Basic Instruments Flashcards
What must you do crossing over a compulsory point?
The 5 T’s
- Time
- Turn
- Tune
- Torque
- Talk
Mandatory checks that allow you to descend from enroute altitude for the approach
- Cleared
- On course
- Within annotated distance or time
Advanced Planning - ATIS/Weather
Garmin - Procedure Load, Select VLOC/GPS, ID
Radios - Set frequencies
Display - Configure PFDs/NDs
Upper Modes - Set as appropiate
Brief - Approach Name, Course Reversal, MDA/DA, Missed Approach Point
Unusual Attitude Recovery
- Attitude
- Trim
- Altitude
- Heading
- Airspeed
Height Above Touchdown (Straight In Approach)
Height Above Airport (Circling)
Height Above Landing (Copter Approach)
Height Above Surface (Copter for Space Approach)
Lost Commo Procedures (Altitude)
Highest of -
1. Minimum Altitude of IFR Route
2. Last Expected Altitude
3. Last Assigned Altitude
Lost Commo Procedures (Route)
In precedence -
1. Last Assigned
2. Radar Vectored
3. Expected Route
4. As Filed
1-3-6 Rule (1) Can I go?
- Must have weather minimums through ETA + 1 hour based off predominant weather
1-3-6 Rule (3) Do you need an alternate?
- Navaid is unmonitored
- Predominant weather is less than 400-1
- Radar is requiired for the approach
1-3-6 Rule (6) What is required for an airport to be an alternate?
- Worst weather forecast is equal to or greater than 400-1 planning minimums
- GPS based approach on 1 or the other unless RNAV with WAAS
- Radar is not required for the approach
- Does not state “Alternate NA” in pilot briefing section
- Navaids are monitored
- Surface based controlled airspace is in effect (B,C,D,E)
When is IFR file not acceptable?
- VFR Training
- Time not will not permit mission completion
- Mission can only be completed VFR
- Excessive IFR delays
- Single pilot
Helicopter SVFR Minimums
1/2SM and Clear of Clouds
Precision Approach
Standard instrument approach that has a glideslope
When do you start a turn on departure procedure?
400ft AGL Height Above Airport
What are the four times you may not reduce visibility minimums by 50%?
- Flying faster than 90KIAS (Category A)
- Copter Approaches
- Approach Plate says it
- No reduction that makes it less than 1/4 SM visibility
When can an aircraft be flown below MDA/DA?
Runway, approach Lights or landing area in sight and safe position to land
Difference between an ILS and PAR?
ILS - Instruments provide pilot with elevation and azimuth
PAR - ATC Final provides it to the pilot
Final Approach Fix for a non-precision approach?
Maltese Cross
Ground components of an ILS
- Localizer
- Glide Slope Course
- Marker Beacons
- Approach Lights
Area Forecast vs Terminal Forecast
Area is reported in MSL and Terminal is AGL
Blue/Green Airports vs Brown Airports
Brown airports do not have Instrument Approaches or Radar Minimums
Minimum Enroute Altitude - Guaranteed clearance of 1,000ft in non-mountainous and 2,000 in mountainous
Minimum Enroute Altitude - Guaranteed obstacle clearance of 1,000ft in non-mountainous and 2,000 in mountainousMinimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude with radar reception within 22NM
Contact Approach vs Visual Approach
Contact - At pilots request with 1NM visibility and clear of clouds
Visual - Pilot must have airport or preceding aircraft in sight and proceed VMC
3 Change Over Points
- Halfway Point
- Dogleg
- Change Over Symbol
3 Scanning Errors
- Fixation
- Omission
- Emphasis
3 Fundamentals for Smooth Flight
- Cross-check
- Instrument Interpretation
- Aircraft Control
3 GPS Segments
- Space
- Control
- User
Acceptable deviation of NAV equipment
+/- 4 Degrees on the ground
+/- 6 Degrees in the air