BB LRGPHOR Ch17 - Mycoses & Noninfectious Diseases Flashcards
- Which of the following is NOT a reported etiologic agent for ring worm in rabbits? a. Trichophyton mentagrophytes b. Microsporum cuniculi c. Microsporum gypseum d. Trichophyton terrestre
- Special stains used to identify fungal agents causing dermatophytoses include: a. Gomori methanamine silver b. Periodic Acid Schiff c. Gridley stain d. All of the above
- A NZW rabbit in your colony has developed a crusted, erythematous lesion on the back of his head, which is pruritic. Which one of the following treatment plans is reasonable to treat the suspected ring worm? a. Griseofulvin PO SID x 14 days and cleaning housing room with enilconazole spray b. An azole antifungal medication PO for 7 days c. Clean area with chlorhexadine and apply topical antibiotics d. Ignore it- it will clear up without intervention and has little risk of spreading to other colony animals.
- What are the two most significant naturally occurring mycotic infections in domestic and wild rabbits?
Adiaspiromycosis in wild rabbits and Aspergillosis in domestic rabbits.
- Which of the following is correct with regards to Pneumocystis oryctolagi infections in rabbits? a. Clinical signs occur in newborn rabbits and progress rapidly to death. b. Rabbit alveoli lack the foamy eosinophilic honeycomb material typically seen in other species. c. Diagnosis can be achieved with PCR of nasal lavage fluid or toluidine blue staining of alveoli on histology samples d. B and C
- What is the gene symbol and inheritance pattern for congenital buphthalmia in rabbits?
bu; autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance
- Which of the following is FALSE concerning buphthalmic rabbits? a. Affected animals have dysfunctional glucose metabolism and resistance to insulin shock. b. Corneal epithelial cells in affected rabbits show cytologic changes and differences in turnover rate versus unaffected rabbits. c. Age of onset is variable, and increased intraocular pressures have been noted as early as 3 months of age. d. Affected rabbits provide a good model of human congenital glaucoma, but rabbits have a more elastic scleral coat at the onset of increasing pressures, allowing the globe to enlarge.
- True or False: There is an increased incidence of pseudopterygium in young male dwarf and pygmy rabbits.
- True or False: True corneal dystrophies are non-inflammatory, bilateral, unassociated with systemic disease, and generally only affect a single corneal layer.
- Band keratopathy is associated with which two clinical conditions in rabbits?
Uveitis and vitamin D toxicity
- What unique factor makes rabbits a useful model for studying hypercholesterolemia and lipid keratopathy?
They are unable to effectively process excess cholesterol, so it is easy to induce hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia.
- Which of the following is FALSE regarding lipid keratopathy? a. Corneal neovascularization stimulant in combination with feeding high cholesterol diet induces more significant lipid deposition in NZW rabbits than diet alone. b. WHHL rabbits spontaneously develop lipid keratopathy. c. Severe, prolonged hyperlipidemia can result in retinal detachment. d. The pathogenesis of lipid keratopathy involves an increased intracellular uptake of HDL in the stromal keratocytes.
d. The pathogenesis of lipid keratopathy involves an increased intracellular uptake of HDL in the stromal keratocytes.
- A newborn rabbit presents with bilateral dullness of the posterior wall of the lens. What gene is associated with this condition and what can be done to slow progression to complete opacity? a. Cat-1; feed dry diet b. Cat-2; feed dry diet c. Cat-1; feed wet food d. Cat-2; feed wet food
- Which of the following is NOT a known cause for hydrocephalus in rabbits? a. Vitamin A toxicity b. Vitamin A deficiency c. Vitamin D toxicity d. Inherited mutation
- Describe the primary defect in rabbits affected with mandibular prognathism.
Short maxilla in relation to a mandible of normal length.
- True or False: The gene symbol for mandibular prognathism is mp and it is an autosomal recessive inherited condition with incomplete penetrance.
What is the dental formula of rabbits?
i2/1, c0/0, pm3/2, m2-3/3
What are peg teeth?
small pair of incisors directly caudal to maxillary incisors used to shear food; absence of peg teeth in some rabbit herds inherited as dominant trait (I2/I2 or I2/i2)
Rabbit molars do not have roots and are characterized by deep enamel folds
- A rabbit presents with rear limb paralysis, bladder distention, and fecal staining of the perineum. What is the most likely cause?
Traumatic vertebral fracture of L6 or L7
- What housing conditions decrease the incidence of splay leg in 2-4 week old Dutch belted rabbits?
