Behavioural smoking Flashcards
How does the behavioural approach suggest initiation to smoking begins? (and expl)
Classical conditioning- person may start to smoke due to associating smoking with sociable and relaxing atmosphere eg going out with friends that smoke, break from work
Therefore if it is associated with these feelings it will lead to people smoking to get that feeling
Operant conditioning (negative reinforcement)- Peer pressure can lead to someone smoking through OC. Often starts in adolescence and may be a result of peer pressure as it is a shared social activity. If they refuse to smoke may lead to segregation, isolation. not being one of the group. By smoking you can remove neg feelings
Can learn consequences through observing others eg role models
How does behav suggest people maintain?
Associating smoking with positive feelings eg socialising, stress relief, break from work
keep smoking to seek out pos feelings
we repeat behaviour that is rewarded smoking provides various rewards eg approval from friends
also accts as neg reinforcement such as stress relief
Therefore people maintain smoking as it is rewarded
If smoker continually around other smokers they may maintain as they never stop observing and imitating the behaviour
Why does the behav suggest people relapse?
Neg reinforcement-
By relapsing, unpleasant consequence is removed so if a smoker would get relief from withd symps when they smoke, encourages smoking to continue
since smoking is highly prevalent in our society pressures are there for everyone to see and pressures to return are around people every day
Cue- reactivity paradigm- (subjective)
Adicts respond in the same way to constant cues that trigger them to smoke eg pub, seeing someone
Eval for behav?
Too simplistic
Practical apps
Supporting research
How does behav have prac apps?
Contingency management-
asking an individual to identify things they associate with smoking and retrain them to be able to manage their ‘cues’
What supporting research?
Goldberg et al- found all monkeys pressed a lever in a skinner box to recieve nicottine at a similar rate as for cocaine- suggests can be influenced by OC
NIDA found 90% of US smokers started in adoles due to obs and imitation of peers
Brynner suggested media can play a role, portraying smoking as attractive/ tough