Barrier Concepts, ROM, Landmarks, Palpation, Structural Exam (Practical) Flashcards
Where does spine of scapula, inferior angle of scapula, and iliac crest direct to?
Spine of scapula = T3, Inferior Angle of Scapula = T7, Iliac Crest = L5 (woman) or L4 (man)
Where does T4 line up with?
Nipple line
What’s the rule of 3’s?
Since the transverse processes begin to angle down as you go down the spine, the rule of 3’s provides you the correct lining of transverse process to spinous process. T1-T3 are in line with transverse processes, T4-T6 are half step below, and T7-T10 are a full step below. And then T11 is 1/2 and T12 is same level.
What’s physiological range?
normal range of motion
What’s anatomical barrier?
firm, challenged, painful because past this point is tissue damage and broken bones
What’s physiological barrier?
End of motion or active range for a patient
Elastic barrier
the range between physiological and anatomical that we can find by passive movement
Restrictive barrier
If someone has a functional limit limit that diminishes normal physiological range, so less movement required than physiological range
Where do you begin your structural exam?
The feet up
What are the axises relative to there cross sections?
Sagittal is on horizontal axis, examines flexion/extension
Coronal is on AP axis, side bending
Transverse is on vertical axis, examines rotation
What are normal degrees of cervical spine?
Flexion = 45-90
Extension = 45-90
Rotation = 70-90
Side bending = 30-45
What are normal degrees of motion for thoracic spine?
Side bending: T1-T4 = 5-25, T5-T8 = 10-30, T9-T12 = 20-40
Rotation: T9-T12 = 30-45
What are normal degrees of motion for lumbar spine?
Flexion: 70-90
Extension: 30-45
Side bend: 25-30
What does hip drop test show?
It is active motion on one side that leads to passive motion on the other. EX. right knee bent causes your left lumbar region to passively bend; normal degrees: 25-30
What do you look for when observing and palpating skin?
Texture: rough or smooth, Temperature: cool = somatic dysfunction or chronic and warm = acute dysfunction or inflammation
Do this by comparing both sides of person’s body at same time
How to palpate fascia?
place hands on skin and move around to see if there’s difference in feeling when moving around.
How do you palpate muscle?
Press deeper than fascia and look for stringiness, bogginess, thickness, and ropiness.
What’s the erythema friction rub?
Last step of palpation exam. Take your fingers paraspinally and move them down three times. This should create a red mark, but it should quickly fade away. If it remains on either side that could be sign of somatic dysfunction.
What is order of palpating a patient?
Temperature>Skin Topography>fascia>muscle>tendons>ligaments>erythema friction
Where do you stand for lumbar side bending vs. forward bending?
For side bend you want to be behind patient and for forward bend you want to be at the side of patient.
How to perform Thoracic rotation test?
Patient is seated and the physician is monitoring the transverse processes of T12 and L1, while the patient rotates. Tell patient to stop once you feel L1 move; should be 30-45 degrees.
How to perform a thoracic side bending test for T1-T4, T5-T8, T9-T12?
T1-T4: Place fingers monitoring T4-T5 transverse processes (remember rule of 3s, so transverse are half below). Place your other hand on shoulder with thumb lined with T1, and push down softly until you feel movement in T4-T5 (5-25 degrees). Do same monitoring for T8-T9 (10-30 degrees), and T12-L1 (20-40 degrees).
How to perform thoracic rotation test ONLY at T9-T12?
Monitor T12 and L1, and have patient rotate until L1 starts moving. (30-45 degrees)
How to perform cervical flexion/extension, side bending, and rotation exam?
Monitor C7-T1. Tell patient to bend forward/backward until you feel movement of T1. (45-90 degrees). Same for side bending (30-45 degrees), and rotation (70-90)
What to look at when performing lateral structural exam?
Alignment of ear, head of humerus, third lumbar vertebra, greater trochanter, femoral condyle, and later malleolus.
What to look for when performing anterior structural exam?
See if shoulders unlevel, if ASIS level, level of tibial tuberosities/ or knee height
What to look for in posterior static exam?
level of shoulders, scoliosis, level of iliac crest, level of PSIS