Behavioral Therapies Flashcards
What is classical condition?
Learning is the association of things that take place together in time
When does Classical Conditioning take place?
Repeated pairing of a neutral event (UCS) with one that evokes a response (UCR) such that the neutral stimulus eventually causes the same response
IE the Conditioned Stimulus and the Conditioned Response
What is the well known example of Classical Conditioning?
Pavlov’s Dogs
CS-bell ringing
What is extinction?
Losing the CS
Example: Exposing Pavlov’s Dogs to food without the bell. Must be repeated many times without ringing the bell at all
What is generalization?
Give an example?
When other similar stimuli/situations become the CS for the CR
A kid who fears white rats now fears white rabbits and then white coats (doctors) and then white beards (santa)
Based on Classical Conditioning, what does behavioral therapy look like?
Feared Stimulus+Relaxation in order to decrease anxiety
Could include meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, hypnosis
What is the process of classical conditioning to treat phobias?
Relaxation activity (UCS) to cause Relaxation (UCR)
Then add object of phobia (CS) + Relaxation activity (UCS) to cause Relaxation (UCR)
Eventually, the CS (phobia) will lead to Relaxation (CR)
What is Systemic Desensitization?
Make a list of fears
Chose the lowest/lower level feared object
Begin relaxation techniques with the feared object until there is much less fear
Move through list towards higher feared objects/situations
What is Operant Conditioning?
Learning is the association of things that take place Sequentially
When does Operant Conditioning occur?
Responses that have a pleasant effect are likely to increase
Responses that have an unpleasant effect are likely to decrease
Define the following:
R: results in increased behavior
P: results in decreased behavior
Pos: something is added
Neg: something is taken away
Describe Positive Reinforcement?
Application of a good consequence when behaviour is preformed
Behavior increases
(clapping, praising, giving a treat, etc)
What is positive Punishment?
application of an aversive consequence when behavior is performed (not nec. painful)
Decreases behavior
(making child do chores, spanking)
What is Negative Punishment?
removal of good consequence when behaviour is performed
Behavior decreases
(taking away privileges, grounding, etc.)
What is Negative Reinforcement?
removal of aversive stimuli when behavior is performed
Behavior increases
When must reinforcements and punishments occur?
AFTER behavior
this is a fundamental distinction from classical conditioning, in which the two stimuli occur together
Why is punishment often not effective?
may suppress but not eliminate behavior
may lead to negative emotional and physical outcomes
Why is spanking not recommended?
A child is more likely to become a depressed adult, use ETOH, have more anger, hit their children/spouses or engage in crime
Children are unlikely to see the difference between getting spanked and hitting others when they don’t get what they want
What is an example of negative reinforcement?
Child stops whining when candy is bought, thus parent learns to buy candy
(because candy makes the whining stop)