Behav. Immune System Flashcards
What is the difference between active and proactive behaviour in response to pathogens?
Proactive behaviour is prevention to avoid infection and reactive is when ill you increase your own fitness
What are 8 types of behaviours that increase immunological fitness?
1) Preening
2)Water bathing
3) scratching
4) dust bathing
5) sun bathing
6) Avoidance of pathogens
7) Social distancing
8) Sanitation
What is the term for protecting your whole social circle?
Inclusive fitness
What is the downside of sunbathing?
Heat stress for birds
What is the downside of water bathing?
Avian flue attracted to oily feathers
What is an example of avoidance of pathogens?
Oystercatches choose medium size cockles because they might be infected with helimnths (parasites)