.
Possess a lightweight skeleton with air-filled bones to aid in flight.
5.1 Define strata and
Strata: layers of rock or soil with characteristics
that distinguish it from other layers. (strata often
contain different types of fossils)
Paleontology: the study of fossils (which
provides strong evidence that life on earth has
changed over time.)
5.1 Explain three
pieces of evidence
that fossils provide
that evolution has
1: The sequence that fossils appear match the
sequence in which they would be expected to
-with simple organisms in older strata and more
complex organisms in more recent strata.
-(bacteria and simple algae appeared first, fungi
and worms later and land vertebrates later still)
-(among the vertebrates: bony fish appeared
about 420 mya, amphibians 340 mya, reptiles 320
mya, birds 250 mya and placental mammals 110 mya)
2: the sequence of fossils also fits in with the
ecology of the groups
-plants fossils appearing before animal, plants on
land before animals on land
-plants suitable for insect pollination before insect
3: Fossils often show transitions and/or links
between living organisms and likely ancestors
5.1 Contrast
structures and
Analogous structures:
-have superficial similarities
-when studies closely are very different to each
-had different origins
-perform the same function
Homologous structures:
-appear superficially different
-structurally similar to each other
-homologous have come from the same origin
-perform different functions.
5.1 Contrast
evolution and
adaptive radiation.
Convergent evolution:
-when structures (of different origins) have had
different origins and have become similar
because they perform the same or a similar
Adaptive radiation:
-structures that share the same origin and have
become different from each other because they
perform different functions.
5.1 State an
example of
structures and
-similarities between the tail fins of whales and
-the forelimbs of a human, mole, horse, porpoise
and bat have the same bones, in the same relative
5.1 Lists the group
of animals that have
pentadactyl limbs.
mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles
5.1 Define vestigial
structure, and state
an example.
A reduced structure that serves no function.
The appendix in humans.
5.1 Explain how
continuous variation
ranges is evidence
of evolutionary
Since populations gradually diverge over time to
become separate species, then at any moment it is
expected that examples of all stages of
divergence can be found.
5.1 Define
pentadactyl limb.
A limb with five digits
5.1 Relate
differences in
pentadactyl limb
structures to
differences in limb
Human hands are adapted for tool manipulation
(power vs precision grip)
Bird and bat wings are adapted for flying
Horse hooves are adapted for galloping
Whale and dolphin fins are adapted for swimming
5.2 List examples of
- Competition for food
- Predation
- Parasitism
Disease - Competing for mates
- Competition for space
5.2 Contrast
characteristics with
Inheritable characteristics are ones that can be
passed on to offspring.
Acquired characteristics are not usually passed on
to offspring as they are acquired during the
lifetime of an individual.
**Only inherited characteristics can be acted
upon by natural selection.
5.2 Outline the role
of Charles Darwin
and Peter and
Rosemary Grant in
the study of
Galapagos finches.
-Darwin observed that the sizes and shapes of the
beaks of the Galapagos finches varied, as did their
-(Although the Finches seemed closely related
they were considered separate species.
-Darwin deduced that they had come from a
single population of finches on the mainland and
had probably been blown to their new habitats by
a storm.
-each habitat had different selection pressures
leading to the finches adapting to suit the
different islands, eventually leading to the
formation of separate species.)
-Peter and Rosemary Grant have shown that beak
characteristics and diet are closely related and
when one changes, the other does also.
5.2 Explain how
natural selection
leads to changes in
the beaks of
Galapagos finches
with changes in
weather conditions.
-in 1977, a drought on the island, Daphne Major
caused a shortage of small seeds
-so the species of finch, G. fortis fed instead on
larger, harder seeds, which the large-beaked
individuals were able to crack open.
-a lot of the population died that year which
highest mortality among individuals with shorter
-(In 1982-83 there was a severe El Nino event,
causing eight months of heavy rain and as a result
an increased supply of small, soft seeds and
fewer large, hard seeds.
-G. fortis bred rapidly, in response to the increase
in food availability.
-with a return to dry weather conditions and
greatly reduced supplies of small seeds, breeding
stopped until 1987.)
5.2 List reasons why
evolution of
antibiotic resistance
has been rapid.
