Basic X-RAY physics & normal chest xray Flashcards
What are the imaging modalities that uses non ionizing radiation?
Ultrasound, MRI, Nuclear imaging
What are the 5 basic radiographic densities?
Air, fat, water, bone, metal
Standard imaging CXR view, it gives an accurate assessment of heart size and mediastinum?
Posteroanterior and lateral
An imaging view thats has a limitation of enlarged heart and poorer inspiration
Anteroposterior view
A CXR view to use when you suspect small pleural effusions
What is the meaning of the ABCDE in the systematic reading of the CXR?
Airway, Breathing/lungs, Cardiac, Diaphragm, Extremities
A positive air bronchogram in consolidation indicates?
Sa air bronchogram ang alveoli ang filled
Differential diagnosis for anterior mediastinal mass (4Ts)
Thymoma, Thyroid goiter, Teratoma, Terrible lymphoma
Carina is at what level of the vertebrae?
Between T4 and T5
Systemic approach in the cardiac plain film interpretation (OC3GO)
Overview or overall glance of the film Cardiac position and situs Cardiac size Chamber enlargement Great vessels Others
A cardiac position where in the heart is predominantly on the left chest and the cardiac apex is leftward
A cardiac position where in the heart is predominantly in the right chest and the cardiac apex points rightward
Heart is positioned in the midline and the cardiac apex points directly inferiorly
The heart is predominantly in the right chest and the cardiac apex points leftward
Normal CT ratio in adults?
0.5 or less
Normal CT ratio in the newborn is?
Kerley’s B lines is a sign of?
Pulmonary edema, heart Congestion, viral pneumonia
Cardiophrenic angle is obliterated in?
Collapsed lung
Costophrenic angle is effaced in
Pleural effusion
The standard distance between the xray tube and the patient is?
72 inches
A test used that is specific for stone in kidney, ureter and bladder
CT stonogram
Used to rule out tumor, mass, nodules
CT contrast: urogram
Imaging test that uses barium and Xrays to create image of your upper GI tract that includes the back of your mouth, throat and your esophagus
Barium swallow or esophagogram
The most common contrast material used for GI exams
Barium sulfate
Bird beak sign or rat tail sign
Contraindication for UPPER GI series
Pregnancy, recent barium xray, recent cholangiography
AKA lower GI tract radiography, perform to evaluate the colon, sigmoid colon and rectum
Barium enema
Carpeting sign
Ulcerative colitis
String sign
Chron’s disease