Benyon - kapitel 23 och 25 Flashcards
Human information processing (3 delar)
(a) a sensory input subsystem,
(b) a central information-processing subsystem
(c) a motor output subsystem
Likt datorer! Hänger ihop med Seven Stages of Action
Distributed cognition
Argues that cognitive processing is not confined to the individual mind but is distributed between mind and external artefacts (kunskap i världen)
Embodied cognition
Emphasizes the importance of embodiment – people are physical and social beings – in cognition and how information is embedded in the world.
Activity theory
Has its origins in Soviet psychology and places emphasis on society and community, not on the isolated individual. It also asserts that human activity itself is the context as people pursue the object of the activity.
Perception & navigation
Perception and navigation are two important abilities that people possess. Perception is concerned with how we come to know an environment through our senses. Navigation is concerned with how we move through environments
Navigation (3 typer)
Object identification, which is concerned with understanding and classifying the objects in an environment.
Exploration, which is concerned with finding out about a local environment and how that environment relates to other environments.
Wayfinding, which is concerned with navigating towards a known destination.