Behavioral Flashcards
What can help recognize mental health disorders?
unexplained symptoms, “difficult encounters”, dual diagnosis, chronic illness
How are mental disorders classified?
psychological (mental/emotional state) or physical (relating to a body sensation, or can also be called somatic)
Often symptoms are described by patients in ___________ of _________ ____________
clusters of functional syndromes
What are some clusters of functional syndromes patients could presente with that could indicate a mental disorder?
IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, TMJ disorder, sensitivities
Often there are several ______ symptoms rather than a _______ complaint
related, single
What also could indicate a medical disorder?
frequent flyers
What should prompt screening for depression and anxiety?
unexplained conditions lasting more than 6 weeks
What approach is a brief screening questions w/ high sensitivity/specificity to identify those a high risk with detailed follow-up when indicated?
two-tier approach
What approach serves as initial screen for 5 general groups of mental disorders?
PRIME-MD, only 26 questions
What are some indications for mental health screening?
- unexplained physical symptoms
- high amount of symptoms
- high severity of presenting symptom
- chronic pain
- symptoms > 6 weeks
- “difficult encounter”
- recent stress
- low self rating of health
- frequent use of health care
- substance abuse
What are common and concerning symptoms?
- changes in attention, mood, speech, insight, orientation, memory that can demonstrate anxiety, panic, ritualistic behavior, phobias, delerium, dementia
- try to integrate into history so it will seem less like an interrogation
How much does major depression affect the population?
What are some early/high risk signs of depression?
low self esteem, anhedonia (loss of pleasure in daily activities), sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating and making decisions
What are some vulnerable patients to depression?
young, female, single, divorced, chronically ill, seriously ill, bereaved, other disorders, substance abuse
How common is serious mental illness?
1 in 25
How common is mental illness?
1 in 5
Suicide is the ___ leading cause of death in the US
T/F: Suicide is the 2nd cause of death 15-24yo
Do men have higher or lower suicide rates than women?
higher, but women attempt more frequently
T/F: not every patient needs to be screened for alcohol use, substance use, and misuse of drugs
false. Everyone!
What are the 5 components you are looking at with the mental status exam?
1) appearance and behavior
2) speech and language
3) mood
4) thoughts and perceptions
5) cognitive function
When analyzing appearance and behavior, what are you looking at?
- level of consciousness
- posture and motor behavior
- dress, grooming, personal hygiene
- facial expression
- manner, affect, relationship to people and things