Batman Part 2 Flashcards
What key is this piece in
Dorian mode
Starts on the same note as…
Penguin theme
Describe where the first two notes in the violins is plays (register)
High pitched - silvery sinister sound
This piece builds up…
Intrigue to where the pram will end up after floating in the sewer
What is the harp playing in the opening
Half diminished arpeggio
Chords are…because they are derived from…
AO4 and wider listening
Whole tone scale
Floating/ other woldly sound
Debussy, Ravel
The synth choir produces an…
Ethereal sound which punctuates texture with augmented chords
When the horns play a glissando of a semitone, what is occurring in the accompaniment
3rd ostinato comes in which uses notes from the Dies Irae chant (used in funerals)
Urgency, intensity (similar to Catwoman’s theme)
Wider listening for Dies Irae
Sweeney Todd
Wider listening for moving down a semitone
Psycho motif
The bassoons and bass clarinets now play in…
The horns heroically announce…
Batman’s theme
Batman’s theme is played in…
(B.9 - 10.)
At the end of Batman’s theme played in canon, the violins play a
New ostinato
The timpani and snare play a threatening…
Ostinato on tonic (suspense)
The flute and oboes play an…
Accented triplet idea changed through pitch ribbon
The trumpet plays with a
How do we know that the title has appeared on the screen
The strings and timpani and bass drum play 5 punctuated hits (associated with the 5 notes in Batman’s theme)
When the title appears on screen, what chord is playing in the orchestra
Neapolitan chord (bright)
After the title appearing on screen, what happens
Tutti pounding marcato triplets (ostinato for energy)
After title appears, which key are we in
Bb minor
Wider listening for tripkets
Darth Vader
After Bbm, which key do we go to in b. 31and then in b. 34
Ab minor (darker key than Bbm)
F# minor