Non-slip flooring
- Name 4 disease entities / mutations that can contribute to splay leg pathology.
Syringomelia (sy/sy), Hypoplasia pelvis (hyp/hyp), Femoral luxation (lu/lu), Hereditary distal foreleg curvature (fc/fc)
- What condition in rabbits is characterized by a marked widening of the ulna with abnormal calcification and an abundance of osteoid tissue?
Hereditary distal forelimb curvature
- What findings are consistent with osteopetrosis in rabbits?
- Formation of abnormal bone marrow cavities with sparse hematopoietic tissue. 2. Enlarged parathyroid glands. 3. Increased bone density on skeletal radiographs.
- Where is the most common site to find ulcerative pododermatitis in a rabbit?
Plantar surface of metatarsals
- True or False: Histologic lesions of aortic arteriosclerosis are characterized by heavy accumulation of lipid.
- What is the phenotype of a rabbit with the following genotype: EST-2f1/EST-2f1?
This animal lacks the atropine esterase enzyme
- The WHHL rabbit has what defects?
Mutation in LDL receptors
- Which type / strain of rabbit is associated with the development of congenital renal cysts? a. Flemish giants b. WHHL c. Strain IIIVO d. NZW
The caudate lobe is most commonly affected in cases of liver lobe torsion in rabbits.
Vaginal prolapse in rabbits is uncommon secondary to gestation and parturition .
Multiparous females have an increased risk of developing pregnancy toxemia than primiparous does.
Rabbits can produce viable extrauterine pregnancies.
NZW Rabbits have slow rates of N-acetylation.
NZW rabbits have a relatively high incidence of aortic arteriosclerosis.
NZW rabbits have a high incidence of pregnancy toxemia.
- What is the most common hereditary disease of rabbits?
Congenital glaucoma / buphthalmia
- What is the Guide-recommended temperature range for housing rabbits, and why is it different from other species?
61-72° F; temperature ranges are lower than for other species due to rabbits limited thermoregulatory ability with elevated temperatures.
Etiology of trichobezoar
Clinical signs of trichobezoar
often subclinical may cause partial or complete blockage anorexia, metabolic imbalances, death due to pyloric obstruction
Pathology of trichobezoar
hairball in stomach +/- gastric rupture up to 21% incidence
Diagnosis of trichobezoar
usually on exploratory surgery may be manually palpated
Differential diagnoses for trichobezoar
constipation intestinal foreign body
Most frequent site of veterbral fracture or subluxation
Clinical signs of traumatic vertebral fracture
posterior paralysis/paresis urinary or fecal incontinence
Pathology of traumatic vertebral fracture
hemorrhage and necrosis of the spinal cord
Diagnosis of traumatic vertebral fracture
clinical signs, history of restraint, radiographs
Most common site of ulcerative pododermatitis
plantar surface of the metatarsals
Risk factors for ulcerative pododermatitis
wire floor housing foot stomping thin plantar fur pads poor sanitation high energy diet increased body condition
Most common inherited disease of domestic rabbits
mandibular prognathism
Hereditary compliment 3 deficiency was found in a strain of rabbits that also had what other blood clotting abnormality?
Compliment 8 alpha-gamma
Complement 6 deficiency manifest in what abnormal clotting profile? a. prolong ACT b. decreased prothrombin consumption c. increased prothrombin time d. increased partial thromboplastin time 3. decreased plateltet factor III function
a and b
C6-deficient rabbits are protected against what diet-induced condition:
Describe the progressive neurological syndrome observed in C6-deficient rabbits
- severe sciatic nerve axonal degeneration 2. peripheral axonal enlargement 3. abnormal material in normal sized myelinated fibers 4. widespread dystrophic axons and axonal spheroids in the gray matter
Neuorological syndrome observed in C6-deficient rabbits may serve as a model for what disease in humans?
neuroaxonal dystrophies
C8-deficiency in rabbits is associated with what condition?
What characteristic is associated with the KHC rabbit
persistent hypercholesterolemia
KHC rabbits exhibit decreased cholesterol and triglyceride in which lipoprotein fraction?
HDL increased in LDL, VLDL
Most common tumor reported in older female rabbits
endometrial adenocarcinoma (incidence up to 79%)
The VX-2 carcinoma originated from what kind of tumor?
SCC from a rabbit carrying Shope papilloma
Which rabbit tumor is used to study tumor immunology?
Brown Pearce carcinoma
Discoloration is due to deposition of what substance?
a. cholesterol
b. minerals
c. lipid
d. caseous pus

c. lipiid (pregnancy toxemia)