What were the reactionary policies of Lord Lytton?
- Reduction of maximum age limit for the I.C.S examination from 21 years to 19 years (1876).
- The grand Delhi Durbar of 1877 when the country was in the severe grip of famine.
- The Vernacular Press Act (1878).
- The Arms Act (1878). etc.
Ilbert Bill Controversy?
- Ripon’s government had sought to abolish “judicial disqualification based on race distinctions” and to give the Indian members of the covenanted civil service the same powers and rights as those enjoyed by their European colleagues.
- Ripon had to modify the bill, thus almost defeating the original purpose, because of the stiff opposition from the European community.
The Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha was formed by?
Formed by associates of Raja Rammohan Roy in 1836.
The Zamidars Association was formed by?
The Zamidars Association more popularly known as the Landholders Society was founded by Prasanna Kumar Tagore, Dwarkanath Tagore, Bhabani Charan Bandyopadhyay, Radhakanta Deb, and Ramkamal Sen in 1837.
The Bengal British India Society was founded by?
In 1843, the Bengal British India Society was founded by George Thompson, Dwarkanath Tagore, Chandra Mohan Chatterjee, and Parmananda Maitra.
British Indian Association was founded by?
British Indian Association was established on 29 October 1851 in Kolkata, India with Radhakanta Deb as its first President. The first general secretary of the association was Debendranath Tagore.
British Indian Association was formed by merging ____ and ______.
Landholders Society and the Bengal British India Society.
Demands of British Indian Association?
- Establishment of a separate legislature of a popular character.
- Separation of executive from judicial functions.
- Reduction in salaries of higher officers.
- Abolition of salt duty, akbari and stamp duties.
Were the demands of British Indian Association accepted by the British?
They were partially accepted when the Charter Act of 1853 provided for the addition of six members to the governor general’s council for legislative purposes.
The East India Association was organized by?
Dadabhai Naoroji in 1886 in London to discuss the Indian question and influence public men in England to promote Indian welfare.
The Indian League was started by?
Sisir Kumar Ghosh in 1875.
The Indian Association of Calcutta was founded by?
The Indian Association of Calcutta (also known as the Indian National Association) superseded the Indian League and was founded in 1876 by younger nationalists of Bengal led by Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose, who were getting discontented with the conservative and pro-landlord policies of the British Indian Association.
Which Association is considered as the most important of Pre Congress associations?
- The Indian Association was the most important of pre-Congress associations and aimed to promote by every legitimate means the political, intellectual and material advancement of the people.’ It set out to-
(i) create a strong public opinion on political questions.
(ii) unify Indian people in a common political programme. - It protested against the reduction of age limit in 1877 for candidates of the Indian Civil Service examination.
- The association demanded simultaneous holding of civil service examination in England and India and Indianisation of higher administrative posts.
- It led a campaign against the repressive arms act and the vernacular press act.
- The membership fee was kept low.
- The association sponsored an all India Conference which first took place in Calcutta on December 28 to 30, 1883.
- It later merged with the Indian National Congress in 1886.
The Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was founded by and its objective?
- Mahadeo Govind Ranade and others in 1867 in Bombay.
- Serving as a bridge between the government and the people.
The Bombay Presidency association was started by?
- Badruddin Tyabji
- Pherozshah Mehta
- K.T. Telang in 1885.
The Madras Mahajan Sabha was founded by?
- It was founded in 1884 by
1. M. Viraraghavachari
2. B. Subramaniya Aiyer
3. P. Anandacharlu.
Pre Congress Campaigns?
- For imposition of import duty on cotton (1875).
- For Indianisation of government service (1878-79).
- Against Lytton’s Afghan adventure.
- Against Arms Act (1878).
- Against Vernacular Press Act (1878).
- For right to join volunteer corps.
- Against plantation labour and against Inland Emigration Act.
- In support of Ilbert Bill.
- For an All India Fund for Political Agitation.
- Campaign in Britain to vote for pro-India party.
- Against reduction in maximum age for appearing in Indian Civil Service; the Indian Association took up this question and organised an all-India agitation against it, popularly known as the Indian Civil Service agitation.