Beam restriction Flashcards
scatter is produced at what level?
Patient level
what is beam restriction?
collimation or field size
when collimating, like on a L5 spot what do we change to compensate for the loss of scatter?
increase mAs
what is tissue interaction (scatter) called?
Compton interaction
how does Compton interaction occur?
photon, interacts with a outer-shell electron
what is produced in a Compton interaction?
scatter photon NEEDS MORE INFO
kVp in relation to scatter.
High kVp long scale contrast low rad. contrast short wavelength Compton Interaction predominates (70-100 kVp) image quality goes down
why is there higher scatter other than high kVp
Compton scatter
bone effective Z# is?
soft tissue effective z# is?
bone will have____ scatter than soft tissue
what is the relationship between z# and scatter production?
less scatter b/c higher Z# = more absorption
fat z# is ?
contrast media will hav what effect on scatter?
less scatter b/c Higher Z#= more absorption
iodine Z# is?