1: There has been very widespread use of
antibiotics (both for treating diseases and in
animal feeds used on farms)
2: Bacteria can reproduce very rapidly (with a
generation time of less than an hour)
3: populations of bacteria are often huge
(increasing the chance of a gene for antibiotic
resistance being formed by mutation)
4: Bacteria an pass genes on to other bacteria in
several ways (including using plasmids, which
allow one species of bacteria to gain antibiotic
resistances genes from another species)
5.2 List three trends
that have been
observed in the
development of
antibiotic resistance.
1: After an antibiotic is introduced and used on
patients, bacteria showing resistance appear
within a few years.
2: Resistance to the antibiotic spreads to more
and more species of pathogenic bacteria.
3: In each species the proportion of infections that
are caused by a resistant strain increases.
5.3 Outline the role
of botanical and
congresses in the
naming of plants
and animals.
To ensure that all biologists use the same system
of names for living organisms, congress attended
by delegates from around the world are held at
regular intervals. The first International Zoological
Congress was held in Paris in 1889. It was
recognised that internationally accepted rules for
naming and classifying animal species were
needed and these were agreed at this and
subsequent congresses.
5.3 State three rules
of binomial
- The genus begins with an upper-case letter and
the species name with a lower-cases letter. - In typed or printed text, a binomial is shown in
italics. After a binomial has been used once in a
piece of text, it can be abbreviated to the initial
letter of the genus name with the full species
name (eg. L. borealis.)
53 Define taxon
and taxonomist.
taxon: a taxonomic group of any rank
Taxonomist: a biologist that groups organisms into
5.3 List the
hierarchy of taxa,
from largest to
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,
genus, species
5.3 List the four
kingdoms of
Plants, animals fungi and protoctista.
5.3 List two
situations in which
the reclassification
of a species may be
- If new evidence shows that members of a group
do not share a common ancestor (so the group
should be split up into two or more taxa) - Species classified in different taxa are
sometimes found to be closely related (so two or
more taxa are united, or species are moved from
one genus to another or between higher taxa)
5.3 State five major
classes of chordata.
Birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and bony-ray
finned fish.
5.3 State the role of
Carl Linnaeus in
naming species.
-Carls Linnaeus introduced a system of two-part
names and his work is the basis of the binomial
system that is still in use today.
-the system recognises that there are groups of
similar species
-so the name for each species in a group consists
of a specific name attached to the group name.
5.3 Outline how
computer programs
analyze biological
sequence data to
create cladograms.
-computer programs have been developed that
calculate how species in a clade could have
evolved with the smallest number of changes of
base or amino acid sequence
-(This is known as the principle of parsimony and
although it does not prove how a clade actually
-it can indicate the most probable sequence of
divergence in clades.)
5.4 Outline the
reason and
evidence for the
reclassification of
the figwort family.
-taxonomists recently investigated the
evolutionary origins of the figwort family using
-one important research project compared the
base sequences of three chloroplast genes in a
large number of species in genera traditionally
assigned to the figwort family and genera in
closely related families.
-it was found that species in the figwort family
were not a true clade and that five clades has
incorrectly been combined into one family.
5.4 Outline the
reason why
biological theories
may change with
An important process in science is the testing of
theories and replacement of theories found to be
false with new theories.
5.4 Contrast
classification and
Artificial classification involves arbitrarily selecting
unifying characteristics first and then grouping
organisms accordingly:
-organisms are grouped by very basic
characteristics which do not show evolutionary
-advantage of artificial classification is that such
schemes are easy to develop and relatively stable
(unlikely to change)
-disadvantage is that they do not generally show
evolutionary relationships and for this reason are
not commonly used
-for example, if organisms were classified
according to the presence of fins then whales
would be grouped with fish
-if organisms were classified based on the
presence of shells then snails would be grouped
with turtles and not with squid
Natural classification involves grouping organisms
based on similarities first and then identifying
shared characteristics
-all members of a particular group would have
shared a common ancestor
-natural classification schemes can be used to
predict characteristics shared by species within a group
-a disadvantage of such schemes is that they are
highly mutable and tend to change as new
information is discovered
**As technology has improved and we have
gained further knowledge of organisms and their
relationships, artificial classification has become
outdated and natural classification has become
more common.
-a disadvantage of such schemes is that they are
5.4 State the name
of the type of
classification used
to classify
organisms now.
A third type of classification - phylogenetic
classification - is now being used to differentiate
organisms based on genetics
Organisms who share a greater level of
homology in their DNA or amino acid sequences are expected to be more closely related