Berlioz Movement 4 Flashcards
What is the name and translation of this movement
Marche au Supplice- March to the scaffold
What key is the movement in
G minor
What is the form of this movement
Ternary form but on going in structure
What is the story of this movement
He dreams he has murder his beloved and is led to execution. A somber march accompanies procession and at last the fixed idea returns and for a moment a last thought of his love is revived- cut short but the death blow
What does allegretto non troppo mean
Fairly quick but not too much
Give features of the introduction to Berlioz Movement 4
Timpani sextuplets
Syncopation in melody
Melody is on horn with pizz strings accomp- Alternates between melody and sextuplet timpani
Dynamics pp–ff with cresc.
What features of introduction help create an atmosphere and intensify the music
Foreboading beat on timpani
Alternates between melody and sextuplet timpani- time distance shortens intensifying the music
Dynamics built up
What is the descending theme and how many times is it heard in it’s first playing
Theme of 8 bars descending over 2 octaves
Heard five times in slight variation
What are the features of the first variation of descending theme
Cello and Double bass lay melody
What are the features of the second variation of descending theme
Polyphonic- bassoon countermelody
Bassoon plays dotted rhythms
Melody on viola,cello, bass
What are the features of the third variation of descending theme
2 octaves higher than original Played on Violin 1 + 2 Timpani plays sextuplets Staccato lower strings Eb flat major
What are the features of the fourth variation of descending theme
Polyphonic- cello countermelody
Same as variation 3: Melody on Violin 1 + 2, staccato lower strings and sextuplets on timpani.
Ends on 3 ff chords in contrary motion
What are the features of the fifth variation of descending theme
Cello, double bass play original theme
Other strings plays inversion
Staccato countermelody on bassoon
Who plays the march theme when it is first introduced and why is this effective
Woodwind and brass- parade atmosphere and it is brass band like
Give some rhythmic features of the march theme
Syncopation - crochet, minim, crochet
Dotted rhythm- drives the music forward
semiquaver crochet exclamation at the end of phrase- hooray of the crowd
Describe march theme when it is first heard - key and instrumental technique
First phrase is in Bb major Strings do not play Bass drum effect Loud ff Ends in hooray exclamation and then repeats
What happens after march theme playing 1 ends
Music repeats from the beginning
How is the march theme introduced in the development section after repeat of beginning
Played using an antiphonal texture
Brass- wind with strings- brass- Wind with strings
Strings play sextuplets
Explain antiphonal texture
Dialogue between orchestral families
How is the descending theme played when it is heard for the second time(not including repeats)
Klangfarben texture- Theme is split up between the entire orchestra
Creates sound colour and texture with different instruments, dynamics and techniques
What is the link that comes after klangfarben texture and what does it lead into
G minor 7 sextuplets on timpani played in conversation with each other links klang farben texture descending theme to march theme playing 3
How is the third playing of the march theme different to the original
Strings added for accomp Violin 1 + 2 have very quick imitation Bb dotted pedal point on bass Cello and viola triplets Still Bb major and melody still on ww and brass For repeat still have bass drum effect
What is different with the antiphonal texture of march theme and following it the klangfarben descending theme heard the second time
Timpani added with sextuplets
Brass + timpani – strings + ww– Brass + timpani – strings + ww
How is the climatic descending theme playing 4 built up. how does berlioz create an atmosphere
Sextuplets in wind and crush notes with repeated notes in
strings drive it forward
Music moves up the scale of g minor on violin crush notes and repeated notes
Dynamics are built up.
Give features of the climatic fourth playing of the descending theme
Tutti and ff
Timpani roll of demi-semiquavers with tremolos of violins
Cymbals and drum with drum roll used
Dynamics get softer up to bar 7 of theme so climax in bar 8 can be emphasied with ff
What is the climatic point of fourth playing of the descending theme - explain
Enharmonic change from c# to Db with ff dynamic
Change from aug 4th to dim 5th creating a tritone called the devil’s chord emphasises the musicians fate. Idea of hell
How is descending theme played after climatic point
Played inverted because of devils chord
Continues rising
What is heard to drive music forward after climatic fourth playing of descending theme
sequence on strings of fragment of inverted descending theme
Then switches strings to brass band like dotted rhythm driving music forward
Punctuating tutti FF chords heard in sets of two
Before returning to antiphonal texture
How is antiphonal texture for the third time used at the end of the piece
Brass+ ww –timpani and strings
Alternate much quicker to built up music strings
Time distance gets very quick and small to end on tutti ff chord
What is the link to harriets theme at the end of the movement
Descending scale in triplets
How is harriet’s theme played at end of movement
Solo clarinet
pp- sweetly
Time stands still
What indicates the death blow in the music
Giant tutti ff chord in g minor followed by pizz strings head in basket
What is the key change after deadly blow and why is it significant- name technique
G min- G major
Indicates crowd rejoicing and being happy criminal has died
Tierce di Picardie
What is it called to change key from minor to major with same name
Tierce di Picardie
How does movement end
G mjor. Added percussion instruments- drum, cymabls, tambourine rolls , timpani rolls
Consists of repeated ff notes and chords ending on ff G major chord